From Margie Carlock I have an empty place in my heart that will never be filled. My dearest brother Billy has left me to go with God. Yours in the Lord, Margie One of the memories I cherish is how much he loved to talk which was a good thing. He never wasted his time on small things. Most of our conversations were about our memories of playing ...
My sister and I were talking about how our Mom would cater to our brother. He never liked food on his plate running into other food, so she found him a sectional plate. Marge tells me that sometimes she would wonder out loud about what they were having for dinner that night. Bill would tell he that Mom asked him what he wanted and he would tell her...
When I was going off to college, Bill and Gail bought me a fine piece of Samsonite luggage to pack my things. Having no suitcases, I sincerely appreciated the support. They also sent me $25 (a month, I think) for spending money. I'm not sure how long they provided that, but having no spending money, this was quite a support! It touched my heart. M...
Carla Del Priore Some great times as a family with Uncle Billy! I had to choose a date. I don't know when the photos were taken.
Carla Del Priore More photos of Uncle Billy! Also an assortment of years...
Laureen Del Priore
Sherry Crescini
Laureen Del Priore
Sherry Crescini The family was all together to celebrate Bill's 82nd birthday.
Jesse Carlock The last time I spoke with my brother, when he was his normal self, I had called him in the hospital before he had his open heart surgery. When he picked up the phone, he said, "This is the morgue, Bill speaking." Always joking, no matter what. He cracked me up! When Kerry and I were learning to play pickle ball this past summer, he thought it would be really funny if I were to take a jar of pickles to the next practice and hand them out. Kerry loved to come home and hear the messages Bill would leave. He loved to make people laugh. He liked the attention too.
As hard as it was to not see him at the end, I would rather picture him as he was: larger than life, constantly joking, always irreverent. When he was younger, he was the life of every party. He taught us how to dive. He taught me how to walk on my hands. He worked every day to make sure that we had what we needed. I don't know that I ever underst...
William John Carlock, 83, of Highland, N.Y. entered into Eternal Life on January 16, 2021. He was a loving Husband, Father and Grandfather. He was born in Jersey City New Jersey to William A. And Margaret Whitaker Carlock. He was married to Gail Accomando Carlock for 56 years. He is survived by his wife, his daughter, Sherry Crescini , ...
Gail Carlock When Bill was younger, he never wore a hat mostly because I would laugh hysterically whenever he put one on and asked me how it looked. Last year I think he embraced his Irish roots and bought this hat. It suited him and did not make me laugh.
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