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Join MemoriesThe watery essence of a raindrop becomes vast and inviolable when it meets the ocean. (Friends, please try to enter a date, even if it's approximate or just the year only, for your entry. That way, the Timeline function can organize the entries and pics into chronological sequence. Thanks!)
Family and friends
Pohsuan Zaide 1975 - the year we first met at McMaster University, in Hamilton, Ontario. Behind us is the rooming house where Wendy and I lived for four years. Lots of soul-lifting and soul-wrenching moments: cooking, eating, laughing, late night talking & crying (mostly about boyfriends), cramming for exams, imagining our futures, finding ourselves. Forty five years of friendship, through different lives and paths, but the bond remains and will live on. I mourn your absence, my Woodchuck, but celebrate the gift of your life and your friendship. Death is not the end. You will forever be in my heart!
Joyee Toh 2007 - the year I knew Wendy. I was hired as green badge in Intel & she was probably one of the few who treated me no difference like a normal colleague despite the “role” status. I always remember her as the smiling, positive & the most kind hearted lady I ever knew in my life. Despite the busy work, she always have that beautiful big smile & her sparking eyes whenever I walked to her desk and asked about work matters. When I rejoined Intel in 2013, I was very happy to work with her again! She was someone whom I always remember in my heart & definitely looking forward to meet again. Although she left shortly, I’m grateful that we had the chance to catch up as friends over lunch & dinner. When we shared with each other on life & family, she was always giving me encouragement about baby & jobs. I really loved all our conversations! I never knew she was facing adversity & that’s so Wendy because she never wanted others to worry about her. Thank you my dearest Wendy for all the well wishes & this wonderful friendship. Thank you for being the sweetest friend who never failed to text me on key occasions, most recently when I delivered Xavier & my first mothers day.. I’m counting my blessings that I have the chance to know you in my life. You are truly an angel on earth & I know it’s time for you to return to heaven.. I know the other angels can’t wait to have you in heaven because you are too addictive! Love you & forever missing you Wendy.. till we meet again!
Pohsuan Zaide Remembering you over the years. Wish we could’ve had more years with you. You left too soon. 🥰
jayant murty Wendy and I joined Intel within months of each other about 20 years ago. I had several opportunities to work alongside her. Wendy's calmness against all odds was inspiring and her kindness was unmatched and disarming. I was never in the same office as Wendy but I would seek her out at the Singapore office on most of my frequent visits to the city. Interactions were always about life, most often over a quick coffee, seldom planned, and always spontaneous. We left Intel within a few months of each other too. This picture was taken in the summer of 2015 after we had done a stage event together, the details of which I don't have the faintest recollection. You will be missed, always be remembered and I will try and be at least a little like you.
Jennifer Leong Wendy has been a good friend for many years. We made so many good memories together at work, over lunches & dinners, and a few overseas trips. And this get-together on 26 June 2015 was the most memorable one for me personally. We spoke about leading a tai-tai life...and decided to take an afternoon off (from work and home commmitment) to enjoy the tai-tai's life. We had hi-tea at Sentosa's Capella Hotel, follow-by an evening stroll along Sentosa Cove "window shopping" for our dream yacht; and checking out the luxury apartments. It was a perfect day and we ended that day feeling like a tai-tai. Wendy, you will be missed and the memories we shared will never be forgotten.
Pohsuan Zaide Circa 2015 - "You can shed tears because she is gone, or you can smile because she has lived." David Harkins
Peggy Khoo Wendy has been a friend for so many years. Although we hardly work with each other at Intel, we just clicked so well together. Always gathering to have lunch or coffee and chatting about anything under the sky. The last I met with Wendy was November 2019 having our favourite Kueh Pie ti lunch and she was relating her then medical condition. Wendy has always been high spirited, joyful and hopeful. I am grateful to have known Wendy and will miss her dearly. I love you Wendy! Rest in peace.
Pohsuan Zaide Your body is away from me but there is a window open from my heart to yours. From this window, like the moon I keep sending news secretly. (Rumi)
Cheryl Liew When Wendy visited us in San Francisco - always such a shining light
Tracy Ho Wendy and me have been friends for the last 20 years or more. I never could remember. She joined Intel from Guinness as the PR manager. Wendy has the most friends in Intel. Anybody who knows her becomes her friends. She is very generous with all her friends with her time and advice. Wendy and me spend a lot of our time together talking about investments... both of us try so many investment stuff that it is hilarious and full of fun. We had fixed deposits, bought Gold, bought those 10 years stuff cause it was safe and we don’t have to bother. We bought property together from Singapore to London. We had so much fun and learnings. Wendy is the perpetual optimist and we had lots of planned to travel the world together when we retired. We had it all map out especially London as the base and We explore from there. Well, now she is with the lord and will be exploring from up there which she can see all at once and much faster. Just like Wendy always have a planned in place. Wendy enjoyed your Angel hood you deserved it. Your friend Tracy.
Lilian Heng
Pohsuan Zaide Remarkably, Wendy's guitar, that she gave to a friend when she left Canada in 1979, has emerged today! It will soon find its way back to Des and Steven, her beloved daughter and son-in-law. Thanks, Sandra, for holding on to it for 40 years!
“Chris it’s so wonderful to hear you’re back in Singapore” always getting the warmest welcome from the quintessential Singapore lady- Wendy!. Tracy and I were fondly remembering our gatherings and meals over the years- it brought so many smiles. From her educating me with a laugh about orchard towers, to deciphering singlish and hokkien to intro...
Eddie Toh Wendy has been a good friend. She is always positive and a great person to talk to. I will miss you, “sis”. Photos are from various Intel events in 2012 & 2009
I had the privilege of working with her for over 5 years and knew her much longer. I always felt a connect with her, she was wise beyond her years, having faced many challenges and yet optimistic and kind, interacting with her filled you with new energy. She will always be in my prayers. I am sure she is making people feel happy and loved wherever ...
Paula Levy Loved working with Wendy. We realised we’d both be in Tokyo at the same time so we decided to meet up. It’s was suffocatingly hot 35 degrees and instead of walking through the imperial gardens we opted for lunch and cool drinks. She was such a beautiful soul always smiling and laughing. Kindness personified- love you Wendy and will miss you lots ❤️❤️
Pohsuan Zaide Your absence leaves behind a thundering silence, and I will think about all the lovely, quirky, vulnerable effervescence about you, for, as the poet said, "in the dew of little things, the heart finds its morning and is refreshed." (Gibran) <3
Pohsuan Zaide Not a memory, but a consolation for those left behind. Dedicated to DLH. When you lose someone you love, Your life becomes strange, The ground beneath you gets fragile, Your thoughts make your eyes unsure; And some dead echo drags your voice down Where words have no confidence. Your heart has grown heavy with loss; And though this loss has wounded others too, No one knows what has been taken from you When the silence of absence deepens. Flickers of guilt kindle regret For all that was left unsaid or undone. There are days when you wake up happy; Again inside the fullness of life, Until the moment breaks And you are thrown back Onto the black tide of loss. Days when you have your heart back, You are able to function well Until in the middle of work or encounter, Suddenly with no warning, You are ambushed by grief. It becomes hard to trust yourself. All you can depend on now is that Sorrow will remain faithful to itself. More than you, it knows its way And will find the right time To pull and pull the rope of grief Until that coiled hill of tears Has reduced to its last drop. Gradually, you will learn acquaintance With the invisible form of your departed; And, when the work of grief is done, The wound of loss will heal And you will have learned To wean your eyes From that gap in the air And be able to enter the hearth In your soul where your loved one Has awaited your return All the time. “For Grief” by John O’Donohue, from To Bless the Space Between Us: A Book of Blessings (Doubleday, 2008).
Pohsuan Zaide 1237 King Street West, Hamilton, Ontario - the house in which we had hundreds of late night conversations about life and love (1975-79). Happy Birthday, dearest friend. I miss you and will always love you.
A year passed so quickly.. TO QUOTE FROM KAHLIL GIBRAN " When you part from your friend, you grieve not; For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence, as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain." With these words I convey my love to you Wendy for the 40 or more years of friendship . And for the smiles and time...