Wendy and I first met at Park Hall in Ben Lomond during an MCT Musical, "Girl Crazy" in 1986. Wendy was in the cast and I was running sound. Since then our lives together have been a joy, delight, challenge, and adventure, filled with life altering experiences. Together we have been thru far more ups, downs and sideways motions than the average hum...
Marie Giovanna Wendy has been in my life for most of my life... as a young 8 year old girl, I adored her. The feeling has never changed... Through all the years and through all our changes, we have remained family. I am forever grateful for the love, support and laughter we have shared. I love you always my Dear Sister... ☀️
Robin Share This was at a party somewhere in Santa Cruz, probably after a show, circa 1978 or 1979. I can't for the life of my remember what sort of costume Wendy is wearing there -- Groucho Marx? And that mysterious look -- who know!?!
Wendy and I met when doing shows at the Holiday Barn Dinner Theatre in Scotts Valley. We had the most fun doing Guys and Dolls - Wendy was Sarah Brown and I played Adelaide. One of my fondest memories was warming up together before the show. We would huddle in the bathroom doing our makeup and practicing Wendy's most difficult song: "I'll Know." Sh...
Steve Edmonds Ah... Wanda Wendy Wellington Wells. Stunning, Spectacular, Sensuous, Stupendous, Striking, Stirring. No assistance needed by me or anyone. A most wonderous Woman making her mark on the world.
Barbara OHara Wendy was a hot mama when I first met her.. in the early 80’s…. Picture of us girls with baby Eric Pictures of Wendy’s visit to Roseville ❤️
Barbara OHara Wendy was a hot mama when I first met her.. in the early 80’s…. Picture of us girls with baby Eric Pictures of Wendy’s visit to Roseville ❤️
Wendy is one of my oldest and dearest friends. We go back over 40 years in the production of Guys and Dolls at the Holiday Barn Theater in Scotts Valley, California in 1980. We were two of the four leads along with Peter Troxell and Robin Share. We had an amazing cast in the show. We all became friends and were real close. And we partied! 18 perfor...
Barbara OHara Wendy was a hot mama when I first met her.. in the early 80’s…. Picture of us girls with baby Eric Pictures of Wendy’s visit to Roseville ❤️
Barbara OHara Wendy was a hot mama when I first met her.. in the early 80’s…. Picture of us girls with baby Eric Pictures of Wendy’s visit to Roseville ❤️
Barbara OHara Wendy was a hot mama when I first met her.. in the early 80’s…. Picture of us girls with baby Eric Pictures of Wendy’s visit to Roseville ❤️
Barbara OHara Wendy was a hot mama when I first met her.. in the early 80’s…. Picture of us girls with baby Eric Pictures of Wendy’s visit to Roseville ❤️
Greg Sides
Our dear Wendy Edmonds… always smiling, joyful, ebullient - forever a shining star! We feel connected to you… welcoming us always with your heart wide open! Smiling eyes! Positive energy abounding, strong and fearless in the face of adventure and life challenges that we only ever caught a glimpse of. Wendy — on stage or back stage with MCT — ...
Steve Edmonds My Best Friend, my partner, compatriot, fellow adventurer, soul-mate, and wedded wife. You have enriched my life beyond measure.
Dearest Wendy, I have many memories of precious time spent in your presence... both on and off the stage! You shone bright in both realms. A smile always becomes my face when I think of the Chile Cook Off/Horseshoe torniment... "Hopeless But Trying, Sponsored by Meatless but Looking!" Much Love and Peace Brad
I met Wendy when she first starting working with MCT in the 1980's . She had a small but really good part in "My Three Angels" which I was directing. There was one part of her entrance which we had the funniest time getting her to turn in the odd ways I wanted. We laughed a whole lot going over the entrance five, six who knows how many times. A hap...
Steve Edmonds Wendy & I are truly blessed to have had so many wonderful friends throughout our lives. We than you all for helping us share and enjoy our lives together.
Steve Edmonds Ahh... The Theater
Scott Edmonds Writes a memory of Wendy: I can't say what year it was. The 80s were a long time ago. It may not have been my first encounter with Wendy. But I knew very little about this sweet lady who I feel very fortunate to have come to call my sister. Steve & Wendy were down in southern CA for a visit with our side of the family, and the th...
Hazel DaVolt Wendy I love our fun memories of our family gatherings. I’ve missed seeing you. You have an amazing spirit and an infectious laugh. I have always thought you look so much like my mom your aunt Beverly. I recently told a friend about my talented cousin who joined the circus. Your mom was so proud of you. She was always telling me fantastic news about your adventures. I love you, your cousin Hazel DaVolt “Stay in the shelter of His wings. “ You are in my prayers.
Hazel DaVolt Our family ❤️
Hi Wendy , I loved getting together with you and Steve at our family gathering in Oregon and California. You have the kindest spirit and and infectious laugh. I always thought you look so much like my mom, your aunt Beverly. I miss seeing you. Your mom was so proud of you. She was always telling me about your great adventure. I was just telling a...
Steve Edmonds May All Your Days Be Circus Daze!
Rusty and Diana Springfield We first met Wendy and Steve when we joined the Ringling Brothers and Barnum&Bailey Circus in 1990, and instantly became fast friends. Since then, we have only grown to love them more. How could you not?
Steve Edmonds Many vacations over the years. Many places shared with many friends, both old and new. And throughout them all, Wendy's smiling face and joyous, adventurous Spirit shined on everyone.
Steve Edmonds You and no other.
Dear Wendy You are such a special, warm, beautiful woman and I loved sharing your experiences and your travels through your Barnum and Bailey days. Don't know anyone who worked for Barnum and it was a treat as you told your story and my mind was playing the movie. There is a list of wonderful memories at your yearly holiday parties, dinners with f...
I am a little late to this wonderful memory book as I have been in vacation. I can't exactly recall which came first when meeting Wendy (at MCT or in the real estate world) but I recall working with Wendy and Steve when they were looking for a house to purchase, perhaps 2000? It sticks in my mind that they were re-locating from "over the hill" (...
Mia Bossie Too many memories to count. So sweet and kind you are, and so full of fun. Our first big adventure was the cruise for Steve's 50th. You made signs for each of our doors, ours is still on our bedroom door at home. We have shared joys and sorrows. You and Steve are in our hearts forever.
Rusty and Diana Springfield Our favorite memories with Wendy are the trips we took together. Wendy's laugh is so contagious!
Rusty and Diana Springfield Our favorite memories with Wendy are the trips we took together. Wendy's laugh is so contagious!
Rusty and Diana Springfield
I first met Wendy and Steve soon after Michele and I moved to the SLV (Ben Lomond at that time) in April 2008. I think it was through MCT. In their typical generous and warm way, Wendy and Steve went out of their way to introduce us to friends of theirs to make us feel welcome and settle in to our new home, where we didn't know anyone. It chang...
We don't know exactly what year it was that we first met Wendy, but we started to get involved in Mountain Community Theater productions around 2010, when our son was about 15. Wendy was always there, organizing volunteers or managing the house, doing whatever needed to be done to make sure the show would go on. We became friends with both Wendy an...
Michele Estrin-Gelblum What a fun day we had on Steve and Wendy's boat on Anderson Lake.
Michele Estrin-Gelblum One of our 2 trips to Huatulaco with Wendy and Steve. We had a marvelous time with them and our friends from LA Jim and Susan Walker. We took a day trip to a butterfly farm and hung out in the infinity pool and did more than our share of drinking.
Jessica Johnson High-Tech Wendy! I used to make fun of her little flip phone. I met Wendy thru Steve. He said we'd like each other and he was right. Thank you Steve! She joined my "self-coaching" group in Santa Cruz. We were just a random group of women sitting in a tea shop giving each other advice to avoid paying therapists. And we had great conversations and gave each other the advice we should have given ourselves most of the time. When the group ended, I only kept in touch with Wendy. Being part of a heist is on my bucket list. For years now, I've been recruiting Wendy as our get-away driver. Who would suspect this Golden Girl Cougar of anything nefarious? Who would suspect she has such an interesting life story? Who would suspect she's seen so much love and loss? Who would suspect she gives the best hugs and amazing advice? Who would suspect that she could make you feel heard, really heard, just by listening? Around my mothers age, Wendy is my oldest friend, and yet any unseeing eavesdropper would be hard-pressed to know it. I could never connect with my mother like I do with Wendy. She makes it easy to be her friend. Wendy has enriched my life. I cherish her friendship. I love you Wendy!!
Michele Estrin-Gelblum We had so much fun camping on the island in Utica Lake with Larry and Kathie and celebrated Wendy's birthday in addition. Wendy really isn't a fan of camping but she was a very good sport about celebrating her birthday in her jammies.
Michele Estrin-Gelblum We celebrated Wendy's birthday on our camping trip to Utica reservoir with Larry and Kathie.
Wendy is one of those special people who made you feel like you were the only person that mattered when you were with her. My time with her was never enough; she always had such interesting stories to share and was a HUGE supporter of live music and theater. Every time I was at her house she always made a point of nudging me toward their piano, a...
LaNette Parker Summer 2015 you met Ian (age 9), Simon (age 6) and me (who never ages) for lunch and told my young boys all about what it was like to be part of the circus. They still talk about how much fun they had that day, even though they are all grown up, now 17 and 14. They absolutely adore you.
Peter Gelblum This is the earliest photo I could find of Wendy, Steve, Michele and me, although I'm sure there are many more somewhere. We traveled to Hawaii together and had many adventures, including this visit to a replica of a Japanese temple.
Helen Souranoff It was late Winter of 2017, and my mother had recently passed on. I was looking for some volunteer work to keep my mind from slipping, and I found MCT's web site online. I contacted them, and I was invited to a meeting for 'The Lion in Winter.' We met at Kathy K's house, and that is where I met Wendy for the first of many times after that. The production was in need of a set dresser; since I had some theatre experience, I volunteered for the job. At the meeting, I met a few other folks. When witnessing a heated but passionate interchange between the Director (Wendy) and a Tech person (Steve), I was told this was normal and this is how it's worked out; I felt I saw a wonderful thing: a thriving, alive partnership in them. I was inspired. Not only was Wendy willing to take a chance on a newbie to the group, but she also accepted a broken me, which is how I felt upon my mama's passing. Wendy was very supportive of me, especially during that difficult time. We went on to work on other MCT shows together, in various roles. One Easter, Wendy and Steve dropped by for Brunch, which was part of the traditional celebration of my most favourite holiday of all. The Infamous Parties on Hazel!! The laughter and/or tears every time we talked, I appreciate Wendy so much for this. Thank you, Wendy. I don't know if I am ready to say goodby, so I will say 'until next time', as we will hopefully meet again in another lifetime. You are an inspiration, a good friend, and above all, Loved. XOXO Helen S.
Tara McMilin Tangible Team Love ❤️ Sunday, July 9, 2017. Such a satisfying and unifying way of building bonds and supporting community: collaborative cleaning and moving furniture. Fun with friends/theatre family @ the home of Rita Wadsworth. ❤️🤝🎭🏡 Wendy you were working hard, and, as usual, you found a way to compliment everyone else's work...voicing specific commendations freely as you worked your bum off. As my video camera scanned the room of all the theatre friends "collaboratively" trying to figure out how to place Rita's furniture, you, Wendy, raised your beer to me, smiled, and exclaimed, "Hey, there sexy lady!" You always find a way to make others feel special. THANK YOU!
Michele Estrin-Gelblum Wendy has always been vocal about her political beliefs. "Elect a clown, Expect a circus" is a rather mild comment on our prior president.
Steve Goodman These shots are from 2018. Boulder Creek July 4th parade. Such festive entertainers. That’s my great grandson Zayvion Wendy is holding.
LaNette Parker Wendy supporting Simon, a young thespian, in 2019 in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer...and look at him now - Rooster, the con artist brother of Ms. Hannigan. You gave him courage and confidence to take risks on stage - this quiet introvert brought the house down with his comedic chops. I will always be grateful for the gift of your love and caring in Simon's life.
The time spent with Wendy through MCT has always been entertaining I remember when Steve was busy with his pirate persona and Wendy looked at me and said "I am just about done with the pirate stuff.
Sailing on the lake and playing and shouting KOOFER AY!!!!! We had so much fun playing that game I also loved being one of the Four Old Broads with you!! What delicious fun—— you in that wheel chair and me in that awful dumpy costume sneaking candy. Remember our shtick with the telephone wire?? I love you forever and ever my sweet friend Kū-Kulani...
Jessica Johnson I think 99% of all our lunches and dinners were at Mexican restaurants. LOL! I always feel better after spending time with Wendy. We share an understanding that the world is bent but that people are resilient. She's the most resilient, dynamic, vivacious and kind-hearted people I know.
Wendy, I’ve never met a woman nor will I ever meet one that can tell me a story like yours. When we first met I felt like a child hearing a picture book of the Barnum and Bailey Circus from the front seat. The description of your tiny railway car home is still in my brain. Wendy, what a unique and wonderful life you and Steve have and all the...
All during the COVID lockdown - two years or so - Wendy, Steve, Tara, and Michele and I were a pod. We got together at one of our houses pretty much every week, without masks, and didn't see many other people. We never got tired of each other - far from it; we had a lot of fun, playing cards, watching movies, eating popcorn and peanut M&Ms, drink...
Jessica Johnson Wendy visiting me in a park after my surgery during the pandemic. Always a smile, always a hug, always a kind word.
Jessica Johnson Another great dinner with Wendy. We would talk for hours and it always felt like minutes.
Peter Gelblum On the north shore of Lake Chapala when Wendy and Steve were first exploring the area, and we drove around the entire lake. These pelicans were hanging out there because a truck came by and dumped a huge load of fish parts from local restaurants.
Peter Gelblum Wendy and Steve MC'ing the Boulder Creek 4th of July parade.
Bonnie Collins Trip to Long Beach WA 9/23/3022 for our 16th wedding anniversary
Karen Watts Nauman My husband Jeff & I met Wendy & Steve in Ajijic MX, last spring at a great outside music bar, El Barco. We had just moved from OR to MX in Feb. that year. It was an immediate bromance with Steve & Jeff, they liked each other's big grins! It was the start of a great friendship for us all. Wendy caught me up in her incredible allure, I looked to her as a wise woman surrounded by warmth & beauty. We all had so much fun dancing for hours on Sundays to music and hearing great live music all over our villages here in Lake Chapala. This was taken at our favorite Baja style restaurant (we are from So. Cal), La Pacena, on Jeff's birthday. We have not known Wendy as long but she made a huge impact on us in this short time. We are so grateful.
JAY HOLIDAY I just love Wendy. These pictures were taken in Mexico when Eva and I were hosted by Wendy and her life long loving Steve.
Tara McMilin Beautiful, graceful, gracious and strong one---elegant Wendy . . . . words cannot adequately express how grateful I am that we were able to share seven days together in December of 2022, creating new and lasting memories. Your quiet strength and ever persistent compassionate heart continue to inspire others--even as you are faced with incredible hardship and trauma. You amaze me! More memoires and stories to come. For now, here are a few quick reflections, in photo form. Enjoy!
Peter Gelblum The resident alligator at the Chapala paradise.
Peter Gelblum Wendy's not in this one, but it's from our second trip to Chapala, the paradise that Wendy and Steve found in 2022.
Lisa Schultis Wendy, I have only known you for a little under 2 years. And you have made such a lasting impression on me. You sparkle and light up any room you walk into. You have one of the most beautiful souls I have ever known. Thank you for sharing your beautiful, loving, hilarious and gracious self with me. I love you Wendy! ❤️
Now we goto party at your house. One jam party, Itoook all my equipment & had friends play But i played on everything for 5 hours. Lots of Hendricks. next time i showed up for jam, drummer Natzi took over 7 just plugged them into my amp until i had to leave at midnight. no prob. i helped george wife get her earring back on & kiss Ruth. Oh , you mig...
Now about you as a singer. In the jams, you practiced & had the band behind you.....killed it & so good & have perfect pitch.
Lew loved, and I love, Wendy as our own. Your Uncle Richard thought Wendy was the best thing that ever happened to Steve, and I agree. We all love you, Wendy!
Wendy has been a part of my family for many years, having been with/married to my brother Steve for many years. There isn't room here to list all of the fond memories that I have of Wendy, and I can't think of ANY memories that I have that aren't fond ones. I will try to give a few specifics here. All of my memories of Wendy are happy ones. Wend...
Now, as an actor, you practiced the parts when when you were the star actor at Mountain Community Theatre. It paid off as a witness!
Jerry here, I will start with when you told me orange juice is bad for teeth
Then I need to have you remember when you went to school to be an auctioneer. Pretty good at it , humma hummabota $650 dollars You bought it
Then there is the circus. on the train to every town they went, you two went. a lot of stories. especially what was left on the tracks! Ha!
& i have to say you married a good guy. Mark M & I knew him through work & became good friends fo over 30 years. We would go up the hill & help with MCT ,painting, working the door, doing lights, sound. one time, I arrived late because of traffic on 880. The after party people said" what's up with 800, we thought you guys lived here!"
I don’t know what to say about this one of a kind woman. She has treated me like family and always accepted me as I was. My heart is filled with the sound of her laughter and images of her smile. She and Steve have been an inspiration to me and thus responsible for my current happiness. I love you so much Wendy, you are so special to me.
Peter Gelblum Dearest , and I do mean dearest, Wendy, you are the sweetest, kindest, most generous person I have ever met. You are always trying to figure out - no, I don't think it's a conscious effort, you are always SENSING - what you can do for others, seemingly never concerned with yourself. You're finding out now, in your last days, if you didn't know before, how that has impacted all those people you cared for and about - you can see it in the parade of people coming from all over the country to see you and touch you and care for you and thank you and serenade you and return some of the love and kindness and sweetness you have showered on others for so long. I hope you recognize that that's what's happening. I love you.
Wendy is so sweet and funny and it is always fun at her and Steve's house for parties. I love her sense of humor and I am so so glad to know her. She's been through a lot. I love you Wendy, tall Donna
Mia Bossie So many sweet memories over the years. You and your love Steve came into our lives through MCT and gratefully never left. Our first big adventure was the cruise to Mexico for Steve's birthday. You made signs for everyone's cabin door. Presumably so we could find each other, but after the tequila tasting it sure came in handy to find our own rooms 😊 We still have ours on our bedroom door, the happy feelings go on forever. I cherish all of our times together.
Linda Anderson Us girls at the Dream Inn.
My my most lasting impressions of Wendy. Her smile. The light of her smile caught me off guard. How can a smile be that bright? Her spirit. Her endlessly delightful spirit is undeniable. It’s the source of the brightness for that beautiful smile. When I first met Wendy I thought, who is that beautiful white haired woman with the electric smile ligh...
Bonnie Collins Family memories ❤️
Wendy, You are such a beautiful, sweet, kind-hearted and loving woman. While this ravenous, insatiable and heartless disease takes its toll on your body, it cannot touch your spirit. That is yours, to keep to the end . . . wherever that leads you. Thank you for sharing you with all of us.
Karen Watts Nauman We met Steve & Wendy at El BarCo, a rooftop music venue in Ajijic, MX in 2022. Our favorite band was Tekila Blues, which we enjoyed many days dancing like fools. As super fans, Steve & Wendy got to know the band & so when I explained the reason for their absence, the members wanted to send a tribute song to let them know they are in their thoughts. The guitarist Kiki picked this song, 'Thank You' by Led Zeppelin for the beautiful words that he felt describes their relationship. The beginning lyrics are: "If the sun refused to shine I would still be loving you When mountains crumble to the sea There will still be you and me" Sending mucho love de Mexico
From George Young: Memories from Cats Restaurant in Los Gatos 5 years ago? Dinner engagement with Wendy and Steve, Peggy and Mark, Jerry and Crew. Wendy was describing their life aboard the Barum Bailey Circus Trains. Wendy's description of the characters involved was so vivid. It was the most memorable experience for me I could visually picture th...
Karen Watts Nauman One of the waitresses at El BarCo, the music venue was crushed when she learned that her favorite customer, Wendy had left Mexico. She asked me to video tape a short message to Wendy. She sends mucho love to her.
Karen Watts Nauman Again, at El BarCo where Jeff & I met Steve & Wendy. We have so many wonderful memories here so Jeff wanted to send his love.
So blessed to visit you my sweet cousin, Steve & your daughter Andrea while we were in CA. ❤️ Bonnie & Dennis
Happy Birthday in Heaven to my sweet cousin 🙏❤️ 2024
Join Memories to request access to contribute your cherished photos, videos, and stories to Wendy's memory board with others who loved them.
Join MemoriesYour shared memories and reflections in words, photos, and videos of your relationship with Wendy will bring her much joy and be a lasting gift for her family and friends for generations to come.
Family and friends