Deirdre Cusack
🕯 Robyn Fletcher lit a candle To Deirdre and Family, I am really sorry to hear about Vince. He was such a nice man. Steve and I are thinking of you. Steve and Robynxxoo
🕯 Frank Williams lit a candle To Deirdre and Family, Tina and I would like to convey our Deepest sympathy for the loss of our Friend and Fellow Nasho Vince. Vince had become a close friend and we had many happy conversations together, Deirdre we will still see plenty of you. Frank and Tina.xx
🕯 Heather Galvin lit a candle Farewell my only Uncle. Will miss you. Love you. xxx
🕯 Sue Gildersleeve lit a candle Dear Dee and Family I was so sorry to hear about the passing of Vince. He was a lovely man. My thoughts are with you all . Take care Dee and will catch up soon x Sue xxxx
🕯 Terri Reid lit a candle Sorry Adam, thumbs not working, Terri.
🕯 Terri Reid lit a candle Deirdre,Andrew, Alexandra & Alicia, Sorry to hear of Vinces passing, keep strong, love to you all "the Reids"
🕯 David Bartholomew lit a candle Farewell Vince. Deirdre, our deepest sypmathy to you and your family. His harem will miss him. On behalf of your tenpin bowling friends.
🕯 Edmund Gerrard lit a candle Sincerest condolences and sympathies to Deidre and family on the passing of Vince a truly remarkable husband and father. It was our pleasure and privilege to know him. He was so helpful and had a terrific sense of humour. RIP Vince. Ed & Geraldine Gerrard lit a candle for Vince.
🕯 Bruce Reedman lit a candle May you Rest in Peace Vince. Blessings to Deidre and Family-Bruce Reedman -Welfare Officer Redlands National Servicemen's Branch
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