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Join MemoriesDearest mother and friend, You were a beautiful person, a kind and gentle soul who was an inspiration to us all. You gave us your wisdom, your kindness, your strength of character and your acceptance of all things. We will miss you forever May you rest in peace.
Family and friends
🌷 Kaye Mattfield Mattfield gave a flower
🕯 Monique Berkhout lit a candle friend
Family McLernon
Family McLernon
Family McLernon
🌷 Family McLernon gave a flower
Family McLernon
Family McLernon
🕯 Monique Berkhout lit a candle
🕯 Ron Campbell lit a candle
Family McLernon
🕯 Helen McLernon lit a candle
Family McLernon
Kaye Mattfield Mattfield
Kaye Mattfield Mattfield
Family McLernon
The world has tilted off its axis. My beautiful mum will share no more cuppas with me but with her mum instead. She has missed her chats with her mum as I will with mine. "May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rains fall soft upon your fields, and until we meet again, m...
Family McLernon
🌷 Helen McLernon gave a flower
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
Lina McLernon
I had the honour of meeting Shirley McLernon in 1982.... I met her daughter Helen and spent the day at a park out aways from Perth throwing ball with Helen and her family, including Mr. McLernon. It was a wonderful sunny day!. I remember the ball that I missed rolling off into the brush. I went to retrieve the ball when stopped by yelling from Mr. ...