Robert Carr, a beloved husband, father, and mate, passed away peacefully on July 5, 2023. He leaves behind a legacy of love, kindness, and enduring memories that will forever be cherished by those who had the privilege of knowing him. Robert was born in Brisbane. From a young age, it was clear that he possessed a remarkable spirit and an unwavering determination that would guide him throughout hi... more
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Join MemoriesMary Carr
Mary Carr Video tribute honouring Robert's life journey
Mary Carr Never missed a moment to hit the dance floor. Will forever miss the spin moves you thought were smooth 😃
Mary Carr Rob loved going for walks with his grandkids. Never missed a moment to provide life lessons!
Mary Carr Remembering one of Robert's favourite pictures - he fondly recalled memories of seeing QE II in Brisbane with his parents when he was six years old.
Jennifer Morris Christmas 2022
Laura Carr Robert’s father in his school years (front row, 4th from left)
Laura Carr Known for smoked ribs, his secret recipe lives on, just ask Mary 😋
Sarah Smith Robert as a toddler. What a cutie!
Sarah Smith Robert in his last year at Brisbane Primary School
Mary Carr Robert's parents Joan and Kenneth in the 40s.
David Carr Robert loved Geoffrey Rush in Shine!
David Carr Rob's favourite beach destination - Yallingup, WA. So many fun times building sandcastle and catching waves 🌊
David Carr
Robert, your sunny outlook was contagious! Continues to drive us everyday 💪
Rob was known to say "Be kind to unkind people they need it most!!!"
Mary Carr Rob's love of cars started early
Mary Carr Rob and his baby sister Jennifer.
Mary Carr Rob's brother David and sister Jennifer.
Jennifer Morris Robert's mantra. Thank you for all the life lessons.
Matthew Robert's most-loved song, "Wouldn't It Be Nice" by The Beach Boys. It always put him in a good mood!
Mary Carr Another one of Rob and Laura. They loved posing for photos ❤️ So cute!
Mary Carr Our France trip was amazing!! His favourite country to visit 🇫🇷 The Champs Elysees puzzled him as he couldn't comprehend why they built it there
"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever." - Alfred Lord Tennyson
Mary Carr Chess was his favourite board game.
Sarah Smith Family holiday in Vancouver with Grandad.... Nothing stopped him playing with the kids.
David Carr Dad's childhood photo
Mary Carr Coney Island Beach - One of Robert's favourite restaurants, he loved sitting out here and feeding the birds.
John Little So many memories.... We were so lucky to work and travel the globe 🌎
John Little Robert loved a quote, this is one of his favourites
John Little Europe trip crica 1974, Robert on the right with his famous leather jacket 🏴 We barely made it out of that pub alive
Mary Carr Love this, Rob and Jennifer living the Beatles life in the forest 🤣
Jennifer Morris 31 Redfern Drive, the first house that Robert lived in.
Mary Carr Chamonix, Auvergne-Rhône, my hero!! ❤️❤️
Mary Carr Robert’s office at HP Australia in the 1990s