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Family and friends
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
🕯 Carol Shaw lit a candle In loving memory of a good friend, who has left us too soon, we think the world of you Pete, we have had some good laughs, and will always remember your cheery personality, and good humour, you will be sadly missed,and our love to Dot, we will always be here for you, R.I.P Pete , Love Carol & Rick xxx
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
The early morning calls while I worked the night shift in the hotel just because you woke up early, the crazy singing sessions, the copious glasses of wine, the devine dinners and the many many laughs. I'm going to miss your cheeky Scottish accent on the end of the phone. Love you my friend. To you Dot all my love and prayers to you my friend at ...
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Frances Scott
🌷 Frances Scott gave a flower we are separated again not only by oceans or miles but different worlds . You were and will always be close to my heart in Spirit. Your loving
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
Mrs Dorothy Iannetta
🕯 Pete Iannetta lit a candle Missing you Dad xx
🕯 Dave Anderson lit a candle Dear Dot, So sorry to hear of the passing of "your Pete" and also your dad, we are trying to remember the good times we spent together, we especially will miss his laugh, cooking tips and his friendship, may God bless and strengthen you during this difficult time. Love from Dave and Elaine
Order of Service
Family Feud - please email if you have troubles playing
Words from Frances, sister of Peter I cannot be there for my brother to-day and that makes me sad, for when we were growing up, Peter was there for me when I needed him and I was there for him. We helped each other in bad times but these last few years he relied on Dot and family, friends, work colleagues ,nurses and doctors and I thank you all for...
Eulogy by Pete Jnr I considered starting with a joke, just like the song says and just like Dad loved doing, but maybe I’ll save that for the reception. Dad spent his whole life trying to make people happy, and make them laugh. He always looked on the positive side of everything, much to my annoyance at times. But to be honest, I always knew that i...
Dad's Service - send email to if you have troubles playing
🕯 Mrs Dorothy Iannetta lit a candle To my husband Peter, you are the most beautiful person that I have ever met. Thank you for the wonderful 20 years that we spent together, for the love we shared, for the laughter, the smiles, the loving, the devotion to each other, the fun, the good and not so good times, through all this our love has stayed ext...
🕯 Mrs Dorothy Iannetta lit a candle Thank you to everyone that has been there for Peter and myself through the years. To the family and friends that have loved us and been by our side through the good and bad times. Peter would say that you have all been "MARVELLOUS". A special thank you to Frances, we both love you so much, you have always been t...
🕯 Mrs Dorothy Iannetta lit a candle
🕯 Mrs Dorothy Iannetta lit a candle Love you Peter, missing you heaps, forever and ever in my heart. Love Dot.
🕯 Mrs Dorothy Iannetta lit a candle My beautiful husband Peter, wish you were here, I love you so much, nothing can ever change the love we have between us. Love you always and in every way. Love Dot.
🕯 Mrs Dorothy Iannetta lit a candle To Peter, I love you so much, wish I could hold you in my arms and hug and kiss you again, maybe that will happen sooner than later! The world is an empty and sad place without you in it. I love you so much, forever in my heart. From your adoring wife, Dotty.
🕯 Mrs Dorothy Iannetta lit a candle I love you Peter, my beautiful husband, I cannot stop thinking of you, you are always in my heart. Thank you for 20 fantastic years of love. Love Dotty.
🌷 Mrs Dorothy Iannetta gave a flower Happy Birthday my beautiful Peter, hope you enjoy the scotch whiskey and oysters with the angels - ENJOY - wish I could be there with you. I love you so much, my heart is totally yours, so until we meet again - Cheers.