15th April, 1954 - 30th August, 2020蒙主恩召,安息主怀。 现择定于9月2日2020年(星期三)上午10时正出殡,随后移柩安葬于巴生中路六支仙境山庄风景墓园。 谨此敬告亲朋戚友们及主内弟兄姐妹。 仙境殡葬服务:吧生仙境殡葬服务 联络电话: 019-2625288 (宜展) Always remembered by family and loved ones. Cortege leaves at Lot 24, Jalan Cox, 41400 Klang,Selangor. on Wednesday, 2 September 2020 at 10am, thereafter cortege will leave for burial service at Fairy Park (Jalan Meru Klang) Funeral Service Company :Klang Casket(HIN) Contact Number: 019-2625288 (宜展)
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