kelly Alford Christmas
Megan Sellers Gloria and Greg Stuart for sharing this with me! The good old days :)
Megan Sellers Thank You Gloria and Greg Stuart for saving treasuring memories!
kelly Alford Family reunion
kelly Alford
kelly Alford Christmas at the Alford’s
kelly Alford Memorial Day 1987
kelly Alford Taking care of Casey
Megan Sellers Professional picture of Pat Taylor at Mid Michigan Community College.
Megan Sellers Enjoying Mackinaw Island
kelly Alford Christmas 1992 Uncle Red and Pat in one of their epic battles!
One of the earliest and, yet, clearest memories I have of Pat was when she took my sister and I to the old Putt-Putt minigolf that was off of Washtenaw avenue in the summer of 2004. I recall that I had to give her directions, and it was the first time in my life (having just turned 8 a few weeks ago) that I had ever done that. I remember her pointi...
Laura Alford I vividly remember when Casey and I first told Pat that we were going to have our first child. We were standing in her kitchen and she let out a giant whoop, waved her hands in the air, and did a little stomp-dance in a circle. I'd say she was pretty excited. :)
Laura Alford I have no idea what restaurant this is, but I'm guessing we met Pat for dinner after work because she's all professional-looking while Ben's just got this random t-shirt on. :)
Laura Alford This is Pat and me at the LPGA 2017 Volvik Championship. It was a beautiful day, and we had such a great time!
Casey Alford
Laura Alford Pat passed on her love of gardening and plants to her grandson, Nate. Somehow I don't have a picture of them gardening, so here they are in the snow instead lol. Nate loved growing tomatoes with Nana Pat!
Megan Sellers Listening to the birds at Glacier Hills
Megan Sellers She enjoyed the garden area at Glacier Hills..
What can I tell you about our sister Pat that you don't already know. Probably not too much. Other than I always looked up to her. That I was impressed by her achievements, be they many and far beyond my own. But probably most importantly, is that she cared about and for her fellow persons on this Earth, more than she cared about her Earth posse...
Hi All, We have set up this page as a place for people to gather memories and thoughts about Pat. Due to restriction from this damn pandemic, we are not able to hold a celebration of life ceremony at this time. Please rest assured that as soon as conditions allow we will be having a big celebration to honor all of the amazing things that Pat is ...
Casey and Megan, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Pat was truly a force of nature.. Many fond memories of our times together in Mt. Pleasant with you, the Abbeys, the Mills and the gang.. Paul Zionts
Megan Sellers Great Memories!
kelly Alford Pat became my friend the minute I met her! I was maybe 3, and I remember her playing with me and making me feel important! Pat was not only a sister, but a friend! I loved how she treated mom and dad like they were her own parents. Pat’s smile would light up any room! She could be fierce and her epic debates with Uncle Red remain some of my favorite memories of her! Her ability to cultivate beautiful gardens was a gift! I think of her every time I see a beautiful flower! The most important thing about Pat was that she gave us Casey and Megan, what an amazing legacy to leave! She will live on in the amazing children she gave us! It was a blessing to know you! Rest In Peace, Pat! I am sure you are tending the gardens in heaven!
Casey Alford
Having known Pat since 1973, I can say with confidence that she was one of the sweetest, most caring human beings I have ever known. Fly high Pat & find some angels to mentor in your usual style!
Karen Daniel My life has been blessed with a strong core of women friends who cannot be shaken, who have grown older with me “no matter what” and who have brought immense joy and strength to my foundation as a woman. Pat has been such a friend. We met in our early 30s as neighbors. How can one write about a 40 year friendship? It feels impossible. Memories have been playing in my head like a movie reel from our lives as young mothers on MacKenzie Lane to becoming grandmothers. We raised our children together, applauded each others accomplishments, supported each other in difficult and disappointing times and celebrated as we and our families reached life milestones. I think it was those dang, endless walks she insisted on years ago that cemented our friendship. We would walk around the neighborhood circle over and over and at times in windy cold weather, would even walk backwards! By the way, neither sleet, wind, rain or snow would mess up our constant talking! After moving away from each other several years ago, we spent hours on the telephone discussing life; laughing and crying. We also took several trips together, taking the train to Chicago and Toronto and flying to Florida a few times. She enjoyed traveling and experiencing new things; like the time we sailed out from Key West. She was intent on talking with the young student staff all about what they were learning when we encountered a storm forcing us down into the sailboat with others, hoping to get to land. It was scary to say the least. One time we changed planes in NYC and laughed about “having breakfast in NY”. Pat has always been a vibrant, bright, humorous and grateful woman of strength. Her belief in my potential and her encouragement to go back to school when I was in my 30s, could not be stopped. There was a time I thought I should quit, after all who would hire a near 40 year old in a new profession; but frankly, Pat wouldn't let me. Her persistence was damn right annoying but inevitably a blessing. She was a force to be reckoned with, to say the least. I think it was the educator in her; her love of seeing someone grow, her genuine interest in each individual no matter where they came from or what their background happened to be. I remember long conversations where she excitedly told me about a student she was helping and who brought her joy and pride. She loved learning about various cultures, always with an open mind and loving acceptance that can be a lesson to us all. She loved to laugh, she loved to dance, she loved people. She was a genuine extrovert, her energy fueled by others. Personally, no words can fully describe what her friendship and faithful constancy has meant to me. I can without doubt say that I would not be the woman I am today without her presence in my life all these years. Pat used to say “we need to enjoy life because in this universe we are really only alive for about two minutes”. Over the past year when I visited I could see an awful disease take away her ability to communicate. I could see her struggle. I suppose one could say her death is a blessing since she has suffered and struggled enough and they would be right in a logical way. I know that deep inside of me. But since that dreaded phone call, I feel like I can't breathe. I feel like life is not fair, that this should not have happened this way, that we should have had more time. I suppose “this is where faith comes in”. So, I will lean on that faith and believe that hope does not disappoint and trust in the promise of eternal life. Goodbye my dear friend. I love you. I am grateful for you. I will hold you in my heart, until we meet again. Karen
Sometimes you get lucky and an extraordinary person comes into your life. I miss her already.
Pat was a delight to know and work with ... we will all miss her forever, but her impact on the students will be felt for years to come.
Pat was a mentor and friend to many at WCC. She always had a kind smile and patient demeanor waiting for me when I arrived in her office. I always looked forward to meeting with her to see what amazing, colorful outfit she was wearing - I envied her style!!
Pat was my first friend at WCC. She went out of her way to welcome and include me . We took wine tasting together (and had a grand time), traveled to Costa Rico and gathered with the ladies to celebrate the change of seasons at Cathy Smillie’s lovely home. But most of all we laughed together. She educated me into the ways of Community Colleges...
Pat was game. For just about anything. Like a fishing trip. Did we know how to fish? Heck no. Did we know what we needed to fish. Well ya - a pole and some earthworms. We planned ahead (of course we did) and got our poles ready for our early morning departure. The worms? Ok - set our alarms, wake up in the middle of the night. Armed with co...
Debbie Slavicek Pat and I had so much fun watching Ben while Casey and Laura were making the move to Ann Arbor. Pat said "how many Nanas does it take to take care of one grandson?!" She was a wonderful, sweet, caring person. A lady I am blessed to have known and loved. Thank you, Pat, for giving me a great son in law!! You are missed. Enjoy dancing with the angels!
We met Pat almost 50 years ago shortly after we moved to Mt Pleasant. She was welcoming and engaging, and we soon were life-long friends. After we became next-door neighbors, our families shared many meals and other good times together. We swapped stories with Megan on the front porch and watched Casey and his friends play hockey under spotlight...
kathy stadtfeld Pat was part of our "girl group." We would go to the gym together on our lunch hours, attend Mardi Gras at the college, go to museums, visit Cathy in Douglas, go to movies and lunches. She would make us lovely lunches at her house and was always concerned that we had everything we needed -- she was always popping up to get us more of... whatever. She was a total professional at work and helped countless numbers of students. But she was still a total hippie with her friends. She was fair and honest and was not very forgiving of those who weren't. Her smile was lovely and constant. She was proud of her children and loved her grandsons. When I visited her at Glacier Hills she was always glad to see me. We would visit the birds and take walks through the buildings and around the grounds. She loved music and dancing and we would sing to the oldies that were playing in the activity room. We walked to a church service in another part of the building singing "Going to the Chapel." She would smile at staff and residents and tell me what beautiful people they were and how she loved them. I miss her. Love to her family.
Suzanne R Jones “I love my friends neither with my heart nor with my mind. Just in case... Heart might stop. Mind can forget. I love them with my Soul. Soul never stops or forgets.” ~Rumi In honor of Pat, our beautiful soul now singing oh so lovely songs as an angel in heaven. However, she did love to surely she is dancing joyfully in the starry realms. And, not just in honor of Pat...but it was an absolute honor to be counted as her friend (our dear, dear friend). How lucky, how blessed are we? And, to have the privilege to know some of her beautiful family is also a wonderful blessing. Most important to our dear Pat was her family and faith. She was so deeply proud of her children and grandchildren and all of her family. Her children, Casey and Megan, are kind and remarkable in so many ways-each gifted, talented and smart, but the way that they cared for and loved their mom was so very touching and demonstrated a love and respect of great depth for their mother. They should find comfort knowing that their mom told many proud stories about each of them. They were her heart. She loved them so very deeply. Whenever we visited-always, always-we talked of family. Pat...the Pied Piper of students (and many others) in need of counsel and help. It seemed that one could literally watch a virtual army of students trailing after her down college halls...or lined up outside of her office door patiently waiting for her to share her gifts of healing, listening and mentoring. She truly was gifted, and helped and counseled so many out of the deep generosity of her soul. Her love of education, and desire to lift others up and allow and encourage them to shine was paramount to Pat’s work on earth. Oh yes...and, surely, we can't forget her grand sense of humor. We laughed and played and enjoyed our time together (although too short) immensely. Even during a treasured last visit at Glacier Hills for her birthday, at the end of February, we somehow found a couple of moments of new ways to laugh together, and connect in an emotional space. To hear the beautiful sound of her laughter again...well, that would be sheer heaven. So, we will have to leave it to the stars and angels and dancers of light to bring memories and sounds yet to life in the most blessed and unique manner for those of us still here on Earth. It will happen I know. Pat, we so love you. Dance on, enjoy the stars, and please drop by from time to time if you will. We’ll recognize your laugh. “Death has nothing to do with going away. The sun sets. The moon sets. But they are not gone." ~Rumi With love...Suzanne, and with Gwladys and Beth (photo).
Teresa and I got to know Pat in 1980 when we moved to the Mid Michigan area. There were lots of great parties, including many with Pat as gracious host for her intriguing group of friends. Some years later, after Pat had climbed the ladder at Mid Michigan Community College and had become Dean of Students, I had the great experience of giving Pat a...
Hi All, We have set up this page as a place for people to gather memories and thoughts about Pat. Due to restriction from this damn pandemic, we are not able to hold a celebration of life ceremony at this time. Please rest assured that as soon as conditions allow we will be having a big celebration to honor all of the amazing things that Pat is and was. Information will be sent out as soon as pos... more
Family and friends
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