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Eva Wiland Our first time in Paris as husband and wife. We stayed at Hotel Sainte Marie, in the Les Marais - a decommissioned 17th century Paris sandstone church turned into a hotel. It has a steep winding staircase and two rooms on each floor. Our best meal was nearby - a simple cabbage salad to start and turkey breast cooked to perfection. You were fascinated by Tour Saint-Jacques nearby - a 52m Flamboyant Gothic tower that's the remains of the former 16th-century Church of Saint-Jacques-de-la-Boucherie, which was demolished in 1797, during the French Revolution, leaving only the tower. The remains is now considered a national historic landmark.
Eva Wiland
🕯 Eva Wiland lit a candle
Eva Wiland
🕯 Eva Wiland lit a candle Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.
🌷 Eva Wiland gave a flower On Friday, July 3, 2015 it is 10 years since you slipped out of my life. I still miss you and and the wonderful experiences we had together. It's so lonely doing it on my own...
Eva Wiland
Eva Wiland
Eva Wiland
The two of us
Eva Wiland