Michael Richard Brose passed away peacefully after several years of battling with Parkinson’s Disease on May 8th, 2020. He was a devoted father to Aric and Katrina and husband to Catherine. Michael’s life was dedicated to his faith, family and friends. Michael grew up with 2 sisters, one older and one younger. Michael, Chris & Jeanette were close, and shared a lot of laughter and mischief growing ... more
Family and friends
Join Memories to request access to contribute your cherished photos, videos, and stories to Michael's memorial with others who loved them.
Join MemoriesJeanette Allenbach Michael 1953
Jeanette Allenbach Michael 1955
Jeanette Allenbach Michael exploring on a hike with his dad and sister. 1956
- Family Michael, Jeanette, Chris
Jeanette Allenbach Playing in our backyard in Inglewood CA. Michael, sister Jeanette and our dog Snoopy. 1958
Jeanette Allenbach Michael helping build the fence in Inglewood.
- Family Michael in high school
- Family Cathy and Michael’s Wedding Day, with their parents
- Family Cathy and Michael’s Wedding Day
- Family Michael and Aric Brose
Jeanette Allenbach My brother Michael, our dad and baby Aric. April 1978
- Family Cathy and Michael Brose, Molly and Arthur Brose (grandparents), Richard Brose, Jim Cassidy (brother-in-law), Jeanette Allenbach, Chris Cassidy, Alberta Brose, Keri Cassidy, Aric Brose
- Family Michael tuning a piano
- Family Richard Brose, Chris Cassidy, Alberta Brose, Jeanette Allenbach, Michael Brose, Keri Cassidy, Katrina King, Aric Brose
- Family Katrina, Aric, Michael
- Family Cathy, Michael, Katrina, Aric Brose
- Family Katrina
- Family Aric Brose, Katrina King
- Family Chris Cassidy, Richard, Michael, and Alberta Brose, Jeanette Allenbach
- Family Katrina, Michael, Cathy, Aric Brose
- Family Michael Brose and Terral King (son-in-law) at Disneyland
- Family Richard and Alberta Brose (parents), Michael, Cathy, and Aric Brose, Katrina and Terral King, Jan and Shig Nishio (Cathy’s parents)
- Family Michael and Richard Brose (father)
- Family Katrina King and Michael Brose
- Family Michael and Cathy Brose, with friends Kevin and Sue Olene after Convention in Minnesota
- Family Michael and Cathy in Minnesota
- Family Michael on the way from Minnesota to Arizona
- Family Michael Bautista and Michael Brose, friends since high school
- Family Michael and Cathy Brose (with Cathy’s brother Tim Nishio in the background)
- Family Michael working on a ventriloquist figure
- Family Cathy and Michael Brose
- Family Michael working on ventriloquist figure mechanics
- Family Michael posing with ventriloquist figure heads
- Family Rachel Allenbach (niece), Paul Cassidy (nephew), Katrina King (daughter), Keri Busino (niece), Aric Brose (son), Jeanette Allenbach (sister), Alberta Brose (mother), Michael Brose, Chris Cassidy (sister), Kaitlin Cassidy (grandniece), Gabriel Busino (grandnephew), Connor Cassidy (grandnephew), Kiara Cassidy (grandniece)
- Family Cathy, Aric, Michael Brose
- Family Jamming with Kevin Olene
- Family Twinning with Aric
Some of our favorite memories of "Grandpa Michael" ... 🤜🏼🤛🏼 - Chantel "Michaeeeeel Michaeeeel" Jabin at age 2 "His passion for music" Mukai ... until we meet again, dear friend!
- Family Aric, Cathy, and Michael Brose, Terral and Katrina King Benson, AZ Kingdom Hall
- Family Seth Reed, Mike Stute, Michael and Cathy Brose reuniting in Arizona; they were all in a congregation in Minnesota together more than ten years ago
- Family Michael playing guitar
- Family Michael and Cathy Brose
- Family
Topic: Michael Brose Memorial Time: May 30, 2020 04:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81683514094?pwd=SzM2SG8zTFJtdWFVTWRIaENYV1lRZz09 Meeting ID: 816 8351 4094 Password: 578718 One tap mobile +13126266799,,81683514094#,,1#,578718# US (Chicago) +13462487799,,81683514094#,,1#,578718# US (Houston) Dial ...
In lieu of flowers, please feel free to contribute to the following charity in support of Parkinson’s Research. Donate in Memory of Michael Brose. https://www.michaeljfox.org/donate
My brother Mike was always the one to crack us up when we were children, getting us giggling, then sit there with that “who, me?” look. He was so gifted both artistically and musically. Being the most non- musical member of our family my favorite Michael quote is from a day I tried to sing-a-long to a song and Mike quips “You know, Chris, I always ...
Jeanette Allenbach Four Generations Arthur, Richard, Michael & Aric
Michael was my brother and dear friend. All of the cousins are one family . I shared some of the happiest times of my life with Michael, this is so hard for me. You will be in my heart and soul forever. I love you brother.
John Klimmek So many of my fondest memories are of very numerous family gatherings over a period of sixty years, being with my brothers and cousins. The picture with the nine little ones are of Mike’s cousins from his Mom’s side of the family and his sisters. From top to bottom, left column: Steve, Brian and Craig Woodard. Center column: Den, Jay and John Klimmek. Right column: Mike’s sister Chris, Mike, and Mike’s sister Jeanette. Each of us have been very blessed to have such wonderful parents and such a close, loving group of cousins. Mike, I love you, miss you and so look forward to being with you in Heaven by the grace of our Lord.
Michael welcomed me as his brother-in-law many decades ago and has always been a gentle and creative presence in our lives. He was always an authentic personality who cared deeply about the people in his life and enjoyed entertaining those around him. He will be forever missed.
Chris Cassidy This beautiful family photo of Catherine, Aric, Michael and Katrina was taken September 22, 1989 at our sister Jeanette’s wedding. It was wonderful celebration of Love and Family.
So many memories of Mike I don't know where start. Some of my favorites are the period in Torrance when we were both interested in animation. I loaned him my movie camera (we swapped cameras, actually) so that he could experiment with stop motion and he turned out some clever and entertaining short films challenging my efforts at the time. Most rec...