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Family and friends
taryn macpherson
Mrs Karen Cooper
Mrs Karen Cooper
taryn macpherson
🕯 taryn macpherson lit a candle
🕯 Susan Hill lit a candle Those we love don't go away. They walk beside us every day. Unseen, unheard, but always near. Still loved, still missed and very dear. Marg and Jim now to be reunited together and they will remain in our hearts forever. From Graham, Sue, Jace and Ryan.xxxx
🕯 bree hill lit a candle rest in peace nanny xoxoxox
Mrs Karen Cooper
taryn macpherson
Mrs Karen Cooper
🕯 Jae Hill lit a candle Nan, i didnt get a chance to tell you my goodbye God took you very suddenly. Sadly i don't know why I thought of you with love today But that is nothing new I thought about you yesterday. And the days before that too. I think of you in silence. I often speak your name. All i have are memories. And your picture in a fr...
🕯 Jae Hill lit a candle
taryn macpherson
taryn macpherson
🕯 Mrs Karen Cooper lit a candle In celebration of MargaretMumNannys life we wish all who are going to attend the funeral to where their brightest colours in rememberance of her colourful life thanks Karen Gary and Jackie
nanny words cannot begin to tell you how much i miss you and love you, i will cherish every single moment i had with you for the rest of my life. i know you and jimbo are together again and will be watching over all of us now. RIP my beautiful nan love you always and forever. love Taryn and baby James xxx
Mrs Karen Cooper
Mrs Karen Cooper
taryn macpherson
graham hill christmas 2001 at the bayswater hotel
🕯 taryn macpherson lit a candle
taryn macpherson
taryn macpherson
Mrs Karen Cooper
taryn macpherson
taryn macpherson
🕯 bree hill lit a candle Thank you for the gift of your sharing it up above You had many things to say, All in a caring way. You alwayssaw the good in everyone, no matter what theyve done.You were always the one we could all lean on.Even though it must of feltlike a ton.You were always the strength of the family.Now we must let you rest c...
🕯 Mrs Karen Cooper lit a candle Words cannot describe how I feel The pain inside just wont heal I feel I need to be strong like you taught me to be But it was easy when I had you here with me. You were my best friend, We laughed until the very end I will always try and do you proud Under the burden of this heavy cloud You are back with D...
bree hill
bree hill
🕯 taryn macpherson lit a candle Nanny I think you would of really loved your send off today, I hope we done you proud.. now I just need to find a way to heal my broken heart. I Love you and may you rest in peace. Xxxx
🕯 bree hill lit a candle hey nan, thought i'd better give u the note i wrote myself, itsthe 1 tht i wrote on ya coffin,but rhysie gave me the crappiest texta, it pretty much rubbed off as i wrote it, anyway im missing ya way more than i expected & i wish we could of had more time together, im sorry for that nan, u know what im like...i wrote this ...
🕯 Mrs Karen Cooper lit a candle Missing you mum. Wish you were here...
🕯 Jae Hill lit a candle Nanny keep going to pick up the phone to have our little chats and to tell you how good your grandson is going at school. Miss you so much you are always in my thoughts. One day we will meet again and have a laugh. Love u nanny jae and cammy xx
I miss you Marg. There"s a space in my heart that belongs only you.
🕯 taryn macpherson lit a candle Nanny I miss you SOOOOO much I just want to be able to talk to you and see you.. I think about you every single day and would give the world just to have you and jimbo back with us all. Love you always and forever. Xxx
It's been 5 mths already it's gone so fast but you are always on my mind. You were my rock my sanity and my nanna. You never judged me and you always told me exactly how it was. I miss you so much our phone calls that would have us in fits of laughter. I'm so lost without you but I have a warmness in my heart knowing that you are with your one true...
🕯 taryn macpherson lit a candle Everytime I check this page nanny it breaks my heart all over again, I haven't quite found a way to deal with you not being here. You were such a a big piece of my life that no one can ever fill, you were my rock and always there when I needed yout he most. I wish I could just see you one more time!! Nothing will ev...
Jae Hill
Jae Hill
🌷 Jae Hill gave a flower I know I'm a hour early but I just wanted to say happy birthday nan. Cam and I will light a candle for you. Words can't express how much I miss you especially after cam had his latest 8 plate surgery, but I no you are looking down on us every day. I hope you are giving jimbo a hard time up there. Anyway nanny nags must go....
🕯 Mrs Karen Cooper lit a candle Happy birthday mum. Just not the same without you and dad. Always in my heart. Karen
🕯 Jae Hill lit a candle FOR YOU NAN Merry Christmas
Mrs Karen Cooper
Mrs Karen Cooper
Mrs Karen Cooper
🕯 Mrs Karen Cooper lit a candle HAppy Mothers day Mum...Still missing you
🌷 Mrs Karen Cooper gave a flower Happy Mothers day mum
miss you nan think about you often R.I.P Cam & Jae xxxx
🕯 Jae Hill lit a candle 3 years since we lost you. Miss you nan
🕯 Jae Hill lit a candle love you nanna nags
Wishing my mum a heavenly 89th Birthday. Still missed but hoping she is up there kicking her heals up having a dance with her jimbo. Love Karen