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Join MemoriesThis Timeline was created to help collect our memories of Kimberly Mel in a single place online.
Family and friends
Chip Sartorius Christmas Card - Late 50's
Dee Trokey Senior year when Kim and I were best friends.
Charlie & Leslie Lyon From our wedding video which John shot. Kim’s looking up at John after saying, “Honey, you never run out of juice.”
Charlie & Leslie Lyon Dancing at our wedding. It’s blurry because it’s from a video.
Chip Sartorius Oops, how did this get in here?
Chip Sartorius Family Reunion
Chip Sartorius Same
Chip Sartorius Tomlinson Family Reunion The year might be incorrect. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Charlie & Leslie Lyon Manning the raffle table at Freeline’s 20th anniversary.
Charlie & Leslie Lyon Another birthday party
Chip Sartorius Chip & Kristy's Wedding
Chip Sartorius Jingle Bells - Christmas in the Desert - Again the year is questionable.
Charlie & Leslie Lyon We never found any fish, but Kim made the most of it.
Charlie & Leslie Lyon Another fun dinner with friends.
Peter Mel Momories that I cherish with mom.
Tara Mel On this day I married my best friend and inherited the most amazing set of parents and very large extended family. I knew I'd be able to handle the new family with Kim at my side, haha. She had a way about her that was magnetic and attractive. She was also an amazing mother in law and I will be lost for sometime without her.
Chip Sartorius Thanksgiving 2003
Chip Sartorius Molly's Bat mitzva 2005
Mark Robertson Great times with Kim, John, the Harris’, Robertson’s up in Philo.
Casey Visciglio
Casey Visciglio With baby Sonny
Linda Fippel Alaska Cruising, August 2011. Louise, Linda and Kim. Kim’s first zip line experience.
Chip Sartorius Greenwood Cemetary-2011. Aunt Bev's funeral
Chip Sartorius Thanksgiving 2013 - Edited
Chip Sartorius Thanksgiving 2013
Chip Sartorius Thanksgiving 2013
jocelyn mel She LOVED to win! I loved that night she got 4 aces!
Linda Fippel So many wonderful experiences together.
John Mel Kim at the Washington Monument
Dee Trokey Christmas 2015
Chip Sartorius Still has her bib on???
Chip Sartorius Aunt Tommy's memorial - 2015. Lobster dinner
Chip Sartorius Thanksgiving 2015
John Mel All bundled up in Davenport.
John Mel The Mel's in Kiama.
Chip Sartorius Chip and Kristy's home in Riverside - 2017
John Mel Kim at Pinetrees
John Mel The lovely Kim
John Mel Kim test driving Kenny Stapeltons beach chair
Tara Mel This was fun, celebrating Kims birthday and John & Kim’s anniversary all in one❤️
Tara Mel Missing you so much! 🙏💓
Charlie & Leslie Lyon Visit to Hanalei
Edward Smith Halloween on Kauai
Linda Fippel Kris, Kim and I. Colleagues, friends and sistas forever.
John Mel The Family
Anthony Dunn Hawaii with the family, not Mimi’s birthdate but the day she gave birth! Dads birthday! Fun memories!
John Mel Posted up at her favorite spot at Blackpot Beach in Hanalei.
Chip Sartorius Gram & Gramp's memorial - 2020
John Mel In Sydney at the Opera House
John Mel Kim and I at Bondi Beach
John Mel Getting sun rays on the deck at home.
John Mel Gramp and Kim
Dee Trokey Kim, front and center with family.
jocelyn mel I treasure this one from John and Kim’s shelf at their home.
Peter Mel Mimi & Dapa Selfie
Peter Mel The community has shown their love of Mimi.
jocelyn mel We had the nicest July 4th this year.
Tara Mel The sweetest photos of Kim from our archives. We miss her so much. Especially this time of year. Sending much love to everyone. The Mels
Tara Mel Prom couple!
Tara Mel John, Kim, Mariko and Dave