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Join MemoriesWelcome to Kaye McLeod's virtual memorial! Here we have gathered a collection of memories, music, and information to celebrate the unconditional love and kindness our mother/grandmother/friend shared with us throughout her life. If you have a memory of Kaye you'd like to share, please feel free to add a note or photo to this site so that we may share in the joy of remembering Kaye McLeod.
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye compiled music and poems that touched her heart, with much love and thought. She called this compilation her "Funeral Music." She enjoyed listening to the compilation for a decade. It is our hope you will think of her next time you hear one.
Lorelei LaFleur
Lorelei LaFleur
Lorelei LaFleur Cal, scrubbing bubbles, and Bit.
Lorelei LaFleur Scott and Karen moving some dirt
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye with sister Em and husband, Ron Jorgensen
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye gives the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art in Humlebaek, Denmark a BIG THUMBS UP.
Lorelei LaFleur Danish gluten-free treats for Smuk Mor (beautiful Mother)
Lorelei LaFleur Scott tests out some carbs. Photo by Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur A laugh at the game with Conner and Scott
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and her cat, Bit
Lorelei LaFleur A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market. Fun at the Klebesadels.
Lorelei LaFleur A genuine old time photo with civil war equipment. Dave and Lorelei LaFleur, matriach Kaye, Dianne and Greg Davis.
Lorelei LaFleur Avalon rethinks the cover to the book Four Little Kittens, based on Grandma Kaye's three cats.
Lorelei LaFleur Scott, Lorelei and Dianne at Conner Creek, his property outside Wasilla, AK.
Lorelei LaFleur Conner and his friend, Ariana. Kaye remembered her after all these years!
Lorelei LaFleur Doll clothes made by Kaye, apron from her childhood. Pear-shaped mini potato from Lorelei's potato garden.
Lorelei LaFleur Wheelin' again - Kaye, Scott, and young Conner at Monarch Circle, Anchorage, AK
Lorelei LaFleur Avalon and Conner at Grandma Kaye's.
Lorelei LaFleur Conner, cousin Ben, and Avalon near Hatcher Pass, Alaska
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne and Greg at breakfast at Eggspectations in Maryland - a visit to see Lorelei and Dave. Photo by Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne on the beach (Alaskan beachwear), Annette Island, AK
Lorelei LaFleur Scott, Karen, Avalon and Conner at the Alaska State Fair
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's famous white socks and saddle shoes - the rest of the band wore black...
Lorelei LaFleur Frederiksborg Slot (Castle) - Hygge (Danish Cozy) with Lorelei
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye, Dianne, and granddaughter, Stormi Davis
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye, Em and Ron
Lorelei LaFleur Graduate and Grandma - Conner completes his Chemical Engineer program at ASU
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's adorable little sister, Em, and her famously favorite overalls
Lorelei LaFleur Conner in his Blues Clues overalls - by Grandma's pool in Vegas
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne and Lorelei
Lorelei LaFleur Avalon and Eeyore (Kaye loved both!)
Lorelei LaFleur A cactus out Kaye's back door, Kingman apartment
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and grandson Zak
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's Mother, Julia J Brown
Lorelei LaFleur Granddog on Davis side
Lorelei LaFleur Granddaughter Stormi Davis
Lorelei LaFleur A young Kaye in snow
Lorelei LaFleur Scotty
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne takes the tractor for a spin. (Kaye not seen, hovering protectively to the left.)
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's yearbook - inside cover (she's 2nd row, 2nd from left on main page)
Lorelei LaFleur Hatcher Pass - Grandson Conner with Lindsay McLeod, and Granddaughter Avalon with Leah McLeod
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and Scott in the early days. Scott always had such pretty eyes.
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and unidentified stranger
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne and Lorelei with elephants (etchants) that Kaye made. L still has hers.
Lorelei LaFleur At Kaye's apartment - family gathering
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's grandpuppy, Ginger McLeod, on the day she came home (Photo by Kaye)
Lorelei LaFleur Lions and tigers and snuggles - one of Kaye's favorite photos of Avalon and Conner
Lorelei LaFleur Bed hogs Oscar, Bit, and Calvin
Lorelei LaFleur Grandson Zak Davis' college graduation
Lorelei LaFleur Calvin grilling out
Lorelei LaFleur How they grow! Grandson Conner and grand puppy, Ginger
Lorelei LaFleur Son-in-law Dave creates a "Carrot-henge" for Kaye's amusement
Lorelei LaFleur Calvin and Stormi Davis
Lorelei LaFleur Scott and Karen McLeod - with their Moms, Kaye M and Barbara Dunn
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye loved art, but this particular work by daughter Lorelei was not on her wish list to hang, even if it made the Carroll County Times! LOL.
Lorelei LaFleur Em and Ron Jorgensen, Cal
Lorelei LaFleur 4th of July - Kaye chronicles a volleyball game
Lorelei LaFleur Picking up new puppy, Ginger. Photo by Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Scenic Arizona hike - Kaye, Scott, and Lorelei
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne's 8th grade graduation, Annette Island Elementary, Alaska
Lorelei LaFleur Em and Ron visit Kaye and Cal
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's cats Oscar and Bit
Lorelei LaFleur Scott, Lorelei and Dianne in early 70's
Lorelei LaFleur Scott and Avalon get artsy with eggs
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye in her band uniform
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and grandkids Avalon M, Zak Davis (visiting from WA), and Conner M
Lorelei LaFleur Scott McLeod family at cousin Allen McLeod's wedding (little girl on left is 2nd cousin, Grace Holliman)
Lorelei LaFleur Sunrise at Big Lake - photo by Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Copenhagen highlight - Nyhavn
Lorelei LaFleur Granny's got game. Snow angels Avalon, Kaye, Conner, and friend
Lorelei LaFleur Grandkitten Ruprecht walks on Lorelei in the garage
Lorelei LaFleur Closing the gate to Hans Christen Andersen's back yard (with Dave LaFleur)
Lorelei LaFleur Brown family reunion photo, turn of century 1899/1900
Lorelei LaFleur Photo by Kaye - LaFleurs, McLeods, and friends the Witos
Lorelei LaFleur Scott, Dave and Lorelei L, Karen, Avalon & Conner Rhino ride in Hatcher Pass - Photo by Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Big bunch of turkeys at Grandma Kaye's
Lorelei LaFleur Beware of Ogres - Sign by Conner, art by Avalon
Lorelei LaFleur Gathering at the LaFleurs - Dave, Karen, Conner, Lorelei, (seated) Scott and Avalon
Lorelei LaFleur Daughters Lorelei and Dianne, granddaughter Stormi and Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Little Kaye enjoys time with Lester, a family friend
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye hiking (what a stride- even at 82 she was hard to keep up with!) along Baltic coast
Lorelei LaFleur 100 degrees in Alaska
Lorelei LaFleur Stormi K Davis
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's cats meet - Little Bit, and Oscar
Lorelei LaFleur Lorelei and outsized snowman
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's Tea Party
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's father, Al Brown, near Canadian border
Lorelei LaFleur Looking for a train
Lorelei LaFleur A break at the zoo - Lorelei, Dianne, Greg and Dave (photo by Kaye)
Lorelei LaFleur Highschool reunion - Class of 1955, Moran Kansas
Lorelei LaFleur Zak and Stormi with bearded man
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's house in Kenai
Lorelei LaFleur Lorelei hogging her guest bed. Photo by Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Vest weather for Scott, cold for the rest of us.
Lorelei LaFleur Stormi and Zak
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and Conner at PF Changs (good gluten-free menu!)
Lorelei LaFleur Scrabble with Lorelei and Dave in their apartment by lake -Sortedam Dossering..
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne's HS graduation - a year early
Lorelei LaFleur One of Kaye's favorite pics - Karen, Scott, Kaye, Conner, Lorelei L, and Scott
Lorelei LaFleur Exuberance is it's own reward. Conner at Potter Marsh (Anchorage Coastal Wildlife Refuge)
Lorelei LaFleur Conner McLeod and chemical engineer team, ASU
Lorelei LaFleur On bridge - with Oscar Under the Bridge's fingernail
Lorelei LaFleur Scott's wedding - Zak, Greg, Stormi and Dianne Davis, Karen & Scott McLeod, Kaye McLeod & Calvin Moore, and Lorelei & Dave LaFleur
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and younger sister, Etta Mae (Em)
Lorelei LaFleur Lorelei, Kaye, and Scott (at Klebesadel's)
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's College Graduation, Magna Cum Laude, at age 65
Lorelei LaFleur Enjoying some of Grandma Kaye's famous photo albums - Avalon and Conner
Lorelei LaFleur Conner and cousins, Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Emma and Hannah Klebesadel (2nd cousins), and Avalon
Lorelei LaFleur Lorelei and Dianne
Lorelei LaFleur Scott, Avalon and Kaye - at Scott's house
Lorelei LaFleur Exploring the grounds at Eslov, Sweden. Kaye's camera was always ready! Dave L and Dianne D in background.
Lorelei LaFleur In the yard, 1205 Oaklane Drive - Dianne, Scotty, and Lorelei decked out
Lorelei LaFleur Walking grand-dogs Duke and Ginger with Scott
Lorelei LaFleur Lorelei and Dave graduate from Bible College
Lorelei LaFleur Zak and Stormi
Lorelei LaFleur Lorelei with the elphant (etchant) Kaye made for her when she was two. (Photo of that elsewhere in this program.)
Lorelei LaFleur Mamie and Helen
Lorelei LaFleur Scott gives Conner the scoop at the zoo.
Lorelei LaFleur Cal and Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Rhino ride in the desert - Conner, Karen, Avalon, Duke, Lorelei, Ginger, Scott, and Dave (Photo by Kaye)
Lorelei LaFleur Jennifer & Allen McLeod
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's roots and youth
Lorelei LaFleur Scenic hike with Scott and Avalon
Lorelei LaFleur More favorite pics...
Lorelei LaFleur Grandkitties Ruprecht and Phoebe (with Lorelei & Dave over Ru's shoulder)
Lorelei LaFleur Danish swimmers - Kaye passed on this opportunity. :)
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's Dad, Al Brown (R), with sibings
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's daughter Lorelei, and grandkitty, Phoebe
Lorelei LaFleur Grandkids with cousins - Alaska to Mississippi
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's sister, Em, overcoming obstacles...
Lorelei LaFleur Lorelei and Karen - dinner at the Klebesadels!
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne and Lorelei
Lorelei LaFleur Danish Hidden Giant sculpture "Friendly Teddy." His arm is a bridge! Lorelei & Dave LaFleur, photo by Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Horse drawn carriage ride, Faelledparken (Deer Park)
Lorelei LaFleur Avalon's graduation portrait had an Alaskan flavor...
Lorelei LaFleur Big Lake - Kaye, Avalon, and Conner enjoy some snow
Lorelei LaFleur A tribute to Edna McLeod's 90th Birthday, from Alaska - Back row: Scott, Kaye, Charles, Zak D, Linda, Conner, Dave L, Front row: Lorelei L, Barbara, Emma K, Hannah K, Lindell K, Karen, Avalon, Jim K
Lorelei LaFleur A favorite books as a child, and inspiration for her cat, Agamemnon's name. Also an art idea for granddaughter, Avalon (in later photo)
Lorelei LaFleur Convoy at Conner Creek - McLeods Conner, Scott, Ginger, and Avalon, Zak Davis, Dave LaFleur
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and Lorelei enjoy some Chick Filet
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye enjoyed Copenhagen swans Tchaikovsky and mate, with cygnets.
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye called this pic "Swan Dive." It's Scott and Conner. Nice.
Lorelei LaFleur Dinner at Orso Lorelei and Dave LaFleur
Lorelei LaFleur Family gathering at Kaye's, Anchorage. Front: Scott, Dianne, Stormi, Greg Back: Kaye, sister Em Jorgensen
Lorelei LaFleur Grandma's favorite artist - Avalon
Lorelei LaFleur At the Hatcher Pass Mine - Scott McLeod, Kaye, and Stormi K Davis (granddaughter)
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye with Conner, Karen, and Avalon
Lorelei LaFleur Hatcher Pass - cousins Zak Davis and Conner McLeod
Lorelei LaFleur Grandson - rest self-explanatory
Lorelei LaFleur On walkabout - Karen and Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Oscar and Bit - Kaye's kittens
Lorelei LaFleur Lorelei and Dave LaFleur - wedding pic in front of the Priory, RAF Chicksands
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye included Lorelei's small potato crop photo in her holiday letter! Those are real potatoes. Doll's sweater outfit was designed and knit by Kaye.
Lorelei LaFleur Cal provides some sharking tips to Conner.
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye at MorMor's* coffee and pastry shop (*Mom's Mom) on a nice day
Lorelei LaFleur Visiting Conner at college - Scott, Kaye, Avalon, Conner, Lorelei
Lorelei LaFleur Wheeler ride in Hatcher Pass - Scott and family - Photo by Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur This chariot made Kaye chuckle. Scott's truck.
Lorelei LaFleur Top - B&B Trading Post, with Julia, Kaye's Mom Center - Kaye's first Christmas, Julia, Kaye, & Al Brown - Kaye's baby photo
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye at outdoor cafe in Hans Christen Andersen's hometown
Lorelei LaFleur Hikers Kaye, Scott, and Lorelei
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and Avalon both love donkeys
Lorelei LaFleur Grandson Conner's karate ensemble
Lorelei LaFleur Scott and Dave practice survival techniques.
Lorelei LaFleur Lorelei has been making small snowmen for Kaye for years. Here is a fine example.
Lorelei LaFleur Stormi on the lake
Lorelei LaFleur Avalon and her Shrek egg
Lorelei LaFleur At Kaye and Cals - Bruce and Cheryl Tackett, Scott McLeod family, Em and Ron Jorgensen
Lorelei LaFleur Visiting Grandma - Avalon, Karen and Conner
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and her dear sister and friend, Em
Lorelei LaFleur Dinner with Grandma Kaye - Avalon and school friend
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's roots - Mamie front left, Grandma Amelia directly behind
Lorelei LaFleur Ron & Em Jorgensen, Julia Brown, and Kaye McLeod (Mother and daughters + a spouse)
Lorelei LaFleur (Jake) Stormi, Pup, Dianne, Greg, and Zak Davis
Lorelei LaFleur A favorite picture - Salt Chuck marshmallow roast. This was an inland cove, partially salty. Scott, Dianne, Lorelei. Photo by Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Hatcher Pass - the photographer has seat of honor Dave LaFleur, Kaye, Karen & Scott McLeod
Lorelei LaFleur Scouts honor. It was a task to get a decent photo of all three of us kids.
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's grandmother, Amelia's wedding (She looks a bit like Lorelei here!)
Lorelei LaFleur Height check - Lorelei, Avalon, Hannah and Emma Klebesadel. Jennifer McLeod on stairs.
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and Cal's dear friend (Cal's brother-in-law), Bruce Tackett
Lorelei LaFleur A summer job as Alaska Pipeline holders convinced both Conner and Avalon to stay in school and excel in college... (just kidding, they did it anyway)
Lorelei LaFleur Scotty, Dianne and Lorelei dressed up
Lorelei LaFleur Buzz, Fuzz, Suzz, and Agamemnon (offspring of Puff)
Lorelei LaFleur Family's eggs from the decorating party at Scott's
Lorelei LaFleur Scott, Conner, Lorelei, Kaye, Avalon and Dave
Lorelei LaFleur Avalon and Aunt Lorelei
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's mom, Julia Brown, carrying the mail - northern Minnesota, near Canadian border.
Lorelei LaFleur Bigger Zak and Buster
Lorelei LaFleur Em and Cal
Lorelei LaFleur Scott and Calvin
Lorelei LaFleur Friend Colin
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's childhood photos
Lorelei LaFleur Cousins on stairs - Emma K, Avalon M, Zak D, Conner M, and Hannah K
Lorelei LaFleur Grandkitty Frosty, and grandson, Conner
Lorelei LaFleur Oscar Under the Bridge - one of seven Hidden Giants in the outskirts of Copenhagen. Dave (son-in-law) and Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Practice makes perfect! Kaye and her clarinet, Jezebel.
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and sister Em feed the lambs.
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and Dianne circa 1978
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and Em check out rock art mural by Roy Purcell in Chloride, Nevada.
Lorelei LaFleur Swans Kiki and Echo on lake Sortedam Dossering - photo by Lorelei
Lorelei LaFleur Conner and Avalon contemplate alternative gardening ideas.
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne and Scott - with beer can hat
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne, Stormi, and lots of kitties
Lorelei LaFleur Conner, Kaye, Avalon, Karen and Scott
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye at home, ancestor photos on shelf behind
Lorelei LaFleur Grandson Zak and grandkitten Buster
Lorelei LaFleur Conner, Grandma Kaye, and Avalon
Lorelei LaFleur Friends, Em, and Kaye by B&B Trading Post
Lorelei LaFleur Zak and a musk ox (not full grown), at museum
Lorelei LaFleur Family dinner at LaFleurs
Lorelei LaFleur The Little Mermaid is really little - about 5 foot 5!
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne and Lorelei take the carousel for a spin.
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye loved piano all her life!
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne and Zak
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye actually in a group photo - this is rare, as she was usually the photographer!
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye on SE Alaska Beach
Lorelei LaFleur Copenhagen bench dude for Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur 4th of July - Conner, Avalon, Oliva Wito, Lucas Wito, and Olivia's now husband
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye with Avalon and Lorelei on fine Alaskan day
Lorelei LaFleur Awaiting tea after seaside hike
Lorelei LaFleur Stormi in the pink, and Zak
Lorelei LaFleur Family at the Klebesadels
Lorelei LaFleur Prepared for snow machine ride - Karen McLeod, Dave LaFleur, Kaye, Lorelei L
Lorelei LaFleur In Hans Christian Andersen's hometown with son-in-law, Dave LaFleur
Lorelei LaFleur Inside the terminal at Helsingør, tickets in hand
Lorelei LaFleur Happy Memories!
Lorelei LaFleur Beautiful morning at Big Lake - photo by Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Visitors from Mars - overly cautious when Kaye had shingles - Colin, Bruce and nurse
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye warned us always to wear full shoes on our bicycles. Good advice.
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's wedding day, 1985
Lorelei LaFleur Scott as a tiger, pre-school age.
Lorelei LaFleur Stormi K's graduation photo
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne and Scott, circa 1980
Lorelei LaFleur Cal's life vest hat
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's caption - "When did this happen?!" Conner is taller.
Lorelei LaFleur Cal wields a mean fork! Grilling with Bruce T. and Scott M.
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye, the photographer
Lorelei LaFleur Dear friend for 50ish years - Lee Wilkey
Lorelei LaFleur At Eslöv,Sweden, with Dianne and Lorelei
Lorelei LaFleur Great grandkitty Jack (Avalon's cat)
Lorelei LaFleur Conner and Grandma Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne as a Brownie
Lorelei LaFleur A picture is worth 1,000 words... (Calvin and Hobbes)
Lorelei LaFleur Calvin Moore, Dianne, and Julia Brown
Lorelei LaFleur Wedding day - Mr. and Mrs. Gregory and Dianne Davis
Lorelei LaFleur Hiking (Zion)
Lorelei LaFleur Canal tour on visit to see daughter, Lorelei
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye loved family and took many photos. Here are some of her favorites, randomly selected. A mere 50 photo is not adequate, so please see other memories too!
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne and Greg Davis on Oregon coast - house hunt!
Lorelei LaFleur Another jaunt to Oatman
Lorelei LaFleur Another snowman for Kaye - with Danish Licorice ribbon scarf, cherry tomato hat, and peppercorn eyes - by Lorelei
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye as flower girl for her admired friend, Doris
Lorelei LaFleur Em, Avalon, and Cheryl
Lorelei LaFleur Front view of Kaye's Moran High Sweater, Class of 1955 (on Lorelei)
Lorelei LaFleur Calvin and bears on high shelf
Lorelei LaFleur Scott and sisters Dianne and Lorelei - at his wedding. The cake looks pretty tasty.
Lorelei LaFleur Kids, cats, and Kaye...
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye in field, at "work" in B&B Trading Post, and with her new car
Lorelei LaFleur The smart ones wear red - Kaye and Stormi at her HS graduation
Lorelei LaFleur High-flying bird - Stormi K on the swing
Lorelei LaFleur Stormi and her pup
Lorelei LaFleur Warm smiles, frozen river (Scott and Kaye)
Lorelei LaFleur Mamie as a child
Lorelei LaFleur Smuk Mor (beautiful mother) at MorMors - interior
Lorelei LaFleur Conner goes for a ride
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and son, Scott McLeod
Lorelei LaFleur Too cute not to include, even if program won't let me rotate.
Lorelei LaFleur Zak feeds the ducks
Lorelei LaFleur Lorelei's pet rat, Thistle-nose the Poppy Seed Eater. Kaye welcomed this grand-pet, though perhaps it was not her favorite...
Lorelei LaFleur Arizona - Scott, Kaye, and Lorelei (visiting)
Lorelei LaFleur Grandson Zak's graduation - Dianne, Greg, Zak, and ? (Photo by Kaye)
Lorelei LaFleur At home in Copenhagen - Lorelei with grandkitty Ruprecht (Photo by Kaye)
Lorelei LaFleur A walk at Conner Creek - Karen, Lorelei, Dave (back) Scott and Grand-dog Ginger, front row (Photo by Kaye)
Lorelei LaFleur Cal and one of the motorhomes
Lorelei LaFleur The Klebesadel's visit the McLeods house, Anchorage, AK for a fairy princess event
Lorelei LaFleur Hatcher Pass - Dave and Lorelei, Conner, Scott, Avalon, Karen and Zak - photo by Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Houseboat "Moonshadow" on Lake Powell, AZ (photo by Kaye)
Lorelei LaFleur Avalon does some Alaskan yard work
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's childhood photos - especially love the washing doll clothes (top R) and with mom Julia, exploring (bottom)
Lorelei LaFleur Boat ride! Kaye, Avalon, and friend Olivia W
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye surprised at the piano, as featured in 1972 Annette Island Elementary Year Book, The Alaskan (look at that great hair!)
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne in Mississippi
Lorelei LaFleur take one
Lorelei LaFleur Scott, Karen, Jennifer, Lindsay, Kaye (back row), Hannah K, Avalon, Conner, Lorelei L, Emma K, Jim K, Barbara M at Klebesadel's in Eagle River, AK
Lorelei LaFleur Family favorite - a historic picture from Kaye's Mom's side of the family (Julia Brown nee Campbell)
Lorelei LaFleur Avalon as a mermaid, with Captain Sea Bass (Sebastian) - costume fun
Lorelei LaFleur Enjoying a Danish Coca Cola with a similar moniker
Lorelei LaFleur Scott's bride, Karen McLeod, with Lorelei LaFleur, Dianne, and Stormi Davis
Lorelei LaFleur Grandkitten Ruprecht LaFleur and his welcome letter from Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Hiking with a purse and pearls - Lorelei, Kaye and Scott, AZ
Lorelei LaFleur With Scott and Karen
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye, Cal, Karen, Aggy, Scott, Lorelei L, Mawt, and Dave L
Lorelei LaFleur Grandkitty Riley LaFleur, modeling bathroom remodel in New Windsor, MD
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye enjoys family egg decorating event
Lorelei LaFleur Scott sets up a chair for Kaye with bird's eye view - Wheeler ride in Hatcher Pass
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's beloved cat, Aggy, ready for some steak...
Lorelei LaFleur Conner McLeod and Grandma Kaye - High School graduation
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's grandmother, Amelia (top left) and family
Lorelei LaFleur Stopping for lunch on a road trip - Kaye, Karen, Avalon and Lorelei
Lorelei LaFleur On the breezy Baltic Sea - Kaye and daughter Lorelei
Lorelei LaFleur Happy Memories!
Lorelei LaFleur Dinner at Sourdough Mining Company - Left: Greg, Stormi, & Dianne Davis, Kaye, Calvin Right: Dave & Lorelei LaFleur, Karen & Scott McLeod
Lorelei LaFleur Calvin toasts another new truck
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye loved art - here shown with work by Ketchikan artist Dave Rubin - Scene in Edmond Bay
Lorelei LaFleur Mawt, Aggy and Bit - a three-cat good day for Calvin
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's school photos
Lorelei LaFleur Good friends and in-laws - Bruce and Cheryl
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne and Tuffy (sorry it's tilted!)
Lorelei LaFleur Portrait of Kaye, with Hugo (female bear from Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center) and a downy woodpecker. Based on Kaye's baby photo.
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and Agememnon - aka Aggy, on Annette Island, Alaska
Lorelei LaFleur Daughter Lorelei and grandson Zak at Palmer Musk Ox Farm - photo by Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Scott admires Dianne's smile
Lorelei LaFleur Cal, Conner and Avalon
Lorelei LaFleur Mob of McLeods, Big Lake - Allen, Lindsay, Lorelei L, Avalon, Conner, Karen, Jennifer, Scott, and Dave L
Lorelei LaFleur The LaFleurs on Matanuska Glacier
Lorelei LaFleur Treasured friend for over 50 years - Sharlene Wilkey (here visiting Lorelei in England)
Lorelei LaFleur Scott, Dianne, Lorelei on the front stoop in spring
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and Lorelei kick up their heels on the Baltic, at Ishøj Strand.
Lorelei LaFleur Mamie (right) at picnic at Point Lobos, CA
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye with son Scott, daughter Lorelei, and her husband Dave LaFleur in Wasilla, AK
Lorelei LaFleur Open-top bus tour, Copenhagen - a chilly ride! Kaye and daughter, Dianne
Lorelei LaFleur Daughters at lunch - Dianne offers Lorelei something tasty
Lorelei LaFleur I-Hop in Wasilla, AK - Conner, Avalon, Scott and Karen McLeod, Lorelei LaFleur (photo by Kaye)
Lorelei LaFleur Musk Ox farm with Zak, Palmer, AK
Lorelei LaFleur Family gathering at the Klebesadel's -Lindell K, Barbara McLeod, and Kaye enjoy time at the piano
Lorelei LaFleur Grandson Conner does some karate
Lorelei LaFleur Em, Kaye, and Juanita (with kitten)
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye, Cal, Bruce, Cheryl and friends
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye, with Avalon, Scott, and Conner McLeod
Lorelei LaFleur Every picture tells a story - this one is about love.
Lorelei LaFleur Height check- Avalon and Grandma Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur A wee bit of trespassing in order to admire a Swedish John Deere mower at Eslöv.
Lorelei LaFleur Grandma's back yard, Kingman, AZ
Lorelei LaFleur Conner and friend, Oatman, AZ
Lorelei LaFleur Grand-puppy Bryn Davis
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and daughter Dianne
Lorelei LaFleur Avalon, Karen, Conner, and Em (Kaye's sister)
Lorelei LaFleur Greg, Dianne, and daughter, Stormi K
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne, Kaye and Lorelei thinking PINK at the Espresso House in Eslov, Sweden
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and Lorelei enjoy coffee on patio in Kingman
Lorelei LaFleur Cal Moore with Conner McLeod
Lorelei LaFleur Zak
Lorelei LaFleur Son Scott and Kaye at Hatcher Pass, Alaska
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye at Rosenborg Slot (Castle), with Richard Karpen - famed for his Hans Christian Andersen guise and excellent tours
Lorelei LaFleur Grandson, Zak Davis
Lorelei LaFleur Davis family- Dianne, Stormi and Greg
Lorelei LaFleur Son Scott
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's birth mother, Mamie. The resemblance is striking!
Lorelei LaFleur Chompers! Lorelei and Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Fist punch! A joyful lunch by the pool - Kaye, daughter in law Karen, and daughter, Lorelei (photographer)
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's mom, Julia Brown, with sister Em and Kaye's first car (which she let Em drive)
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye, son Scott, and sister Em Jorgensen on Scott's first (really big) truck
Lorelei LaFleur Scott McLeod and family at Grandma Kaye's, Las Vegas
Lorelei LaFleur Grandson Zak Davis
Lorelei LaFleur Grandaughter Avalon made a sock monkey for Lorelei's birthday - Seamus Jr.
Lorelei LaFleur Dianne
Lorelei LaFleur Hoofing it on cobbles around the moat of Hamlet's castle
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's birthmother Mamie (right), Aunt Helen and Uncle Clifford
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's aunt Helen and family (in lilac sweater)
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye, pink roses, and pink hat on Danish shoreline
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye at her cabin on Kenai peninsula, Alaska - on a dip netting fishing trip
Lorelei LaFleur Danish drizzle on the way to Hamlet's castle, but that's nothing to someone who's lived in SE Alaska!
Lorelei LaFleur Danish port of Helsingør - on way to ferry to Sweden Lorelei, Dianne, and Kaye
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and Conner with his dad's (Scott) toy bunny
Lorelei LaFleur All in the family - Karen's sister, Linda, and Mom, Debra Dunn
Lorelei LaFleur Grandson Conner McLeod graduation Arizona State University
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and dad, Al Brown - a fish story
Lorelei LaFleur Sister Em, and husband, Ron Jorgensen
Lorelei LaFleur Sister-in-law Cheryl (in orange) and husband Bruce Tackett, with Kaye's husband, Calvin Moore in Kingman, AZ
Lorelei LaFleur Grandson, Zak Davis
Lorelei LaFleur Greg Davis with daughter, Stormi
Lorelei LaFleur Recalling her days in the USAF
Lorelei LaFleur Lorelei and Avalon - bear scare (Photo by Kaye)
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye and Cal's wedding, Hawaii
Lorelei LaFleur Kaye's commuter vehicle during her years with FAA in Ketchikan, AK (the ferry, not the cars)
Lorelei LaFleur Avalon McLeod at Big Lake, Alaska