My words to my bro........ Justin. Jup. Juppy. Jubba. Jubana. Jubba the Nut. Juzzy. Jumper........... Brother We were together in pain. If I was in trouble you were right beside me sharing the punishment. If you were in trouble I did the same. Or at least we weren't far away from each other making sure we weren't alone. Like brothers do. We crie...
🕯 Steve Hosking lit a candle Love ya bro
Such is life and life is such and after all it isn't much. First a cradle then a hearse. It might have been better but it could have been worse.
Steve Hosking
Steve Hosking
Steve Hosking
Steve Hosking
This week's gig is for you bro. I miss you so much man.
Still missing you like mad little brother. I love you heaps man.
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