Join Memories to request access to contribute your cherished photos, videos, and stories to James's memorial with others who loved them.
Join MemoriesWe cannot celebrate Jim's wonderful life in person at this time due to CoVid19, so we are collecting memories for all of us who miss him dearly. Please add your memories. We hope this will help provide a bit of solace until we can gather safely.
Family and friends
Julianne Costa Jim's christening
Julianne Costa The only year Jim did not love Santa
Julianne Costa Jim was a towhead toddler. Here he is at White Horse Beach with our Dad and itchy Matt.
Julianne Costa Jimmy pushing his brothers away as he eats. He always loved a good meal.
Julianne Costa Jimmy's preschool photo
Julianne Costa Jimmy's school picture when Dot Fortier was his wonderful teacher.
Julianne Costa Patrick and Jimmy adorable but who cut their hair?
Patrick Gendron Papa and the nice legs of Nana on the porch in Brighton
Julianne Costa Before Jim became a pacifist, he made guns out of tissues, washcloths and sandwiches. No one in the family remembers why this photo was staged (ugh!) but Jim is obviously smug.
Julianne Costa Jim loved getting together with his cool aunt.
Julianne Costa Jim has the best cousins with an odd sense of humor that kept him on his toes.
Julianne Costa Jim was a proud uncle and Kevin is his "favorite brother-in-law".
Julianne Costa Everyone loved meeting Mickey.
Julianne Costa Jim loved being an uncle.
Julianne Costa Christmas in NYC
Julianne Costa Whether he was here at Tavern on the Green, NYC or Olive Garden in South Portland, Jim loved going to restaurants.
Julianne Costa Christmas in NYC
Julianne Costa Our Mom and Jim came to NYC for wonderful Christmas celebrations.
Julianne Costa Another photo from Uncle Mike. Jim loved sharing special occasions with his wonderful cousins and he always had his own cool groove.
Julianne Costa Our Uncle Mike sent a few photos reminding us that "Jimmy was always the center of attention, always had a 'toast' for the occasion, he was such a loving charmer. We will all miss him."
Julianne Costa NY, NY Jim is King of the hill.
Julianne Costa one of Jim's paintings from his art class at Creative Works Day Program
Julianne Costa Our annual trip to OOB for rides and Jim's favorite chicken lo mein on the pier.
Julianne Costa Jim's 40th birthday with our Mom and his beloved niece and nephew.
Julianne Costa Jim's 40th birthday with his brothers and our Dad
Julianne Costa Jim at work at Men's Wearhouse Read the article from the Portland Press Herald (to access free article: right click on link, choose "Open Link in New Private Window", when opens click "I'll subscribe next time")
Julianne Costa It has been a year since Jim died...but time after someone special dies and especially during the pandemic is hard to measure. We deeply miss him. Here he is in a photo that he would have loved--wearing a tuxedo at a fancy party.
Patrick Gendron always a sharp dressed man
Jimmy Gendron was a bright light in the lives of those who knew him. From his toddler years, through his school career, and into his adult adventures, no one who knew him escaped that smile, that sense of humor, and those impeccable manners. He was his own person and quite happy with that.
Edward McGeachey Hi Gendron family, I am Ed McGeachey, a long-time Board member of Creative Works. I knew Jimmy well and greatly enjoyed all of my interactions with him. Jimmy once told us that he wanted to meet a United States President. It gave me great pleasure to arrange for him to meet President George Herbert Walker Bush during an event at Southern Maine Health Care in Biddeford. Jimmy conducted his time with President Bush with great dignity and warmth. President Bush spent time with Jimmy and enjoyed chatting with him vey much. The Creative Works family will remember Jimmy fondly for his outgoing and very positive presence in our lives. We will miss him!
Matthew Gendron All of us at Christmas
Matthew Gendron Ma’s graduation
Remembering Jimmy from back in the 90’s at Sanford High basketball games. When I walked into Memorial Gym Jim would always welcome Mrs LOLLEY with his big smile and a big kiss. He would say “I love you”. Our thoughts go out to all the Gendron family at this time. Prayers from Dick & Pam LOLLEY
Patti Peterson My name is Patti Peterson and I had the privilege of being Jimmy's Speech Therapist from 1977 until he moved from Sanford. It was my first job, and he always has remained close to my heart. And man, could he work a crowd! This photo was taken at a reunion of his classmates, and was also the first time I met his mom! The world was a better place with him in it...
Matthew Gendron Jimmy loved Christmas
Matthew Gendron On the porch in Brighton with Nana & Papa
Matthew Gendron Jimmy giving the Queen’s wave on parade with Buster & Red
Julianne Costa Today is Jim's birthday--a day to celebrate (as he loved any/all, big or small celebrations, especially on his birthday!) his wonderful life. Miss him so very much and so grateful for him in our lives.
Julianne Costa Today is Jimmy's birthday and I have been singing the Partridge Family theme song all day. He loved it when he was a little boy & a grown man. I can still hear his rousing crescendo at the end. We could never remember all the lyrics but this is the version we sang. Smiling through my tears--hope it helps someone else who misses him. Somethin' always happens whenever we're together We get a happy feelin' when we're singin' a song Come on, get happy A whole lotta lovin' is what we'll be bringin' Come on, get happy Come on, get happy Come on, get happy
Julianne Costa Today is Jim's birthday and we miss him so very much. So an Irish toast--to Jimmy who loved to propose a toast for any occasion. “Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us every day, unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear.”
Julianne Costa Today is Jim's birthday. His expected lifespan was ~20 years. He always exceeded expectations. We are so grateful for him.