A beautiful Service was held at Sacred Heart Church Fairway Drive Clear Island Waters, Gold Coast on Tuesday the 29th May 2012 at 10.30am. Helen was laid to rest with her darling Daughter 'Megan' at Allambe Memorial Gardens at Nerang Gold Coast. Approx 400 Friends farewelled Helen on this day and Kerry, Scott and leisl followed by Lyle & Mal welcomed and thanked all, with the following Eulogy. Lyl... more
Family and friends
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Kerry Davis Helen and her 4 Boys
Kerry Davis Mackenzie & Helen
"Except For Monday" Gathering Music
Kerry Davis Leisl & Helen
Kerry Davis Kai & Helen
Kerry Davis Scott & Lisa
"All That Jazz" Recessional Song
Kerry Davis Our Helen
Kerry Davis Our Family
Melissa Denman Gold Coast Cloggers and Helen's sister, Yvonne
Kerry Davis The Family
Kerry Davis Love Forever
Kerry Davis Darrell & Leisl
Kerry Davis The Davis Family
🌷 Kerry Davis gave a flower Roses and Ger-bras were Helen's Favorites
Melissa Denman Gold Coast Cloggers and Helen's sister, Yvonne
Kerry Davis Mackenzie & Scott
Kerry Davis Alex & Helen
Kerry Davis Scott & Helen
"Time to Say Goodbye" Entrance Music
'Order of Service' for Helen's Life Journey Ceremony at Sacred Heart Church Gold Coast 29/05/2012
Kerry Davis The Johnson Boys
Kerry Davis Zak & Helen
Kerry Davis Leisl, Helen & Scott
Kerry Davis Kerry & Helen
Gold Coast Cloggers with Helen's sister, Yvonne
Gold Coast Cloggers with Helen's sister, Yvonne
Kerry Davis Graveside Service
Kerry Davis Burial
Kerry Davis Butterfly on Tunnis's Head!
🕯 Kerry Davis lit a candle Happy Mothers Day this Sunday May 12th 2013. To the very best Mother and Grandmother ever, 'We all miss you so much'! Lots and lots of Love from us all..
🕯 Kerry Davis lit a candle Remembering you this week-end my Darling 11/5/14 and just how good a mother you were. May God Bless you.. Hubby Kerry
We will never 👎 Forget you Sweetheart Kerry, Leisl, Scott & Families Grandsons Kenz now 17, Alex nearly 21, Kai now 23 & Zak just turned 26 miss you dearly 💋💋😘🥰