🕯 Leslie Goddard lit a candle love you Nan you will be missed xxooxx
🕯 Phillip Michael lit a candle Rest in Peace my beautiful Mother in Law. We will always miss you.
Phillip Michael
🕯 Anne Michael lit a candle Gwen I met you 8 years ago and have loved you ever since you are the sweetest kindest person I know I will miss our Sunday afternoons. You are with your beautiful daughters now Gwen . Love you and miss you xx
🌷 Phillip Michael gave a flower Mum give this flower to my beautiful wife Karen and tell her all is well down here. She has sent me a beautiful angel to take care of us. xxxx
🕯 Phillip Michael lit a candle Rest in peace with your beautiful daughters my sweet mother in law. You will always be loved and remembered. xxxxxxoooo
🕯 Phillip Michael lit a candle Miss you little Gwennie. I think about you all the time. Love you.xxxxxxoooooo Annie
Still love and miss you. I miss all our little talks xx
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