Join Memories to request access to contribute your cherished photos, videos, and stories to Gillian Mei Sin's memorial with others who loved them.
Join MemoriesMother of Scott Ho. Sister of Chim Man, Jim Yuen, Kitty & Michelle LAU.
Family and friends
Jim LAU 2012 @ Our New T/House Kitchen. John
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 妹妹笑容常在,留在我心中。
Jim LAU 2013 Feb, before Attending a Wedding. John
Kitty - Losing Weigh as of June 2014. John
Gillian LAU Mei Sin is now free as the wind, free from sickness, household chores, financial problems, sick marriage. She is now swimming in the oceans with the fishes and flying with the birds. After 20 years of hardship, you are free to choose what you like most and start a new journey prescribed by heavenly bodies. We all love you and support yo...
Jim LAU 2013 Feb, before Attending a Wedding. John
Showed @ 11/4/2015 Funeral, Prepared by Scott Ho
🌷 John Ho gave a flower Chanting & Offerings to Ease Your Transition to the Next Better World ... Yellow roses for you to brighten your time while waiting for the transit ...
🌷 John Ho gave a flower
To ALL: Pls email me at IF you did not receive the following email dated 21/4/15 Tuesday with Subject line "Helping Gillian's Transition to The Next World.... ". It starts with the following paragraph: Hi All, Instead of mourning, which is good for no one, please do one OR all of the followings NOW, TODAY or at l...
Jim LAU Ashes spreaded @ Orchard B&B, Red Hill. John
May you find your peace and happiness in a better world.
Mum's eulogy Thank you all for coming today for the celebration of Gillian's life. To me, mum was always the symbol of strength and perseverance. Many of you will probably agree that she goes out of her way to help other people. When I was around 4 years ago, I developed severe eczema. As a result, she took me to many doctors, Chinese herbalists, a...
徒:情人是什么人? 师:是菩萨、是诸佛。 徒:这又为何呢? 师:因为“不经一番寒澈骨,怎得梅花扑鼻香。”此人在考验您,历练您,让您从逆境中走出,顺境中觉醒,而面临一切境界,皆能不取不舍,而达到自在之境。 徒:那到底情人是什么人? 师:是照顾您的人,也是折磨您的人。
佛告诉你,情人是什么? 2015-04-23 新朋友点 十点阅读 师徒两人,无事泡茶谈天,因情人节刚过,便聊起这个话题。 徒:情人是什么人? 师:情人是爱人、是仇人、是陌生人。 徒:为何如此说? 师:两人相爱时,是爱人;反目成仇时,是仇人;视同陌路时,是陌生人。 徒:为何会演变成为这样? 师:情的产生是因为贪爱,有贪爱故有执著,因执著而想占有,因拥有故不知不觉想掌控对方,因不能如己所愿,故疑心起、妒心起、嗔心起、无明起,故开始争执、吵闹、互不信任、彼此伤害、粗暴动手、甚至要摧毁对方、更可怕的是想同归于尽。 徒:为何不要彼此珍惜?若是不能在一起,也应好聚好散? 师:无理的人多,明理的人少。自私的人多,无私的人少。蛮横的人多,体谅的人少。主观的人多,...
因为冬天之后,春天仍旧再来,依此周而复始。这就是众生于爱欲之河,生死轮回的主因。 徒:那师父是不鼓励人谈恋爱吗? 师:不可说“好”,亦不可说“不好”,怎么做才是“最好”,由自己决定! 徒:若是不谈恋爱,就不会结婚;不结婚,就不会有小孩;没有小孩,就没有人类;没有人类,世界不就荒废了吗? 师:不用担心这个问题,当您遇到心爱的人时,自然就会结婚;正如有人问我,若是所有的人都出家,那国家的经济怎么办?人类的延续又该如何?我回答对方:“您的假设不能成立,因为您本身就不想出家,所以不用杞人忧天,好好照顾您自己比较重要。”
John Ho 2010 CNY REAL Gold Nugget, Melb Museum Basement
Gillian, today (Saturday, 25/4/15), Scott & I have Yum Cha lunch with our Qi Gong Master Chen, his wife Jessica & your good friend Lisa Chu at Crown Palace Restaurant. Master Chen helped you a lot to alleviate your discomforts as well as lengthen your life span. Lisa has been pretty kind to call you 3-4 times weekly to chat with you. Christian is q...
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle 觀自在菩薩,行深般若波羅蜜多時,照見五蘊皆空,渡一切苦厄。舍利子,色不異空,空不異色,色即是空,空即是色,受想行識,亦復如是,舍利子,是諸法空相,不生不滅,不垢不凈,不增不減,是故空中無色,無受想行識,無眼耳鼻舌身意,無色聲香味觸法,無眼界,乃至無意識界,無無明,亦無無明盡,乃至無老死,亦無老死盡,無苦集滅道,無智亦無得,以無所得故,菩提薩堹,依般若波羅蜜多 故,心無罣礙,無罣礙故,無有恐怖,遠離顛倒夢想,究竟涅槃。三世諸佛,依般若波羅蜜多故,得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。故知般若波羅蜜多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是無上咒,是無等等咒,能除一切苦,真實不虛,故說般若波羅蜜多咒,即說咒曰: 揭諦,揭諦,波羅揭諦,波羅僧揭締,菩提薩婆訶。
John Ho 2011 Xmas in Macau
Now you know for sure we can take nothing but our own karma with us when we depart this world. So much attachments, cravings & possessions suddenly look so laughable & insignificant. We're born with our birthday suits. We exit with our souls only, packaged with our destiny for the life & death cycle. May you be blessed with the good karma for a bet...
🕯 Caroline Liew lit a candle You will be missed dearly by those who love and care for you. You are now free from worldly sufferings and a new beginning of life waits for you. We will chant, be vegetarian and donating to the charity in memory of you, all these merits for your transition of next life. Love Caroline & Peter Lim
🕯 Kitty lit a candle I miss you. You were a good wife and good mother. Your husband and son are lucky.
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Let there be Light for you! If there were an option for a torch, I would light that instead for your transition.
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Let The WHITE Light Be Your Guide. Follow it! NEVER go with whoever appears to be your beloved as s/he might be a devil in disguise, leading you to the World of Ghosts or Hell.
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Lyn Naismith has been emailing with Scott after she heard about the news via me. She's a competent counsellor with a good heart. Scott will go for the EFT Level 2 on coming 2-3 May. It would be great for him. Tapping helps him a fair bit. May be I'll go for it too after I brush up & practice my EFT Level 1 skills :0
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle 經文 : 般若波羅蜜多心經 觀自在菩薩,行深般若波羅蜜多時,照見五蘊皆空,渡一切苦厄。舍利子,色不異空,空不異色,色即是空,空即是色,受想行識,亦復如是,舍利子,是諸法空相,不生不滅,不垢不凈,不增不減,是故空中無色,無受想行識,無眼耳鼻舌身意,無色聲香味觸法,無眼界,乃至無意識界,無無明,亦無無明盡,乃至無老死,亦無老死盡,無苦集滅道,無智亦無得,以無所得故,菩提薩堹,依般若波羅蜜多故,心無罣礙,無罣礙故,無有恐怖,遠離顛倒夢想,究竟涅槃。三世諸佛,依般若波羅蜜多故,得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。故知般若波羅蜜多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是無上咒,是無等等咒,能除一切苦,真實不虛,故說般若波羅蜜多咒,即說咒曰: 揭諦,揭諦,波羅揭諦,波羅僧...
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Sunday (26/4/15) I re-start my Qi Gong Exercise Classes (4 times a week). Yesterday (Sat 25/4/15), I made sure Scott used his own money to buy a new Bunny Home for Dusty because Scott needed (and needs) to learn putting his money where his mouth is. He says Dusty NEEDS a new home, apart from the existing tube for him to stay...
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle 經文 : 般若波羅蜜多心經 觀自在菩薩,行深般若波羅蜜多時,照見五蘊皆空,渡一切苦厄。舍利子,色不異空,空不異色,色即是空,空即是色,受想行識,亦復如是,舍利子,是諸法空相,不生不滅,不垢不凈,不增不減,是故空中無色,無受想行識,無眼耳鼻舌身意,無色聲香味觸法,無眼界,乃至無意識界,無無明,亦無無明盡,乃至無老死,亦無老死盡,無苦集滅道,無智亦無得,以無所得故,菩提薩堹,依般若波羅蜜多故,心無罣礙,無罣礙故,無有恐怖,遠離顛倒夢想,究竟涅槃。三世諸佛,依般若波羅蜜多故,得阿耨多羅三藐三菩提。故知般若波羅蜜多,是大神咒,是大明咒,是無上咒,是無等等咒,能除一切苦,真實不虛,故說般若波羅蜜多咒,即說咒曰: 揭諦,揭諦,波羅揭諦,波羅僧揭...
🕯 Kitty lit a candle hope your next life will be full of joy, happiness, healthy, love and care around you.
Jim LAU 2011/12 Dec/Jan,HK Lantau Island,Buddha Temple
🌷 Christine Leung gave a flower Rest in Peace. GONE YET NOT FORGOTTEN. Although we are apart, your memory lives within me, Forever in my heart.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower The flowers are for you, my sister Gillian.
🕯 Christine Leung lit a candle Missing You Poem - Light a candle, see it glow, watch it dance, when you feel low, think of me, think of light, I'll always be here, day or night, a candle flickers, out of sight, but in your heart, I still burn bight, think not of sadness, that I'm not near, think of gladness, and joyous cheer, I have not left, I a...
🕯 John Ho lit a candle For chanting, the power is in your sincerity, simplicity & purity in ACTUALLY DOING the chant. It's virtually NOT MUCH use if just turning on the recorded chanting or posting the chanting (in text or audio format) here or elsewhere apart from nudging yourself to ACTUALLY chant it. Pls post sacred chanting texts ONLY RIGH...
John Ho Soup: White Fungus, Dried Scollop, Mushroom etc
John Ho Dusty's Organic Dinner After Home Vaccination
John said that he shall place a plaque at Springvale Cemetry or at the resort at Red Hill to memorize your existence in this world. If you do not like the plaque, please inform us.
John Ho Scott's Beloved Vegetarian Dish_27/4/15
🕯 Kitty lit a candle why there is no incense to select? Before there was. May be my computer has problem.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 掛念你
Great design change to oriental style! No one needs to cluster the cyber space here by lighting 1 joss stick 3 times consecutively :) But hang on, even though I can see clearly that I select the "3 Joss Stick"option, it appears to be just a SINGLE on screen!
Jim LAU Cooking for the family, 2012
🌷 Kitty gave a flower As there is only 5 different flowers to choose, one more flower for you. Hope you can receive a bunch of different types of flower every day.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a flower for you.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower This one I give you on behalf of our Mum. Without our parents, we won't be here. Your first role in this human world was being a daughter and she is the one that has known you for the longest and loves you the most. The bond between mother and daughter is the most special and cannot be replaced.
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Last night (29/4/15), I cooked a slightly different Chinese vegetarian dish for Scott. He ate so much of it that it surprised me :) Tonight would go for vegetarian too. That's 2 nights in a row we dedicate the merits back to you. Yesterday's & today's lunch for me is also vegetarian for. Clocking up "points" for you :) RIP.
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Your Death Certificate still not yet reaches home after 3 weeks since funeral! It usually reaches the deceased's family WITHIN 3 weeks. I've left a phone msg for their Regional Manager Mr. Ashley Crow to call me back regarding to the disappointing service rendered via their Jenny Li. Their Glen Waverley receptionist Paul...
🌷 John Ho gave a flower Tonight (1/5/2015), I made the following donation via my Pay Pal account, on your behalf. The $ is mostly came from the "White Gold" received from our friends @ your funeral. I just top it up to A$1,500. Tomorrow Sat & then Sunday, I will do volunteer works at the Rabbit Run Away Orphanage, dedicated to you as well. Basi...
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower This flower looks good too.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a rose for you
Jim LAU 27 January 2013
Jim LAU April 2011
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Yellow is good too.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower It's the weekend, so more flowers.
Jim LAU Photos at 51st (20/8/2014) Birthday
🌷 John Ho gave a flower Judi continued, "Bryce (her hubby, as others probably don't know) has triple bypass and had a broken rib so far. He's going to have knee cap replacement operation soon. So his memory is not that great these days." I said,"Oh. That's understandable." So what appears to be "slack" has its valid reasons.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Beautiful Sunday. Flower just for you.
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Tomorrow Sunday, I will post a few photos taken today at the Orphanage. There's a cute little white bunny with pink & orange eyes with a pleading look, "Take Me Home, Please!"; another one with a bonding pair & a black rabbit looked like s/he was repenting by facing the "wall", like the Buddha who did the same in a cave for ...
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Can't figure out why when ALL photos are still here, only the 6 photos taken @ Rabbit Run Away Orphanage yesterday (Saturday 2/5/2015) are shown at top. I'm going there again tomorrow Monday, will sort this out in the evening / at night then.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle Hey, something strange. I am looking for lots of assorted flowers for you. Yesterday night, I received so many nice photos. I will forward the photos one by one. For sure, you will like them.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Tulip is so strong, just like you.
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Today (Saturday, 2/5/2015), I have done the volunteer works at the Rabbit Run Away Orphanage, dedicated to you. Wow, they have about 60 bunnies there now. After lunch, I say to Judi there, "Bryce is still chatting up girls out there :) So is there anything I can help you with?" Judi replies,"There is not much to do at weeke...
Kitty - Abundance Of Flowers For You!
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a flower for you. Have sent lots of tulips for you and the photo is waiting for approval. Hope you will receive soon and like them.
Anyway, there're 2 hot ladies there today. When Bryce saying to one of them that "You still have not learned to put on more clothing when it's cold, do you?" I refrained myself from chiming in with the words," Well, HOT girls does not need much warm clothes!" See, I am by nature cheeky & funny with quick wit. Ha Ha! Had you been REAL like me...
🕯 John Ho lit a candle I bet the photo rotation at the above can only accommodate 6 photos! All other ones have to be looked @ from the Photos section :(
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Yesterday, I went to help out Rabbit Run Away Orphanage. Actually not much to do there! Anyway, I said goodbye to EACH of the bunnies there before I went off. All were pretty friendly and cute except the small one which bite me. S/he sought to be too excited to see me ;) No broken skin. So it's OK.
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Yesterday, after I had been nudging Scott for a few times ever since he got his red "P"plate driving licence in late March to sort out the car insurance cover for himself, he finally called RACV. To his surprise, YOU needed to call RACV to nominate him as an additional driver so that the excess would be $1,200 LESS than othe...
Towards the end, Ashley only offers A$300 off virtually $12,000 funeral, after verifying my "allegations" to be valid & correct, by viewing the actual DVD recording with me & consult his other Cantonese speaking staff. I tell him that it might be a bit dramatic, but had I known he only offered A$300 discount, I would not bother to spend the time to...
Jim LAU Lotus' Elegance & Purity. John adds the caption
🌷 John Ho gave a flower Today (Wed 6/5/2015), I finalise negotiation with Le Pine's Regional Manager, Ashley Crow. After investing 3 working hours on that (over 4 calls but only 3 phone conversations & today's face to face meeting), I manage to get $500 off the bill. It's like getting blood out of a piece of stone even for an effective negotiator ...
John Ho Bunnies' Bonding @ Orphanage_20150504
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Today, I drop in Rosalina's & Eric's Cafe to alert them your transition. Rosalina says she only know about your predicament this last Jan (2015). Anyway, she says though it seems to be heartless, it's wise that the people you left behind move on with their life. She would have said & done the same if it were herself or her f...
🌷 John Ho gave a flower I must alert you that the purple carnations that Tjhui bought you on Friday, just before the Buddhist chanting the same night, had 85% of it still looked good after TWO FULL weeks! With love, comes "luck". They were just flowers from Aldi Supermarket, not from a florist! Her own bunch (40%) lasted EVEN 1 MORE WEEK LONGER wh...
John Ho Dusty Resting @ New Cosy "Squashed" Home_20150507
to Gillian, from Kitty
🕯 John Ho lit a candle In AT LEAST the last 2 days (today & yesterday, 7-8 May 2015), I worked bloody hard. Seeing prospects to get their business & property to sell. Having missed out for the HOTTEST property market ever in Melbourne for the last 2 years, I won't be a sitting duck anymore since you have now gone. 2 cafes and one Surrey Hills prop...
🕯 Michelle Lau lit a candle Hope this will brighten up your world.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower hi, you know why I send a rose to you. Hey, a cool breeze just pass through.
Kitty - Happy Mother's Day - John adds caption
John Ho Mother's Day Red Roses for You
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Happy Mother's Day, one day in advance! Got the red roses for you this morning. Forget to take photos of flowers previously bought. You know the drill :) The main thing is that YOU know what they were. The rest is peripherals & unimportant. Anyway, much better than the virtual ones :) And LOVE is what counts MOST.... ...
for you
🌷 Kitty gave a flower tomorrow is mother's day. May be you would like to back home and have a look. Take care.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle have sent you yellow flowers. Photo was taken from Singapore.
Kitty - if you like yellow flowers, you would like them.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower hi, a rose for you in this special Sunday. May be you would like to give them a kiss when you back to your home.
Real estate game is always simple BUT slippery & tough. Not as harsh as funeral services business in some aspects, I suppose. I knew this vendor for 3 years already. Always saying, "You get me the price we want, we would sell." The wife's "Happy Price" of $1.3M went up to the husband's $1.35M the NEXT day! Well, what's A$50K?! Just loose change,...
🕯 Michelle Lau lit a candle Happy Mother's Day
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Happy Mother's Day to you.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle a green candle for you
smokeless incense for you
After chasing up Le Pine Funeral last Wed (6/5/2015), I've got their reply as "Hopefully the (death) certificate will be issued shortly after being reviewed by their ( medical officer." Had I not chased it up, it would take EVEN LONGER than the usual 3 week's wait. Today is the LAST day of the FULL 5th week after your fune...
🕯 Kitty lit a candle today is a yellow candle for you.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a red rose for you.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a tulip for you.
🕯 John Ho lit a candle I cooked the dish below last night (Monday 11/5/2015). Guess what? Forget about adding the Himalaya Salt :( .... Well, let's Scott adds his special gourmet vegetarian salt to complete it :)
🕯 Kitty lit a candle a white candle for you. May be its getting dark now.
John Ho Chinese Vegetarian Dish_20150511
🌷 John Ho gave a flower Stefan came yesterday (11/5/2015) with a new tiler to check out the shower recess upstairs. This happened after he came last Saturday with his son to witness the water leakage & subsequent wall stains along the stair case that I alerted him. Bottom line: The tiler is coming today to replace the tiles & recreates a NEW show ...
🌷 John Ho gave a flower Happy Birthday ...... to myself, that is :) ! Another busy day ahead. As usual, I've been up for close to 2 hours already. The possibility to get the authority to sell the 32 apartments @ Philips Island moves a tad closer yesterday. Anyway, nothing is for sure until it happens. The larger the deal is, the longer it ta...
🕯 Michelle Lau lit a candle Hope this will brighten up your day.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle another white candle for you to brighten up your day.
have posted a beautiful photo for you and wait for approval.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a poppy flower for you.
Kitty - what a nice colour for you.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle a yellow candle with a yellow flower.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower On this cold and rainy day, a yellow flower for you.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a tulip for you.
John Ho Shark Fin Melon Plants @ Backyard
John Ho "Big" Shark Fin Melon @ Backyard
🕯 Kitty lit a candle a green candle for you. 掛念你。
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Bunny Dusty LOVES the oats more than his "McDonald" rabbit feed treat. He simply gulfs it down when he gets access to it. He even stands up to search for it frantically once he hears the rattle noises from the shaking plastic container :) So much addiction. No need to buy him rabbit feeds anymore from the Coles Supermarkets....
🌷 Kitty gave a flower it's Saturday. Have a nice weekend.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle a blue candle for you.
Kitty - another bunch of beautiful flowers.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower It's a sunny day, hope you like the flower.
🌷 Jim LAU gave a flower No matter how difficult the skills are, you shall master them and be a great spirit in the coming reincarnation as a household guardian angel.
Gillian, thank you for everything you did. I am sure that things will change and life shall be full of activities and happiness. Although the physical existence ended with the spreading of ashes, your strong spirit has shaped a lot of things and brought us surprises. Thank you indeed for your kindness. John has promised to put a plaque to memorize ...
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a Sunday rose for you.....
it is also for you.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle a candle...
Jim LAU G&J @ 2012, John's mouth's severe eczema < stress
Jim LAU June 2013 with the Queen's Portrait
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a tulip for you.
Jim LAU 2011 December at Po Lin Monastery Lantau Island
🕯 Kitty lit a candle a yellow candle
Jim LAU New Pair of Sunglasses?
🌷 Kitty gave a flower You know, things are so clear. That's great.
Builder Stefan is here today to repaint the wall areas that are affected by the recent stains & damages done by the incorrect tiling work done in the shower recess upstairs. He says no painter is available so he does the job himself. He's not a professional painter. But I capitalise on this misfortune by getting him to stop the smoke alarm's cover ...
🕯 Kitty lit a candle a red candle for you.
Kitty - aren't they nice. 漂亮嗎?
I always remember those things you had told to me.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a flower for you. Have sent you a photo yesterday and still waiting for approval.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle Miss you. A yellow candle for you.
John Ho Your Friends' Offerings @ Your 49th Day Exit
for you.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle it will brighten up your way.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower have a nice time.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Stay strong.
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Q: "Didn’t she show you the draft before submission (of the Application of Death Certificate)? A: Nope. Jenny must have forgotten that Scott's surname is "Ho" :( I can't believe that I need to adjust my expectation to such an insulting low to make sure another party to do their job properly & not to muck me (us)...
Thank you for the 30 odd years that we were together in Melbourne. Although we didn't talk to each other much due to our commitments, we knew we had each other when needed. Over the last few weeks since your passing away, I felt the void in my life and the feeling of being alone. I know life has to go on and I know you would agree too. Stay strong,...
🕯 John Ho lit a candle I am really speechless & run out of ways to express my frustrations calmly with Le Pine's Jenny Li. Apparently, not only she is good at addressing the deceased's title/status wrongly, she is also great at changing THAT person's child surname! I just discover that on your Death Certificate, Scott's surname is MISSING!...
🕯 John Ho lit a candle All the best for you transition! Hope you would have a NEW HUMAN body & mind to continue your evolution.
if after 49 days, there will be a new start, hope you will have a good start of new life. Be happy, be healthy, be strong. Keep your good heart and kindness as before. You must have a good eyesight in new life. Although your life was a bit short, you had already done too much during your life time.
it's for you.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower Today is a bit late. Just a bit busy.
Jim LAU This hill is full of flowers.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle a yellow candle for you to brighten up your way.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle Do you know why? May be after 49 days, everything needs to line up and w a i t . . . Red candle can brighten up your way while waiting.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a poppy flower for you. There is a beautiful picture waiting for approval for 2 days already and is still waiting for approval. After 49 days, it needs to queue up? That's strange.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle a blue candle.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower hi.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle a white candle.
🕯 John Ho lit a candle When one is snowed under with work or whatever, one seems to forget what're the basic essentials & don't set the priority to prepare good lunches. Yesterday, I looked after myself by taking a good lunch at the Mt Waverley's Mocha Vita Cafe that we used to visited quite a few times. As usual, I had their "Buy 1 Meal, Get 1 Fr...
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a Lily for you.
You had done too much in the past life. It is now the time to start ANEW. There are more people and things to care for in your coming life. Whatever left behind have their own destiny and fate. They have to look after themselves. 人在做,天在看,無需掛念。每個人的在世修行已決定未來,一切不從你願,記掛衹令你沉淪,上天自有安排,不要執著,向前看向前行,無需回頭
🕯 Kitty lit a candle Are you busy with learning? Or waiting?
49 days passed and you should know your destiny. Please do not and MUST NOT care about the past life such as the people that you loved, the place that you liked, the things that you had not done, the messages that you had not delivered and so on. All these worries will definitely drag you to stay in the living world and pull you down from better li...
Have a good start.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Go to your next journey. We will always remember you. You had done so much good things in the past life, I am sure you will reach a better world and be whatever you want to be.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower it's sunny today.
Kitty - nice assorted flowers .
🕯 Kitty lit a candle keep going. be strong.
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Good to see that there're now some decent writings from the in-laws side. Beauty. Last Saturday (30/5/2015), I was pleasantly surprised and happy that when I called to tell Scott when I finally came home from working on the road, he offered to heat up my share of salmon pizza that I bought for our dinner that night! I...
🌷 Kitty gave a flower Have a good start. Go ahead.
🕯 Kitty lit a candle Everthing in your life time was a past tense. New life will be much better. I will remember you in my heart. No need to worry any more.
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle Gillian, you must go ahead and totally forget your past life. Forget and forgive and step forward like seagulls. The sky is not the limit and you must cross the oceans and rest on a peaceful land with plenty of trees and flowers. Forget the works that you had done and look forward to the NEW duties that shall rest on your sh...
🕯 John Ho lit a candle My Dear, sometimes I question this website / website page's reliability. Now, it's such a time that it hits the roof AGAIN. Yesterday, I wrote a LONG message & posted it here but now I just discover that it is NO LONGER here!!@@# Can't understand the WHY. Bit frustrated when you've done something but there's no positive r...
Dear Gillian Time passes so quickly. We prayed for your on your 49th days with the food both you and Scott loves. I will continue to chant Tai Bei Zhou for you whenever I can and hope you have already found a new destiny. Always in my thought. Caroline
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a tulip for you. Go ahead.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower For you, a rose from my garden.
for you
a hot summer in Hong Kong.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a lily for you.
🕯 Michelle Lau lit a candle A windy day today.
John Ho Family Portrait @ Herald Sun Newspaper Aug 2001
🕯 John Ho lit a candle So tired these days working in the Real Estate game again. Only managed to get 4 hours sleep on average for the last 8 days. So much needed and wanted to be done & yet so little time :( When I get on to the plane on Tuesday morning, I should be able to fall asleep promptly with the expected "no sleep" the night before.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a hot Sunday.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a poppy flower
🌷 Kitty gave a flower hi
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Cool, sunny day. Hope you are well.
🌷 Jim LAU gave a flower 180 flowers already
200 joss sticks already
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle 1st July is not a day to celebrate.
Dear Gillian It has been 3 months since you have left us. How time flies! But the memory still lives on. We should all appreciate our love ones and make the best each day of our life, so there will be no room for regrets. Cause life is impermanence.
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle To John and Scott, Is Gillian's memorial copper plaque been made and posted at Springvale Cemetery? The plaque shall take 6 weeks to make and cost AUD1500.
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle 13 July is 100 days that Gillian passed away.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower A sunny day today
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower A cold and wet day, hope you are well.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower miss you on your 99 days.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower today (13/July) is your 100 days since you left us.
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle Gillian has passed away for 101 days. The plaque is still not made to memorize Gillian's existence and contribution to the community and family. Spreading the ash is an intelligent well thought move.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a bit busy today.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Wish you are well. First year without your well wishes for the day.
Dear Gillian Pureland Buddhist Temple had conducted a 2 days chanting over the weekends for the departed. You were invited for this chanting session and I hope wherever you are you will benefit this merits.
300 incense
🌷 Kitty gave a flower hi
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是立秋。
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower 300 flowers
🌷 Kitty gave a flower miss you so much.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是初一。
🌷 Kitty gave a flower today is your birthday. miss you.
🌷 John Ho gave a flower 適逢今年你“52” 岁生日 20/8 亦为中国情人七夕节。 顾你喝过忘情水而又已有另一生命,继續你的历程。 顾你一路平安。
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 掛念你,想念你。不會因時間而影響。SMILING FACE WITH SMILING EYESLOVE LETTER
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Hope you like it.
have a nice day....
🌷 Kitty gave a flower good morning.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower First day of Spring and it is sunny.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Sunny day, hope you are well.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是農曆八月初一。
🌷 Jim LAU gave a flower the 370th flower for you
the 430th joss stick for Gillian
tomorrow is mid Autumn festival.
Today is Mid Autumn Festival and wish you were here.
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle 400 candles
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower It's a warm and sunny day.
Dear Gillian I celebrated my 50th birthday yesterday, wish you were here.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower It's going to be hot today. Roses in the garden are blooming.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是重陽節。
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 掛念你
Kitty -
🌷 Kitty gave a flower Hi, good morning.
500 joss sticks.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是初一。
🕯 John Ho lit a candle Chinese "Singles Day" 11.11 just passed, I would post my last messages over the next 3 days. It's the extended version of my writing posted back on 20.8.2015. The text has increased by about 40%. That's my last tribute to you here. “The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone.” –Har...
Kitty - nice & beautiful
🌷 Kitty gave a flower There is one photo waiting for approval. It has been waiting for 2 days already.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower still waiting for the approval of photo.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower your photo is still waiting for approval. !!
🌷 Kitty gave a flower hi, can you see the photo? It's nice.
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle This is the first Christmas without Gillian. The world is a different place. We can see you singing Christmas songs and dancing with the angels in Heaven. The years of sickness is now left behind. Keep on going as we can hear your laughter and see your happy face.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower today is 1st January, 2016.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 如果...假如...
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是年廿八,下星期一是農曆年初一。
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是大年初一。
Good morning.
1000 joss sticks.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 一年了,有說話說不到給你知。只能說很掛念你。
Dear Gillian One year had passed, memories still fresh in our mind. We missed you!
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle One Year passed and we all wish you do well in Heaven.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower One year has passed, miss you every single day. Hope you are well.
One year already. Miss you a lot.
Jim LAU Gillian and baby Scott.
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle 900 candles
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Happy mother's day.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower Hi, it is a very hot mother's day in Hong Kong.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower a very hot day!
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是端午節.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今日是十五, 這裡早上很熱, 你好嗎?
1300 joss sticks
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle 1111 candles already
🌷 Kitty gave a flower miss you.
Happy Birthday. 生日快樂.
Happy Birthday to YOU !
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Happy Birthday, hope you are well.
Mid Autumn Festival today. Hope you see the moon. Have a wonderful day.
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle Today is Mid Autumn Festival. Have a nice day.
🌷 Jim LAU gave a flower Today is Mid Autumn Festival. Have a nice day.
Today is Mid Autumn Festival. Have a nice day.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 轉眼又是中秋.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天年三十, 明天是年初一.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Happy Chinese New Year.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是雞年年初一(西曆2017年1月28日星期六), 天氣和暖, 天晴, 早上稍涼.
Joss sticks 2000 times.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是正月十五. 11th Feb., 2017.
🕯 Jim LAU lit a candle Ching Ming Festival is coming. We shall send you money and some clothing: dress, suit, and shoes.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 明天清明節去拜山.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 現在怎麼樣? 近況如何?
Looking through your photos brings back fond memories, wish we have visit each other more often. Hope you are in good place, I will chant for your happiness.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 香港現掛8號風球.
今天是妳的生日, 願祝生日快樂. 我將永遠想念你. 近來好嗎?
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Wish you a very happy birthday today. Hope you are well.
Today is Mid-autumn Festival.
This is the first day of 2018.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是2018年1月1日, 舊曆11月十五.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是中秋節.吃月餅.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower Today is 1/Jan., 2019.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是豬年大年初一.
🌷 Jim LAU gave a flower Today is the first day of Chinese New Year of the Pig.
🌷 Michelle Lau gave a flower Happy birthday
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 生日快樂.
🌷 Jim LAU gave a flower This is the first day of the Year of the Rat.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是鼠年年初一.
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是端午節. 因疫情關係, 香港沒有龍舟比賽. 只是食糉:(
🌷 Kitty gave a flower 今天是中秋節.
Today is 15 November 2022. We had posted a lot of things on HeavenAddress but the track was destroyed. Never mind as you are always on our mind.
Today is the Christmas Day of 2022 and wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy 2023.
Today is the First Day of the Lunar New Year of the Rabbit. Just wish you were here to enjoy everything.
Today, 1st March 2023, is the first day that the HKSAR Govt to lift the enforcement of compulsory masks in the public.
It's been 8 years.
Today is 20th August.
Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival and wish you a happy day in Heaven.
There are changes in the web page and we can not post flowers, prayers and hug to you. Hope you do not mind.
2024年2月10日, 星期六, 今天是龍年年初一. 又一年.