Our beloved Friederike passed away after a long, difficult and beyond courageous fight with cancer. Since she was our adventurous, brilliant and one-of-a-kind person who made a positive impact worldwide, this Online Memorial is created to help collect our memories of this amazing woman in a single place. Feel free to write in English, German, or any other language you choose. We hope that this onl... more
Family and friends
Join Memories to request access to contribute your cherished photos, videos, and stories to Friederike's memorial with others who loved them.
Join MemoriesMelinda Nath-Richter Location pictures of burial ceremony in Ölsen We’ll meet at the church (https://maps.app.goo.gl/nZyxG36ZTWzBSMYG8) and proceed from there to the cemetery. Lage Bilder zur Trauerfeier in Ölsen Wir treffen uns in der Dorfkirche (https://maps.app.goo.gl/nZyxG36ZTWzBSMYG8) und gehen von dort aus zum Friedhof.
Maja Nenadovic ~~~FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO SEND FLOWERS ~~~ For those of you who would like to send flowers for Friederike's final resting place, please be so kind to do it through the following website: http://traumstueck-dd.de/. This florist will be the one tasked with decorating the chapel and bringing the flowers to the cemetery. Please note with your order the name of the person assisting with the arrangement: Judith Frommhold. Thank you. ~~~WER BLUMEN SCHICKEN MÖCHTE~~~ Wer Blumen für den Tag der Beerdigung bestellen oder schicken möchte, kann dies über die Website der folgenden Floristin tun: http://traumstueck-dd.de/ Die Floristin kümmert sich um die Blumen in der Kirche und kann Blumenbestellungen direkt mit zur Beerdigung bringen. Bitte auch gerne den Namen Judith Frommhold angeben, damit dies besser zugeordnet werden kann. Vielen Dank!
Judith Frommhold Friederike als Baby und als Zweijährige. Friederike as a baby and at the age of two. Text auf der Rückseite des Babyfotos von Friederike: „Hallo guten Tag! Ich bin die Friederike und möchte den ganzen Tag so in die Welt gucken. Schlafen ist was für untergewichtige Säuglinge, habe ich nicht nötig. Nachts, naja da schlaf ich mal, damit die Mama ihre Ruhe hat, sonst häppelt sie mich am Tag nicht so gern. Tschüß, besucht mich mal, ich lache euch auch an.“ Mama Martina an ihre Schwester Christine Text written on the back of the baby picture: "Hello hello! I am Friederike and I want to look into the world all day long just like this. Sleeping is something for underweight infants I do not need. At night, well, I sleep now and then, so that my mom has her peace, otherwise she does not like to cuddle me during the day so much. Bye-bye, come visit me soon and I'll smile at you." Friederike’s mother Martina to her sister Christine
Carsten Keller First day in school - 1988 … 6 years old … we were sitting next to each other ( top right ) ( you in red trousers , me in a red shirt ) …. 34 years ago in Bad Gottleuba
Katharina Bachmann Meine liebe Cousine Friederike (Fricke), ich mochte Dich schon in Kindertagen, mit Dir war es nie langweilig. Ich erinnere mich an abenteuerliche Schlittenfahrten in Gottleuba, Elfer raus-Partien bei Oma in Crimmitschau und Wanderungen im Elbsandsteingebirge.
Carsten Keller Holiday in Austria - 1994 … we dusted off some funny pics of you playing “tug of war” with a pony - who actually won ?
Karolin Schulz Herbstrüstzeit in der Lausitz "Fricke" und ihre "Schwesterherzen" Eine über 30 Jahre lange Freundschaft... Meine Familie ist 1991 nach Bad Gottleuba gezogen, wo ich Friederike in der Kirchengemeinde kennenlernte. Wir gingen auf die selbe Schule, fuhren fast jeden Morgen zusammen mit dem Bus nach Pirna. In den Ferien waren wir zusammen auf Freizeiten, einmal war ich auch eine Woche mit in Crimmitschau bei Friederikes Oma. Es waren aufregende Zeiten, erstes Verliebtsein, erwachsen werden, Freundinnen, mit denen man alles teilt. Wir waren zum Grönemeyer-Konzert und bei Bryan Adams... Wie traurig war ich, als Friederike ein Jahr in die USA ging - ich hatte Angst, sie als Freundin z verlieren. Aber das ist nicht passiert. Auch wenn sie immer unterwegs war und man nie wusste, woher die nächste Postkarte oder E-Mail kommen würde...wenn wir uns wiedersahen, war es wie früher. 'Freunde sind wie Sterne, man kann sie nicht immer sehen, aber sie sind immer da.' In meinem Herzen wirst du immer da sein. Ich danke dir für deine Freundschaft und wie du immer meinen Horizont erweitert hast ♥️ Du warst einer der lebendigsten und mutigsten Menschen, die ich kennen lernen durfte. Das "war" bricht mir das Herz.
Carsten Keller End of dance school ball - 1997 Lots of great memories from that night where you helped me with my 2 left feet .
Hunter Gast Freddie lived with our family in 1998-99 in the US and would remain as part of our family for 24yr. So much laughter and silliness to be had that year!
Judith Frommhold "Herzlich Willkommen, Fricke"! Nach deinem Jahr in den USA wurdest du freudig begrüßt in Gottleuba und Oelsen, von der glücklichen Ina, deinen Freunden und Familienmitgliedern. Du hattest so viel zu erzählen...
Judith Frommhold Liebe Fricke, wir erinnern uns an viele gemeinsam verbrachte Wochenenden oder Ferien bei euch in Gottleuba, im Pfarrhaus Cotta und in Oelsen. Gemeinsame Spielrunden, durchschwatzte Nächte im Doppelstockbett, Wanderungen über die osterzgebirgischen Bergwiesen zur Oelsener Höhe, Wildschweinbegegnungen im Wald, wilde Schlittenfahrten (gern auch Nachts:-)), liebevolle Massageeinheiten, Ausruhen in der Hängematte, Schwatzen am Lagerfeuer oder auf der Blumenwiese, gemeinsame Ostereiersuche und später auch Begegnungen an Inas Grab auf dem Oelsener Friedhof. Ein besonderer Ort- umgeben von Bäumen und Wiesen und mit diesem wunderbaren Blick in die Ferne, an dem du nun deine letzte Ruhe finden wirst. Unsere starke, selbstbestimmte, engagierte, herrlich lustige, sprachgewandte, interessierte, kluge, kämpferische Nichte und Cousine...du wolltest raus aus der Enge der sächsischen Kleinstadt in die weite Welt. Dies ist die dir auf beeindruckende Weise gelungen! Deine Fricke- Art, mit deiner Krankheit umzugehen, nahm uns manchmal den Atem, wir haben dich dafür sehr bewundert. Du hast noch so viel erreicht und erlebt, was nach der Diagnose unerreichbar erschien. Wir alle werden dich sehr vermissen. Deine 14 Frommis Dear Fricke, we remember many weekends or vacations spent together in Gottleuba, in the parsonage in Cotta and in Oelsen. Playing games, chatting through the nights in the double bunk bed, hikes across the mountain meadows of the Eastern Erzgebirge to the Oelsen Heights, wild boar encounters in the forest, wild sledding rides (particularly at night :-)), loving massage sessions, resting in the hammock, chatting around the campfire or on the flower meadow, Easter egg hunts together and later also encounters at Ina's grave in the Oelsen cemetery. A special place- surrounded by trees and meadows and with this wonderful view, where you will now find your final resting place. Our strong, self-determined, committed, wonderfully funny, articulate, interested, clever, persistent niece and cousin...you wanted to get out of the confines of the small town in Saxony into the wide world. You succeeded in this in an impressive way! Your Fricke- kind of dealing with your illness sometimes took our breath away, we admired you for it a lot. You still achieved and experienced so much that seemed out of reach after your diagnosis. We will all miss you so very much. Your 14 Frommis (The Frommhold family)
Karin Malfliet I'll miss u, sista ❤ beautiful times in Spain! (2002)
Tamar Pagrach Even though this picture was taken more recently, there are many pictures of us like this. We met in Amsterdam during the second year of our studies. Dania was already there and the three of us became good friends. Dear Rika, there are no words to describe how much I will miss having you in my life. But all my great memories will keep you alive for as long as I live.
Uta Wiederhold Liebste Rike, meine „zärtliche Cousine“, diese Anrede kommt ungefähr aus diesem heißen wilden Sommer in Berlin. Du hast hier ein Praktikum gemacht und nur ein paar Straßen weiter von mir im Prenzlauer Berg gewohnt. Wir waren jung, wir waren hungrig aufs Leben und sind wahnsinnig viel ausgegangen und haben gefeiert. In irgendeiner Bar (ich glaub, es war im Klub der Republik, da waren wir oft) wurden wir als „zärtliche Cousinen“ bezeichnet und fanden später raus, dass das der Titel von einem (wohl eher mittelmäßigen) Erotikfilm aus den 80er ist. Was haben wir gelacht! Und uns seit dem so angeredet. Ich werde dich vermissen, deine zärtliche Cousine Uta ❤️
Tamar Pagrach Coming back from fieldwork we both ended up single. We found time to be sad together, but also had a thesis to write. Why not combine the two. I moved into your apartment and we had a strict regime together. But boy, were we successful. Breakfast in the early morning while making our schedule for the day. Writing/reviewing each other's work, supermarket trip as the only allowed outing, lunch and more writing/reviewing in the afternoon. Dinner and bed after that. We made the deadline with excellent grades. Our favourite lunch was this sandwich (brie, tomato, spring onion).
Gabriel Mieth Rike in full swing. I love this memory ❤️
Kim de Vries My dear Cheppo, what a bright soul you were. Both from different universities in Amsterdam, we found eachother studying the hinterlands of Kenya, where you mastered your critical thinking skills to an excellent level. I got to learn you as a smart, courageous and super fun to hang out with friend. You touched my heart, like those of the many people you were with. You amazed me with your vibrant energy and smart insights and I always felt lucky to spend time with you at different places around the world. You knew how to live life to the fullest. It makes me feel proud you found your way in the academic landscape, expressing a unique voice from your keen mind and great heart. And above all that you found true love in Africa with Ibby. I wish everyone strenght to cope with this great loss.
Rike was a friend of my wife, and I was lucky that I got to know her when she came to our wedding in Belgium in 2007. I am so sad to hear that Rike passed away, but I feel honorred to have known her. We will miss you, Rike. xxx
Eike Klapper I met Rike in Geneva in the summer of 2007, when we were both interning for the United Nations. She was such a great person to hang out with and an amazing friend with the best laugh in the world. I am really grateful that somehow over the years we never lost touch and whenever we saw each other it felt just very genuine. The picture is from last December in Washington DC. Little did I know that it would be the last time to see her. I miss her coolness, her laugh, her warmth, Rest In Peace liebe Rike.
Franziska Troeger Ich habe Rike in Genf kennengelernt, als wir bei den Vereinten Nationen gearbeitet haben im Jahr 2007. Zusammen haben wir knapp 12 Jahre in Berlin verbracht. Rikes Humor und Leichtigkeit, ihre innere Klarheit und Kraft - bis zuletzt - haben mich fasziniert und tief bewegt. Wir haben viel gelacht und geträumt von Bildungsreisen zu grassroots Ökonomien in Sierra Leone oder ihrem verrückten Social Impact Job, wo Rikes Ideen keine Grenzen gesetzt waren. Doch neben der bärenstarken Fritz, wirst du mir auch als feinfühlige und sensible Freundin fehlen. Ich bin dankbar für unsere Zeit. Du fehlst mir. I met Rike in Geneva when we were working at the United Nations (2007). We lived in Berlin for almost 12 years. Rike's humor and lightness, her clarity and strength - until the end - moved me deeply. We laughed a lot and dreamed about educational trips to grassroots economies in Sierra Leone or her crazy social impact job, where she was able to freely produce. I will miss you also as a delicate and sensitive friend. I am thankful for our time.
Aiko Wiederhold Ach meine Liebste Cousine, wir hatten viele wunderbare, traurige und bewegende Momente und Gespräche, sei es in Köln oder in Berlin, in Dresden, Bad Gottleuba oder auch über die 'neuen" Medien weltweit wenn du Mal wieder unterwegs in der Weltgeschichte warst. Und eben in Jordanien! Dieser Urlaub im kleinen Kreis mit einem Teil der "Großfamilie" ist besonders hängengeblieben. Du hast ihn maßgeblich organisiert bzw. angeschoben und uns bzw. mir damit eine unvergessliche Zeit bereitet. Dafür werde ich dir immer dankbar sein und daran werde ich mich immer wieder gerne erinnern. Eines meiner Lieblingszitate aus dem Film Bill und Teds verrückte Reise durch die Zeit ist: "Bunt ist das Dasein und Granatenstark!" Und so habe ich dich auch stets erlebt, in guten wie in den schlechten Zeiten. Mutig, positiv, den Blick nach Vorn - Bunt! In tiefer Zuneigung, dein Cousin Aiko
Karin Malfliet Rike visited Tom and me in september 2009 for the birth of our oldest daugther. She was such a warm and lovely person. Very sad. To soon. 😢
Susanne Buckley-Zistel Hey Rike, we first met during a job interview at the Center for Conflict Studies, Uni Marburg, when you applied for a PhD research position with me. There was something about you that I instantly liked. Your openness, frankness and most importantly your unforgettable laugh ... I only told you recently that I hired you because of the tattoo on your arm ;-). You became a dear colleague and a good friend far beyond our research and we continued collaborating in Nuremberg and on other smaller projects and publications. The first picture shows the PhD transitional justice group we had going for two years at the Center where you met Sylvia and Carla. It was a great group. For one of our last get-togethers in October 2021 we visited the new Humboldt Forum in Berlin and I was again reminded what an amazing anthropologist you were. Perceptive, conceptual, committed.
Uta Wiederhold Du und Gabriel habt Aiko und mich bei unseren Eltern kurz nach Weihnachten besucht und wir waren in den Weinbergen spazieren.
Uta Wiederhold Camping am Oberuckersee in Brandenburg (Danke an Aiko für die Fotos)
Toofy Ahmed this photo was in 2010 in Sierra Leone after picking up Danna from the water and having dinner together . Rike was always passsionable and cheerful perosn
Sylvia Karl Peace, Rike! I miss you. I took this picture of you at our first conference trip together in Nicosia. After we met in 2009 at the great transitional justice PhD-seminar at the University of Marburg (thank you, Susanne for this wonderful research-group and the picture of the whole group!), we travelled to the PACSA-conference in 2011. We were two young anthropologists full of dreams on how to bring peace and justice to this world. We shared a room and so many lively discussions. You loved to be at conferences, sharing your research findings and your field work experience with the whole world of "experts". But after hard work, exhausting excursions and talks, you also loved to relax at the beach with a cold beer in hands and making fun of some weird aspects of academic life. Your sense of humor will be unforgettable! Thank you for all the wonderful moments, the inspriring conversations and your friendship over so many years.
Susanne Buckley-Zistel Bosnia 2011. At trip we took with Christian to visit his research sites.
Toofy Ahmed another happy Party when Gabriel came to Visit Rike in Sierra Leone
Toofy Ahmed she was always smiley and cheerful person
Melinda Nath-Richter A ship in the harbour is safe, but that is not why ships are built. (from your quote collection) In 2012 you introduced me to Sierra Leone, a place close to your heart. You loved sharing what’s special, make people appreciate down to the smallest detail and thereby opening their minds and enriching their lives. A very special Thanks for your perseverance to not accept unjust conditions and try change them for the better. To quote my daughter: You’ll always be my sparkling star above!
Ibby Turay 2012 - 2022 Friederike was introduced to me by a family friend on 11th of March 2012 at my dads ceremony in Freetown sierra Leon. Rike was there talking pictures of the event , after the event we started talking and went out on a date at the beach. We fell in love with each other and started dating. Since then My family and friends welcome Rike as part of the Turay family. She became my other half. I came to Germany to visit her , she introduced me to her family and friends and I became part of her family. Rile you will always be my other half and thank you for the life we shared together . I'm so glad you were in my life you've been such an important part of my life . I will always love you , It’s so hard to say good bye, I can no longer see you with my eyes but I will feel you in my heart forever. Rest In perfect peace until we meet again😇😇” Ibby
Memuna Koroma I can't write all my memories about this wonderful woman because it so plenty in my head. This picture was taken in 2012 when Rika was living with us in Freetown Sierra Leone Lumley Road. She was introduced to us by a family. And later we became family with Rika. When Rika was in Sierra Leone our family treat her like she's a Sierra Leonean because of how human she was. We use to go to the beach or do house party. We did hard great fun. She always wanted us to make a trip to Sierra Leone so that we can get that same good times we used to have. But little did I know this wonderful woman will leave us so soon. I know Rika is in a better place. I pray for her family and friends that we all take courage in this great loss which we will never forget. Rika for Ibby as we call her sometimes, continue to rest in perfect peace 💔😭🙏
Katharina Bachmann Ca. 2013 - 2022: In Deinen Berliner Jahren haben wir viel zusammen unternommen, waren auf Partys, im Kino, haben zusammen gekocht, waren im Sommer am See, zu Spaziergängen im Britzer Garten oder Ausflügen im Berliner Umland. Dein berufliches Tun hat mich immer interessiert. Deinen Geschichten aus aller Welt zu lauschen, waren Abenteuer und Vergnügen zugleich.
Dania Schüürmann Am See. In Buckow? Am Liepnitzsee? In Sakrow? Das weiß ich nicht mehr. Es waren viele Seen und viele Sommer.
Dania Schüürmann Wir haben uns in Amsterdam kennengelernt, aber Berlin ist die Stadt, in der wir am längsten beide gemeinsam waren. Bei Rike denke ich an den Frühling und den Sommer. An Licht, Sonne, an Badeseen und ihre Wohnung in Neukölln, an zahlreiche Restaurants und Bars. 20 Jahre Freundschaft. Ich bin sehr traurig und sehr dankbar.
Susanne Buckley-Zistel In June 2014 you passed your PhD viva. I stole this pic from your facebook page, we did not take many pictures then (an obviously not very good ones either ;-) ). Towards the end of your thesis you said to me " I want to have a summa cum laude, tell me what I need to do to get it". This was very much you: determined, driven, with a clear vision. But never uptight and anxious. Maybe this helped you getting through the past 1.5 year of cancer treatment, it hurts to see that you did not achieve your goal to get out of it. You delivered and excellent and highly innovative doctoral thesis. Mission accomplished.
Connie Nuxoll Rike celebrating life New Year’s Eve in Berlin, 2014.
Sigall Horovitz We first met at Marburg University in 2015 (thanks to Susanne who invited me to your group meetings!) and were bonded over our love for Sierra Leone and Transitional Justice. Later that year we worked together at the Nuremberg Academy. I was impressed by your intelligence, creativity, curiosity, and sense of humor, and loved even more your empathy and thoughtfulness. Remember those times you stopped me from working when I was on maternity leave, even though you had an impossible workload and really needed help? I feel very lucky to have met and worked with you, dear Rike! Love, Sigall
Tamar Pagrach You came over to see the new house (during renovation) and we took a picture Rika-style
Melinda Nath-Richter Dearest auntie, you were always loyal in spending fun time! Forever sorry & Love you, your niece Amélie
Maria Andrea Rocha The summer Academy has been one of the most significant events of this type I have ever attended. I remember a program that privileged difficult and very interesting conversations over lectures, visits to memory places that sparked our discussion, unlikely conversations between descendants of persecuted and perpetrators and the meetings and informal conversations that brought us together as a group. I am thankful for the learnings, connections, and friendships that were born in this event. I wanted to share this photo of Friederike and Maja that shows the spirit of both: witty, intelligent, sharp and both with a humor that connects with life. Thank you Friederike for the opportunity to meet you and share with you in this space and for all your work and the positive impact you leave behind you.
Petra Härtel Friederike organised our Summer Academy in August 2016 and I know these days in Nuremberg left an impact on many people. Thank you Friederike for your contribution and passion to the work of the International Nuremberg Principles Academy.
Njomza Haxhibeqiri I remember embarking in Nuremberg for the Academy organised by Rike all lost. I wasn't allowed to take my lugagge in my flight from Kosovo to Nuremberg because of my late check-in and was missing essential things for my whole stay. It was also my first time travelling alone, to a relatively large city. First time attending an event with such diverse participants and I was totally intimidated by the experience of other participants -- I was the youngest, the least experienced participant (I have started my professional life only three months before this event). I arrived to Nuremberg with all this nervousness, but this didn't last long. The moment I arrived to the Hotel we were staying, Rike was there to try find solutions for the essential things I was missing because of my lugagge. It was Sunday, and all shops in Nuremberg were closed so I don't know how, but she found me a comb, a toothbrush and some other stuff so I feel a bit releifed. Just as if she helped me with my lugagge issue, she has helped me get over this nervousness. I kinda feel she had a radar to sense discomfort at me and was there to soothe that. She resonated this caring, compassionate, and smart energy through which I slowly got out of my shell and felt comfortable around other participants. I have attended many events and academies since then, but I don't remember the organiser or don't have many warm memories or friends from them. It is only Rike that I remember, and although I haven't met her since, I have thought of her very frequently. Now she will be part of my memory and my prayers as well.
Nela Navarro I was fortunate enough to meet Rike in 2016. We had many Zoom and Skype meetings that summer which culminated in our much anticipated in person in August when she organized the August 2016 Nuremberg. In this photo, she had just promised me she would come to NJ/NYC, which she did and she stayed in my apartment and enjoyed her time in NJ/NYC. Her generous invitation sparked a series of intense professional discussions and soon, I was lucky enough to count on her thoughtful advice and support. When she visited me later in NJ/NY while on a trip the United States, we discussed potential collaborations and projects. She was brilliant, compassionate, generous, adventuresome, innovative, beautiful inside and out and above all she had a deep love for humanity and a strong sense of social justice. It was an immense honor and joy to know her and to feel the warmth of her light and energy. Besotes hermosa Rike!
Maja Nenadovic This is how we met: you hired me to assist you with facilitating the Summer Academy on Dealing with the Past through Education. At the time you worked with the International Nuremberg Principles Academy, and for the Summer Academy you handpicked and selected a group of brilliant international professionals whose few days together gave birth to so many new projects, cooperations, and positive impact in the world. I felt very lucky and grateful for the fact we met and worked together - and it was here that our special friendship and sparks of future professional cooperation were born.
Melinda Nath-Richter We visited together on your Birthday your mom‘s peaceful resting place… soon you‘ll be reunited 💐
Sytske ten Hoor Drinking and dancing in your living room, celebrating your birthday. Making memories with friends ♥️
Ramatu Fofanah I remember this day we went to a family member wedding in New jersey... Rest In Peace 🙏
Ramatu Fofanah I remember this day we went to a family member wedding in New jersey... Rest In Peace 🙏
Katharina Bachmann Im Oktober 2018 konnte ich Dich und Ibby in Washington besuchen. Ihr habt mir ein buntes Programm zusammengestellt und wir waren beim klassischen Sightseeing, flogen aus zum Meer, sind laut lachend mit dem E-Scooter durch die City gecruist, waren in Museen, haben Burger, Bagel, Shrimps, indisch und äthiopisch gespeist. Im National Air & Space Museum haben wir Virtual Reality erlebt. Mit 3D-Brillen auf der Nase und nach hinten geklappten Sitzreihen sind wir ins Weltall geflogen. Als wir, nur an einem Geschirr befestigt, unsere Raumkapsel für einen Außen-Reparatureinsatz verlassen sollten, haben wir beide geschrien und gewimmert. Bloß nicht nach unten gucken! Dabei saßen wir warm und sicher. „Faszinierend“, hast Du gesagt und mir kurz darauf sofort die wissenschaftlichen Erklärungen für das Faszinosum geliefert. Später lernten wir noch unseren künstlichen Freund Pepper kennen, mit dem wir viel Spaß hatten. Danke, dass Ihr mir meinen Traum erfüllt habt!
Ramatu Fofanah I took this picture of you and my daughter in 2018 November 17th on her girl's scout Parade in downtown silver spring .. May her soul rest in peace 🙏
Rosario Figari Layus Rike and I did the PhD together in Marburg almost at the same time. We shared discussions, coloquiums, dinenrs and trips together. On December 2018 we both went to a conference in Stellenbosch ( South Africa). It was wonderful to be there with her and of course it was much more fun. She was always so cheerful and optimistic and such an enthusiastic and strong person with so many projects. I loved her energy! She was always seeing the positive side of life and encouraging others also to do it! I am really going to miss her.
Rike spent some of 2019 in Washington DC as a post-doc affiliated with my university. She was such fun to theorize with. She was also an excellent shopping and thrifting partner. This picture was taken at the Smithsonian on a museum outing day.
Astrid Bachmann Meine liebe Cousine, nach deiner Diagnose habe ich dich besucht mit einem großen Luftballon mit Blättern an der Seite, rosa Herzen und Glitzer drinnen - wir haben bisschen erzählt von Raggae Musik, die auf einem Boot lief als du gerade ankamst, bevor ich mit Werkzeug und Sabine und Jens' Caddy abgefahren bin. Meinen allergrößten Respekt für was du bewegt hast, die Zeit seit dem und alle, die bei dir waren. Was für ein Leben !!! Emilia und ich haben dir einen neuen Ballon gekauft und ihn im Wald fliegen lassen zum Abschied - wir werden dich in unseren Herzen behalten als einen Teil unserer Familie - einmalig, unvergesslich & grünäugig :) Deine Cousine Astrid & Emilia ----------------------------------------------------------- Dear Cousin Friederike, after your diagnosis I came to visit you with that big balloon with green leaves on it, pink hearts and glitter inside. You remembered reggae music that was playing on a boat, when you arrived, before I had to go with tool driving Sabine and Jens' Caddy. So much respect for what you have done in your life, especially since you were diagnosed with cancer, and the dear people who were with you. boy - look at your life!!! Emilia and I bought another balloon to let it fly in Schönholzer Heide. We keep you in our hearts as a part of our family - unique, unforgetable & green eyed :) Yours Astrid & Emilia
Maja Nenadovic In January 2019, you came to Hungary and during that one week of plotting and daydreaming, our original idea of a joint project morphed into the grander concept of a consultancy dedicated to promoting and applying critical reflection and reflective practice.
Virag Major-Kremer I met you at a THK Gathering in Tibilissi. I was looking for photos but found none, so I am posting this from a viewpont being certain you are on it somewhere... After a nice drink and chat about gardening, beekeeping you got the idea to introduce to you aunt who has a garden near where we live, as she is looking for someone to help. As it turned out she wasn't really looking, but your matching intuition was right, we are sharing the garden ever since, a friendship as well as home for two bee families grew out of your fantastic idea. The second photo is a bouquet of flower from the garden I collected to your memory, next to the last honey harvest this year - the good things you brought to this world live on ❤️
Gabriel Mieth Rike always knew just the place to eat for whoever she was with. Like this super neat vietnamese Teahouse she was so proud to show us in Berlin.
Gabriel Mieth Rike proudly introduced Ibby to the whole family on this family outing in Störitzsee.
Vera Mieth-Rarbach In den letzten 2,5 Jahren war Friederike häufig unser Gast. Es war eine bewegende und sehr intensive Zeit. Wir haben zusammen gelacht, geweint, gekämpft und immer mit Hoffnung das Leben gefeiert. Vera & Markus mit Kindern
Toofy Ahmed This photo was in 2020 after having a reunion with Erika in Berlin. Rike was the most smiley, kindly and cheerful girl i ever meet . she is the one Kind of Perone who i felt that i know her from long time after the first 10 min talking . we are going to miss you alot but you will be always staying in our hearts.
Tamar Pagrach If I was to give our 20 year friendship a theme I would call it food-fun-follow. Everywhere we went, we enjoyed good food. We made so much fun together and so many fun plans (of which we executed maybe half) and followed each other around the globe. Most of the time there were hundreds of kilometers between us, but out of sight was never out of mind. Just after you received the news that you were ill, we went to your latest restaurant discovery. A Yemeni restaurant near your house. On our wishlist: ordering an entire sheep
Gabriel Mieth First Christmas after her diagnosis. We are so thankful to have had this time together!
Katharina Bachmann Liebe Fricke, Du warst ein wichtiger Teil unserer Großfamilie. Es war immer schön, Dir bei den wunderbaren Festen im Haus von Sabine und Jens zu begegnen. Unvergessen ist für mich ein Weihnachtsfest, wo Du uns bei einem Spiel pantomimisch die schwangere Jungfrau Maria dargestellt hast. Deine Mimik und Gestik waren ausdrucksstark, aber als wir es nicht gleich erraten haben, hast Du Deine Darstellung in einen vehementen Exzess gesteigert, der uns zu einem kollektiven Lachanfall brachte. Wir hielten uns die Bäuche und haben Tränen gelacht. Dein Humor und Deine Lebendigkeit werden fehlen.
Gabriel Mieth We are in Austria, let's go hike on a mountain, she would say when she visited us. Even in February .
Katharina Bachmann Der erste Geburtstag nach Deiner Diagnose fiel in den ersten Lockdown 2020. Vom Feiern hast Du Dich aber nicht abbringen lassen und uns im Zweischichtsystem zu Sabine und Jens in den Garten eingeladen, wo wir bei leckerem Essen, alten Kinderfotos und mit guter Laune im 1,5 Meter Abstand umeinander herumtänzelten. Nach einem kurzen Regenschauer riss der Himmel auf und präsentierte uns einen imposanten Doppelregenbogen. Ich habe Dir zu Deinem Geburtstag oft Pfingstrosen geschenkt. Abends hast Du mir dann immer ein Bild von der Vase geschickt, Dich gefreut und bedankt. Deinem ungebrochenen Lebenswillen und Kampfgeist sei Dank, dass Du noch zwei weitere Geburtstage feiern konntest.
Connie Nuxoll Happy Birthday Rike! 💛 I remember this sugar-free cake well, you found a way to make it delicious! You are in my thoughts. XXX
Melinda Nath-Richter Mein liebstes NICHTchen - so nannte ich dich oft liebevoll scherzende, wohl wissend, daß Du ein Schwergewicht bist; nicht in Kilos, aber sonst in jeglicher Hinsicht. Du kommst zur Türe herein, verbreitest gute Laune. Wir umarmen uns herzlich. Du verkündest, daß Du Hunger hast und sooo viel zu tun. Ich frage interessiert nach. Dann sprudelt es aus dir heraus: 2, 3 Projekte gleichzeitig, Termine, die arg drücken, die nächste Konferenz sonstwo auf der Welt muss organisiert werden, Urlaub mit Ibby wäre auch toll. Nach Wien will ich nächste Woche. Du freust dich über den gedeckten Tisch und das leckere Essen. Erzählst mir von einem Superrestaurant, indem wir unbedingt Mal zusammen speisen müssen. Ach und spätestens 19 Uhr muß ich wieder los, treffe mich noch mit X u Y. So erlebte ich dich. So bleibst du für immer in meinem Herzen. Dein liebstes Tantchen Beate - so nanntest du mich oft, liebevoll scherzende.
Maja Nenadovic Oh, the Great Sailing Trip on the Adriatic Coast - stuff of legends! How you managed to get a very diverse group of people on a boat, in time of pandemic, many of whom first-time sailing...makes me think your career should have been that of a negotiator, or salesperson :) Forever grateful for this memorable experience, for the sightings of dolphins swimming alongside us in the Adriatic, and for the time together.
Tvrtko Pater I loved Friederike's special special brand of humor. Her jokes and her joyous laughter will be missed.
Sigall Horovitz Sweet Rike. You shared this photo with me in Nov 2020, exactly one year after your diagnosis. You were working on a project in Vienna when a card with the words “Expect a Miracle” just happened to be on the desk you were using. You had no idea where the card came from, so you quite naturally concluded that it was a “message from the universe”. This is so you - always the optimist, and with so much humor! Thank you for sharing your miracle with me! You are in my heart forever. Sigall
Connie Nuxoll Rike & Ibby Reunited once again. Two hearts beating as one. The label on the bottle says “Dream Couple”.
Jasmina Brankovic The start of our series of workshops on integrating practice and research, with the wonderful Liza. We only got to hang out two times in person but both turned into hours-long conversations while wandering around Cape Town and Berlin. Had the pandemic not hit, there could have been many more, but we had plenty of great chats online. A true friend and an engaging, critically minded, curious scholar and practitioner - you'll be so missed.
Liza Diane Gordin Friederike was a great spirit. Creative, curious, thoughtful, intelligent, funny, sensitive, and with a great drive and passion for the work she did and strongly believed in. I had the pleasure to work with you over the last 1,5 years. You have introduced me to many topics and great ideas and approaches to understand and change the world to make it a better place. You will always be remembered, you will always stay in our hearts and minds.
Melinda Nath-Richter Friederike vor ihrem Geburtstagsgeschenk 2021... 800 Tulpen in den Gärten der Welt.
Gabriel Mieth Our little family at Rikes birthday 2021
Gabriel Mieth Favorite Auntie... :)
Maja Nenadovic Even though we officially registered our company pandemic-style long distance two months earlier (seriously - with two countries under strict lockdown, and we managed to pull of an international company registration?!), we met in June of 2021 to celebrate in Berlin, and to sign some founding documents with an accompanying photo session. Needless to say, we got each other hilarious cards to mark this special occasion!
Franziska Troeger Die Fotos sind zwischen Juli 2020 und September 2021 entstanden. Nach deiner Diagnose im November 2019 und dem Ausbruch von Covid im März 2020 waren wir vorsichtig, trafen uns draußen zum Baden, spazieren oder zuletzt zum Paddeln. Ein besonderes Highlight bei unseren Outdoor Touren waren deine Edelpicknicks aus selbst gemachten Dips, Gemüsen und Salaten. Dann zauberte Rike immer mehr unglaubliche Leckereien aus ihrer Tasche, so dass einem fast die Augen übergingen. Ich liebte es auch, ihr beim Kochen zuzuschauen. Sie erzählte tausend Geschichten über die Zutaten und die Zubereitungen. Es war ein kreativer Prozess, der alle Sinne beflügelte. Danke für die unvergessliche Zeit. Du fehlst mir. The photos were taken between July 2020 and September 2021. After your diagnosis in November 2019 and the outbreak of Covid in March 2020, we were cautious, met outside to swim and walk or, as recently, to paddle. A special highlight of our outdoor tours were our fine picnics made from homemade dips, vegetables and salads. Then Rike conjured up more and more unbelievable delicacies from her bag, so that you could almost see the eyes. I also loved watching her cook. She told a thousand stories about the ingredients and the preparations. It was a creative process that inspired all the senses. Thank you for the unforgettable time. I miss you.
Gabriel Mieth Rike and her private Skipper...
Tamar Pagrach One of our many plans we actually executed. A lovely trip to Vienna with Gabriel, Melinda and Amelie as wonderful hosts. Lovely weather, good food, great company.
Maja Nenadovic I will always remember our working visit to Lisbon in October 2021, when you word-of-mouth investigated and discovered the tiny restaurant where no one spoke English and where the three of us ate the most amazing fish dinner of our lives... Your talent for finding the most awesome places in the most hidden corners always surprised me, over and over again.
Jon Rasmussen It was such a delight spending time in your company in Lisbon last year. In all aspects probably the most kind, generous, fun, and heartwarming person I have come to know. I will miss your great personality, and brilliant talent as a researcher...but mostly the person 🙏🏻 Although not myself in this picture, I recall time spent. Two days ago on the 6th. I drew the first lines in a watercolor of Salvator Mundi. I now understand it was to guide you safely onwards. Much love will always be in our hearts.
Aleksandra Djuric Milovanovic I had a pleasure working with Friederike as a researcher who wrote a brilliant researcher paper on countering hate speech and presented it in Lisbon last year. Apart for her professionalism and high quality of academic work, I had a chance to get to know her humble and positive nature, very kind and loving person and fellow anthropologist with whom I had so many common topics about life and work. She will be dearly missed and never forgotten!
Karolin Schulz This is the last time I saw you. A perfect day. We had breakfast at this great Japanese fusion place you recommended (as always you broadened my horizon, culinary and otherwise). Then we took a walk through your hood in Neukölln. I will always remember you standing there with your bicycle on beautiful Richardplatz, enjoying thr October sun. You got us some delicious cake and we ate it at the small square, round the corner from your apartment, which was so full of life. Like you were, my dearest Rike. You had to work in the afternoon - I always admired your discipline when it came to spending time on your desk, being self-employed, having several projects.... But I guess your secret was that you loved your work very much. So we said our goodbyes on that day. Looking back it feels like we didn't want to part. I am so grateful for the time we spent together. I will always look to your way of living as a model for myself. To know what you want, to do what you want to do, to enjoy, to live consciously, to see the good in all things... This for me is the lesson of your life and your death. Thank you for being my friend. I will always miss you.
Susanne Buckley-Zistel It meant the world to me that you came to the 20th birthday party of the Center for Conflict Studies.
Sylvia Karl Rike, Carla and me - this was our so called Berlin-Wien-connection. Since we met at the University of Marburg in 2010 we shared so many happy und funny moments. This was in 2021 in Berlin, the last weekend we met the three of us. November, it was cold and it was raining and we were looking for a shelter. But as always we had fun. You were looking for the best Kaffeehaus of Berlin to impress the guest from Vienna. Afterwards we ate at such a nice "Tadschikistan" - Restaurant and before that you found a delicious tapas bar for us. You enjoyed good food and drinks and you were definitely the expert in finding great places to eat. Thank you for all the lovely moments my dear friend.
Hunter Gast Freddie came for a visit and got to meet my son and won him over by digging holes with him. The last time I saw her before that I was pregnant with him. What a great few days reminiscing, catching up, and creating new memories. ❤️❤️
Jasmina Brankovic From the Bosch Alumni Network
Hurairatu Turay Rike was full of life and take every opportunity that comes her way to explore things she love. RIP 🕊🕊
Susanne Buckley-Zistel Last time we met was in Frankfurt in Feb when you came up during treatment in Heidelberg. We spent the day wondering the city and exploring new areas that I did not know as well and that will now always serve as a reminder of our friendship. We had long conversations about treatment, life, the future. As always, I was amazed by your courage and your determination. If Ruth Bader Ginsburg was your role model, you are mine. Du fehlst.
Gabriel Mieth Our last holiday together
Gabriel Mieth The last time Amélie saw her beloved Auntie, what a team...
Sylvia Karl Whenever I pass by this little Thai streetfood restaurant in Vienna I think of you! This is when we last met. This is when we talked for the last time. As always, we had so many topics to discuss. Time ran out too fast!
Sigall Horovitz Dear Rike. Thank you for fitting me in those busy Vienna trips of yours! I loved ours walks in the parks, our talks in cute little cafes, and hosting you at home. I will never forget when you came over to meet (and charm!) my 2-week-old son, and the time we met with Melinda and little Amelie at the Joseph Café, and that long walk in the Prater when you had the great idea to collect colorful leaves (you found the best ones). It was so much fun! I also loved that time when you came to my birthday party after everyone left and we ate all the leftovers… During the covid lockdowns we replaced our meetings with long phone talks. You were going through some hard-core cancer treatments but were still there to support me in handling my own dose of challenges. We talked about books, travel, family, interesting work projects and, with almost the same level of enthusiasm, how to heal and feel better. The last time we met was on 30 March 2022. You found for us a cute café in Vienna’s 7th district. We enjoyed a Viennese version of shakshuka. You had just returned from your trip to Morocco and had so many wonderful stories to share! I loved how you cerebrated every moment of life! Your happiness and endless passion for life continue to inspire me so much. Your last 2.5 years were transformational. Determined and optimistic, you overcame so many obstacles and managed to do some amazing stuff – visit Ibby in the US, trek in Morocco and the Austrian alps, run workshops and conferences, write and publish, and even start a consulting company that improves social projects! You did more in this time than most people do in a lifetime! You are one of a kind, dear Rike! I miss you so much … rest in peace, dear friend. Love, Sigall
Wherever you are now, my beloved friend, this song is for you... https://open.spotify.com/track/0Iq3ZnKH20fMdicVyNG4s3?si=NjI_didZQc2eS9mY5VQpsg&utm_source=copy-link
Connie Nuxoll We took this photo exactly one year ago around the corner from Rike's place, at Böhmischer Platz. It was a bit of a ritual to go see the trees in full bloom and welcome spring after a long and cold Berlin winter. Rest assured that I will continue to honor this tradition. Rike, du fehlst.
Rosario Figari Layus Rike´s last birthday was the last time I saw her. She was so happy that day in the picnis and I was so glad to see her and to have the chance to celebrate that day with her and her loved ones. We talked a lot and she told me about her future plans. We wanted to meet for a coffee. Unfortunatelly it did not happen but I am glad I could share a bit of that special day with her.
Connie Nuxoll Rike‘s 40th birthday We celebrated Rike’s birthday in a cute little park close to her place in Neukölln. The sun was out and her friends and family saw her beaming with happiness that day. She was already in a lot of pain then, but it didn’t stop her from taking it all in. Of course, we had too much Prosecco, way too much food, and she had lots of presents to unwrap - in short: it was a blast!
Judith Frommhold Meine liebe Friederike, unsere letzte Begegnung hatten wir Ende Mai diesen Jahres. Da saßt Du schon im Rollstuhl und ich habe Dich, wegen der Schmerzen ganz vorsichtig Unebenheiten umfahrend, in die Schönholzer Heide geschoben/gefahren. Die Sonne schien, dann erfrischte uns ein Regenschauer. Du hast, nach Tagen im Krankenhaus, auf einer Lichtung die frische Waldluft genossen. Dann hast Du plötzlich ein Selfie geschossen und gesagt: „Was für ein schöner Moment. Den halte ich fest und schicke ihn Dir“. Es wurde Dein Vermächtnis an mich. Nun bist Du frei. Mir bleibt die Erinnerung an Dich. Wie schön, dass es Dich gab! Deine Tante Christine
Katharina Bachmann Das waren die letzten Bilder, die ich Dir geschickt habe. Das letzte Mal, dass ich Dich sah, lagst Du, 18. Stock mit Fensterblick über ganz Berlin, im Krankenhaus. Als ich Dich zum Abschied umarmt habe, hatte ich Angst, Dich zu zerbrechen. Ich ahnte, dass es das letzte Mal sein würde, dass ich Dich drücken kann, habe es mir aber nicht anmerken lassen. Betont locker bin ich in Deine Zuversicht mit eingestiegen und mit einem „Gute Besserung, meine Liebe“ gegangen. „Danke, es kann ja nur besser werden“, waren die letzten Worte, die ich von Dir gehört habe. Und: „Einen schönen Urlaub Dir!“. Die Nachricht Deines Todes hat mich dann an der Ostsee erreicht. Liebste Cousine, Du fehlst mir so sehr. Ruhe in Frieden. Ach papperlapapp. Bleib so einmalig frickig, wie Du warst! Du wirst der Schmetterling sein, der um mich fliegt, die Blume, die vor mir blüht und das Eis, das in meine Hände tropft. Und wenn es regnet, werde ich schmunzeln und wissen, dass ihr im Himmel Pantomime spielt. Deine Katharina
Tanja Raic Tarcuki 🕊️ ...!
Hurairatu Turay Blessed be God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the God of all comfort; Who comforteth us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort them which are in any trouble, by the comfort wherewith we ourselves are comforted of God. On behalf of the Turay family we would like to join Rike’s family to mourn the death of our Dear Rike whom the family has embraced as our sister and daughter . Rike brought such a joyful memories in our brother’s Heart Ibrahim, Rike’s death affects everyone who knew and loved her. We will honor her legacy and remember her always. Friendships formed in life are broken in death. But the love you shared with my our brother Ibrahim will forever remains unbreakable.Rest in peace till we meet again🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊🕊
Hurairatu Turay Her love for humanity is unmatched RIP Rike🕊🕊
Mariama Turay Our family is going to miss you dearly. Rest In perfect peace !!!😇😇
Mariama Turay I got to know Friederike through my brother Ibby. She was a kind and gentle soul with a good heart matched by very few. I spoke with her a couple weeks before and we pray for her soul to Rest In Peace and for god to provide strength and solace to the loved ones left behind. She will surely be missed! - Mariama Turay-Timbo ( Ibby sister)
Susanne Buckley-Zistel Nachruf vom Zenturm für Konfliktforschung https://www.uni-marburg.de/de/konfliktforschung/aktuelles/nachrichten/nachruf-fuer-friederike-mieth
Ibby Turay Time is a funny thing. It flew when we were together and now that you’re gone away, every passing second will seem like a lifetime. Goodbye. To you, I’m never going to say goodbye.
Ibby Turay May her soul continue to rest in perfect peace
Hurairatu Turay Our Dear Rike, as you’re finally laid to rest today(22/07/2022), we felt emptied more than ever. Your presence was a light which will never be deemed in our heart. You’re missed and forever be remembered RIP
Ibby Turay Today is my Birthday and this is what I am missing. Your voice is my favorite sound. So far, every moment we've spent together was awesome. If someone asked me to describe you in just two words, I'd say "Simply Amazing."
Ibby Turay
Karolin Schulz Visited your grave yesterday, brought you some flowers. Felt close to you. There were a lot of autumn flowers blooming for you in the October sun... You are loved and never to be forgotten.
Connie Nuxoll Always up for a slice of cake. Wish we could celebrate your birthday together today 🩵
Connie Nuxoll Enjoying a boat & poetry trip on the Spree. But let’s be honest: we were mostly there for the boat ride. Miss you every day. X