
Ethan Gunsalus

Written by Melissa Gunsalus

This Timeline was created to help collect our memories in a single place online. Ethan and I met in 2009 when he worked for my company I owned "Trenching For Les". He was an amazing employee, surprised us because of how young he was at the time. Before long he was our number #1 lead oporator in the company. Ethan always was joking and playing around yet still getting the job done. I hated being around him sometimes because if I was in a bad mood or grumpy and not in a joke around mood, no matter what he would end up getting me laughing at some stupid thing he did. Life has funny ways of things working out and we just have to Trust in God that the paths we are heading down are the right paths for us and our happiness. There were children born, Jax and Kendrik in 2012 and there were birthdays, weddings, divorces, major life changes and an amazing new found Love that we had no idea would lead us to where we are today.12/23/2020 is the date today and a year and two days ago I married the man I Love more then anything! 12/20/2020 Ethan and Melissa entered in to a marriage that is filled with absolute Love, desire, affection, friendship, hope, strength and 100% for ever and ever commitment to each other! We have been through so much I would need a whole Novel just about our relationship to tell you the whole story. But what I can say is every lesson learned brought us closer, and every struggle made us hold each other a little tighter, and every day we spend living each other is such a Beautiful Blessing!! I Love my Husband Ethan Daniel Gunsalus, you are my strength, laughter, hope and future!!

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