Join Memories to request access to contribute your cherished photos, videos, and stories to Dr Harry's life story with others who loved them.
Join MemoriesThe RACGP has created this page to honour Dr Harry Nespolon’s contributions to general practice. We invite you to share your condolences, memories and thoughts via this page so that the RACGP may preserve this as a gift to his family. With the consent of his family, the RACGP invites you to be a part of the online funeral service for Dr Harry Nespolon. The service will be streamed live on Frida... more
Family and friends
Harry, dear friend from Medicare Local and Primary Health Network Days, Chair, carpool driver, caring doctor for my children for one thing or another, confidant, bold, inspiring have lived hard and well, and blazed a trail for others...wishing you well on this next great adventure....and will tune in to hear your wisdom. So much love t...
Dr Nespolon (I couldn't bring myself to call you Harry) you worked tirelessly and with such dedication, vigour and professionalism in providing expert reports for my (government) employer. You gave hours and hours of your precious time and your expert evidence on all manner of issues concerning the care and treatment of patients in NSW was consist...
Harry wasn't just my doctor, he was my friend, and I miss him terribly. Whilst we say goodbye today, he not gone - I can still hear his voice like it was yesterday, and he will forever be telling me what to do :) He always made time for me no matter what, and his support and encouragment will continue to have a profound impact on my and my sons lif...
Dr Harry - always, to us. Gone far, far too soon. I have experienced his compassion first hand. Dr Harry has been a tremendous support to my husband and I. Our condolences to his family.
Patrick Tai Harry was my final term supervisor back in 2014 when I was finishing up my GP training. He was a quirky funny man, generous with his time - I remember fondly our lunchtime teaching sessions when he would take me to a local cafe once a week for education (and when it was no longer mandatory). Thank you for guiding me along my GP journey and my life journey. You may have left our world, but you will remain with us all in one way or another. Haha I also remember at a Christmas Party you told me to drink on up, so I’m having a G+T for you right now!!
Lindy (van Camp) Nespolon Dear Harry We miss you so much, foerever in our hearts! Love Lindy, Hannah and Ella xxx
Thank you for your contribution to General Practice. You are an inspiration. Thinking of your family and friends. I remember enjoying a meal at a restaurant in Townsville with the rest of the RACGP Qld Council. It was a great day.
Ignatius Eric Hadinata I will always remember Dr Harry Nespolon in this way. As a man who inspired me and made my proud to be part of my profession. I am forever grateful to have had the opportunity to receive my Fellowship from him and will honour him by continuing to do my best to contribute for a stronger and better General Practice. Vale, Dr Nespolon Yours Truly, Dr Ignatius Eric Hadinata FRACGP
It is with the deepest sorrow that we learnt of the death of RACGP President Dr Harry Nespolon. On this sad occasion we would like to recognise Harry's long and distinguished service to Australia. He has been a strong advocate for general practice as well as an exemplary leader for RACGP. On behalf of the International Medical Graduates (IMG) Com...
On behalf of Stroke Foundation and the broader stroke community, I offer our condolences to the Nespolon family and members of RACGP on the sad death of Dr Harry Nespolon. Dr Nespolon was a very visible and strong advocate for RACGP members, especially during the current pandemic and despite being very unwell himself. Dr Nespolon will be missed by ...
You were one a million Harry.....inspirational and aspirational......and still a really nice person. You are already so missed. Linda Calabresi
I met Harry for the first time 3 months ago as he was setting up a respiratory clinic in Dee Why to help battle corona virus. I was truly shocked and saddened to hear of his passing. To think he was working so hard to continue to service the community at what must have been a truly awful time privately is nothing short of amazing. He is an inspirat...
RACGP Communications RACGP President Dr Harry Nespolon died on Sunday 26 July 2020. He was 57. Harry died peacefully after a nine-month battle with pancreatic cancer. As well as being a Sydney GP and practice owner, Harry was a fierce advocate for preserving the central role of general practice in the Australian healthcare system. He was elected RACGP President in July 2018 on the strength of a long career successfully supporting membership organisations, including with the AMA. During his tenure as RACGP President, Harry delivered on his promise to effect genuine change in general practice. He will be remembered in particular for his extraordinary leadership through the COVID-19 pandemic. We have all lost a great friend, advocate and mentor, who worked tirelessly to advocate on behalf of the profession of general practice and Australia’s 41,000 GPs. More painfully however, Harry was a partner and father to two young daughters. To them, he is irreplaceable. We invite you to share your condolences, memories, and thoughts via this page so that the RACGP may preserve some of Harry’s legacy for his partner Lindy and children Hannah and Ella.
Mark Miller Message form FCGP Team / President FCGP is deeply saddened and shocked with the untimely death of RACGP President, Dr Harry Nespolon Harry as he was commonly and fondly known as was very close to FCGP as well as all other South Asian countries which have Colleges of GP’s The Gold Coast GP 18 conference was perhaps the highlight when Harry forged the renewal as well as signing up for the first time with other countries, MOU’s to establish close cooperation and collaboration This brought our College much more closer to RACGP’s whereby they continued to support our efforts in education, research, exchange of information and ideas etc RACGP also extended special status to FCGP members to sign up as associate members at a special discounted rate. Along with other colleagues, I was fortunate to meet Harry again at GP 19 held in Adelaide in Oct 2019. Harry had honored us as usual at a special fellowship prior to the RACGP convocation We wish to extend our heartfelt sympathies and condolences to Harry’s immediate family members, colleagues and friends of RACGP Dr Ram Raju President, FCGP
Harry stood out as a human being with an extraordinary ability to clearly define a problem and see a path through, to understand all the detail and yet not get lost in the detail and to work extraordinarily hard for the betterment of general practice and the Australian community. General practice is so much poorer for the loss of an inspirational ...
I was lucky enough to meet Harry while at high school in Adelaide in the mid-1970's and have been blessed to count him as a friend ever since. We went different professional paths, as I trained as an electronics engineer at the University of Adelaide while Harry studied medicine at Flinders University. While I am certain that he deserves richly t...
It was saddening to hear of Dr. Harry Nespolon’s death. Harry served on so many committees within the college over many years long before he took on the challenging role of President of the RACGP. Our world can ill afford the untimely departure of such an advocate for General Practice and patients. I remember seeing Harry in the airport baggage c...
Dr. Harry Nespolon, affectionately known as Dr. Harry in our family, will be remembered fondly and gratefully by our family. Harry treated 3 generations of our family over the last 2 decades. Whereas it is hard to find a family doctor of Harry’s competence and expertise, it is even harder to find one with such compassion for the elderly and childr...
Thank you Harry for all the work you have done for the RACGP and General Practice and for the people of Australia. My sincere sympathy to Harry's family and to all who knew him and mourn his death. Elizabeth(Libby) Hindmarsh
Harry had a number of roles before his election to the Office of President. I got to know him through our shared roles in Assessment, especially through assessment meetings like the various Standard Setting meetings around each exam segment. His wry, sardonic humour was legendary. His deep, dry tone would resolutely declare that a particular que...
Ayman shenouda Harry led the RACGP with integrity until his very last day. He always fought to best represent the interests of general practice including GPs and nurses, receptionists and administrative staff. His commitment to the profession was nothing short of legendary. This was particularly the case during the last nine months when, despite a terminal diagnosis, he provided outstanding leadership and continued to advocate on behalf of primary care until he could no longer hold on. He will always be remembered as an extraordinary GP and a great leader. It is a huge loss for all, but particularly for his lovely family Lindy, Ella and Hannah.
Helen Chriss I have known Harry for a number of years professionally and of late as a friend. He had a dry sense of humour and was bold and brash. But deep down he was soft and caring. He spoke lovingly of his wife and daughters. He was a great advocate for general practice and a true leader. We will miss him dearly. My deepest sympathies go to his young family. May he Rest In Peace.
On behalf of the South Australian General Practice Registrars, we would like to extend our deepest condolences to Dr Harry Nespolon's family, friends and the wider health professional and Australian community. It is with great sadness that we receive the sad news about losing a great leader in one of the most challenging times to all Australians....
A big thanks from all GPs for the great work right up until the end. My sincere sympathy to Harry's family at this difficult time
Harry, I met you as a friend of Craig's, he spoke so highly of you after you studied law and economics together. I came to know you through social catch ups in Adelaide and then as a support in my own General Practice career. You were so loved and respected as a friend and as a champion of General Practice which became very public in your role as R...
I want to give my condolences to Harry's family and friends. I also want to send my thoughts to those who worked with him and knew him well. Harry was an inspiring leader and I was very pleased when he was elected president. He led the College well through some difficult times. He will be greatly missed by all the College community.
Lisa Nespolon We are so proud of you Harry, our hearts are broken but filled with so many wonderful memories. You’re are loving son, brother, uncle and brother in-law. Rest In Peace Harry. All our love, Tarsilla, Walter, Lisa, Amelie & Bridgette Nespolon.
Dr Harry Nespolon has been such a dedicated RACGP president. You will be greatly missed. My deepest condolence to your wife and 2 children.
Harry was truly an inspiration to those who knew him. I was privileged to have known Harry through the many roles that he has held over the years both within and outside of the College. I have very fond memories of his dry humour particularly at standard setting and one was never left in the dark as to what Harry thinks! I admire and pay tribu...
I was a patient of Dr Harry, initially at his little practice in Barry Street Neutral Bay and then for a while at the larger practice on Military Road. I felt comfortable to confide in him and found his advice to be practical and sensible. We enjoyed a very pleasant doctor/patient relationship. I liked his wry sense of humour and appreciated his ca...
Harry was my friend and mentor. I was his registrar a few years back. While battling through my own personal dramas at the time, he managed to drag me kicking and screaming through the RACGP exams in order to obtain my fellowship. He was a fantastic teacher and always had time for me during training. I fondly remember his promise of rewarding me (a...
George Abouyanni I knew Harry for over two decades, from being co-examiners, co-medical educators and co-standard setters for the RACGP as well as through work through the Medical Council of NSW, mainly at tribunals. Harry had a unique dry sense of humour. He was very observant (and would not miss an opportunity to translate any observation to a glance or an intelligent comment) and quite critical of any deviation in the high standards he had for general (medical ) practice. He will be remembered at AKT and KFP Standard Settings by his famous sentence "This is a question for the Woman's Weekly (magazine)" when candidates performed poorly in a particular question that he regarded as "bread and butter". Although he appeared to be hard on the candidates in the teaching sessions, he was actually trying to push them to the limit in order to upgrade their performance at the exams. His independent peer reports at medical tribunals were the most comprehensive I have ever seen, with numbered paragraphs and extensive footnote references. Goodbye my honest, keen and enthusiastic colleague. You fought courageously for both our College and in confronting your illness. May God rest you in His Eternal Repose!
As we recall family celebrations, Harry is remembered as a loving and dedicated family man. Our heartfelt condolences to Lindy, Hannah and Ella. Ron and Di Hazel
Dr Harry Nespolon, has been our family for last 15 years. I will never forget the kindness and compassion and care he showed. He helped me during some of my darkest hours and I am forever grateful to you. My two boys especially loved receiving your for special animal stamps you gave them after every visit. We always felt better after our appointmen...
While I did not know Harry well, I am deeply saddened and wish his family sincere condolences. He was courageous in many ways and will be missed. Thankyou
I first met Harry when I was a hopelessly naive junior staffer working for the Health Minister in the 1990s and he was working at the Federal AMA. I was in awe of his intellect and witty, articulate self-expression. He has been a tremendous advocate for General Practice which is desperately needed. I'm devastated to hear of his death which happe...
On behalf of the Council and Members of the Medical Benevolent Association of NSW, we would like to express our deepest condolences to Dr Harry Nespolon's family, friends and the RACGP. Throughout his leadership, Dr Nespolon demonstrated his commitment to affect genuine change and advocacy on behalf of the general practice profession. Dr Nespolon...
RACGP Communications To continue Harry’s great work, the RACGP has set up a In Memoriam page in his name. Donations made via this page will help establish a grant, scholarship or similar in honour of Dr Nespolon for the advancement of general practice in the areas that Dr Nespolon was most passionate.
Dr Nespolon was a caring, inspiring, effective leader - a terrible loss for us GPs. His decision to work whilst ill, in difficult times, is greatly appreciated. Deepest condolences to the family. May he rest in peace.
Thanks for being a wonderfully engaged, enthusiastic advocate for general practice - those of us early in our careers are indebted to you for the improvements you made and the example you were. Many condolences to the family
Vale Harry. We did our undergraduate training at Flinders in the same year, sometimes the same groups. And our paths crossed over the years. Always clever, caring and dedicated, basically a very decent and good person. Very sad news. A great loss to general practice and the RACGP. Condolences to his loved ones at their very sad time.
Harry and I met while he was president of the RACGP. I had the opportunity to interview him and although I didn't know him well, I got to know him well enough to know a few things. He wasn't afraid to stand up for what he believes in and speak out against something, even if it meant he was disliked. He was clear about his goals and his vision. He w...
Dr Harry Nespolon was an amazing advocate for General Practitioners and Primary Health Care. He achieved so much and made such a positive impact on our profession at many levels. Dr Harry will be greatly missed. Yet may his achievements live on and even in his absence, may we continue to build and grow from his legacy. My heartfelt condolences to D...
Dr Harry Nespolon, has been our family Doctor for last 15 years. I will never forget the kindness, compassion and care he showed. He helped me during some of my darkest hours and I am forever grateful to you. My two boys especially loved receiving your very special animal stamps you gave them after every visit. We always felt better after our appoi...
I had the privilege of frequently sitting next to Harry at our exam standard setting meetings. He always made the meetings so much more entertaining and enjoyable. I admired the strength of his convictions and opinions. His views were well respected, due to his experience, professionalism and intelligence. A meeting was never the same without H...
Listened to Dr Harry Nespolon through his regular podcast presentations & interviews during the covid pandemic. I have great admiration & respect for his hard work and continued advocacy for general practitioners & the medical community, especially working during his illness. Significant benefits have been achieved as a result, and he will be remem...
Found out the heartbreaking news this morning... my GP for 20 years, simply the best, even worth crossing the Harbour Bridge for. Thank you for all you have done for others and the difference you made to my Son’s and my life. Thank you for candid and frank conversations. I wish we had the chance to say goodbye... Wishing the best for your Wife and...
Terribly sad news of the premature death of Dr Harry Nespolon this week. Our thoughts are with Lindy, Hannah and Ella. I will leave his considerable achievements in medicine for others to describe and focus on some personal memories. Harry had been a close friend since we met at Flinders Medical School in 1981. We soon found we shared a passion f...
He was a real caring senior GP for the professionals. He tried hard to achieve some significant changes and all the GPs are getting that benefits. He was a true inspiring team leader. His contributions will be memorable for long time. I didn’t get the opportunity to meet him in real life. My prayers and thoughts are with him and for his beautiful ...
Harry was a great and effective leader who dedicated himself to the welfare of our College, profession and patients. He is a model for future Presidents and for all office bearers of the RACGP.
Charmaine Ludlow Our hearts are breaking as we say goodbye to our friend Harry . So many beautiful memories over 40 years . We can’t quiet believe we won’t hear your deep laughter or see your smile again . We will miss you Harry. Charmaine Michael Caitlin and Tori Ludlow
I worked with Harry on the GP Synergy board for many years. He had a huge amount of energy and drive, and was strongly engaged in ensuring the bright future for our profession through the training of GP Registrars. I watched in admiration as he continued to advocate for General Practice despite his illness. My sincere condolences to Harry's famil...
RIP Dr Nespolon. I have never managed in all the years that you have been my doctor to call you Harry, you will always be Dr Nespolon to me. Thank you for all that you have done for me and all your other patients. Thank you
I have been deeply saddened by the passing of Harry. I found him to be an excellent communicator, highly educated, experienced and very down to earth. Harry was understanding and thoughtful. He put an enormous amount of energy and enthusiasm into his role as President. He was inspiring in the way he led by example and continually advocated for us. ...
Dr H has had a profound and lasting impact on my life and for that I am eternally thankful. Thankful for knowing him and what he did for me and my family as his patients. He supported me through the birth of my 2 children, childhood illnesses, struggles with mental health and so much more. He kept us both physically and mentally well and I certain...
I had the privilege of knowing Harry in the many roles he held with RACGP and his early career at Chandlers Hill Surgery in Adelaide. 1. Harry as a GP - Harry worked in Adelaide as a GP in early 1990s. Such was the positive impression he left, many patients and staff at the practice still recall Harry's diligence and medical care he gave. 2. H...
I was one of the Flinders 1980-85 medical school “geriatric” students. It was good to see Harry for the first time in over 30 years at the RACGP GP19 conference in Adelaide in October 2019. We took up where we had left off many years ago. He looked well and said everything was good. I am not a GP (too hard); but am an associate member of the RACGP....
My sincere condolence to Harry and his family. Harry is a huge loss to the College and to his family. He was a natural leader and a great speaker. He has done an unbelievable service to the RACGP and the profession of General Practice. He continued to work hard even when he was sick and battling with the cancer. Harry you will be greatly missed but...
Vale Harry One of nature’s true gentlemen. Bright, witty, always able to see beyond the obvious to what could be. Then, Harry simply did whatever it took to create change. For the better, for the future, for every-one. A man admired and loved in different ways, in many circles. Deepest sympathies to his family, whom he so obviously adored, love...
Harry was my GP for nearly 20 years. He helped me through a number of health issues and always had a wonderfully direct manner. I last saw him on June 9th 2020 where he was totally focused on my health and the wider COVID situation, without any mention of his own obvious health issues. He was a wonderful man who cared deeply for his patients.
It has been a privilege to have known and worked with you, Harry. Your dedication and passion for general practice is unsurpassed and we are lucky to have you as our college president. I will miss your approachability, advice and jokes; most of all, I will miss hearing your voice greet your patients and your footsteps down the corridor at CBD. May...
Dr. Harry Nespolon, affectionately known as Dr. Harry in our family, will be remembered fondly and gratefully by our family. Harry treated 3 generations of our family over the last 2 decades. Whereas it is hard to find a family doctor of Harry’s competence and expertise, it is even harder to find one with such compassion for the elderly and childr...
Harry, I will miss your huge smile, your wisdom and your humour. You are sunshine and I have the best memories from my childhood and spending time with you. I still remember feeling so happy when your burgundy Honda Prelude or later your BMW rolled into the driveway and not just because I knew you would most definitely share your steak sandwich wit...
I have just read the tragic news of Dr Harry passing away. He was my GP, I am shocked, saddened and upset that such a wonderful, compassionate, generous, caring, kind doctor has passed away. He will be greatly missed. Deep sympathy to his beloved family.
Harry was a wonderful GP. He was kind, caring, a good listener, patient and generous with his time. He always gave great advice and with humour. He was very funny and made going to the doctor fun. I'll really miss Harry. He was one of a kind.
Hannah, I first met your dad when he made a surprise visit to South Africa for your 2nd birthday party... needless to say he won lots of daddy points with that ;-) You can be so very proud of your dad and you will enjoy hearing all the wonderful stories about him as you keep growing up. Big hugs to you, Ella and your beautiful mum xxx Love from S...
It is with great sorrow that we learnt of the tragic passing from our lives of Harry. I knew Harry first in his “AMA” phase in Canberra where he worked in the GP area and welcomed me and mentored my early interactions there. Many years passed since and we re-aquatinted at the 2018 RACGP Conference as he took the reins of that organisation and in...
I am fortunate enough have called Dr Harry my GP at Neutral Bay, from the very early days when he opened, approximately 18 years ago. As a GP he was without peer. When I saw him early this year and he didn't look well, I asked him what was wrong with him and he was very up front about his condition, which we both knew would have a poor prognosis, b...
Callie Morgan You never felt you had to be too serious or highbrow in Harry’s company. If you were honest, eager to work hard and up for a joke (usually at his expense) that seemed to be more than enough. I’m going to miss bumping into him around East Melbourne during Board meeting weeks and chatting to him about how atrociously Carlton were playing . The media & comms bunker at conferences won’t be the same without Harry there to surprise us with his taste in music (NWA and Ministry of Sound… what?!) or entertain us by sneaking cakes and lollies into serviettes for his little butterflies. Vale and thank you Harry.
Vale Harry - you were one in a million. Charged into the Presidency taking no prisoners, Set immediately to re-settling the landscape - firmly but respectfully, Won the respect and were listened to carefully, by every single stakeholder, Balanced the velvet glove and iron fist to perfection. Your love for general practice, its patients, and pote...
Brendan Murphy The Australian Government Department of Health was deeply saddened to lose Harry. He was a passionate, tireless and innovate supporter for Primary Care. He was on the job 24 hours a day until the end. A wonderful sense of humour, a fine leader and clearly a very talented doctor. Deepest Sympathy to his family. Brendan Murphy - Secretary, Department of Health
I have known Harry for many years as a family friend and was lucky enough to have him as my doctor in the past year. Harry’s considerate nature and wealth of knowledge made a huge impact on my life and I will be forever grateful. Doctor Harry you were such a selfless person and always made people feel valued. My condolences to Harry’s lovely family...
I have known Harry for many years. He was initially my doctor 15-20 years ago at his first Neutral Bay practice in the lane near the Post Office. One day I dropped in with an annoying mucus cyst in my mouth and, despite being closing time, Harry quickly cut it out and stitched me up - not an easy job inside my bloody mouth, but he did an excellent ...
Harry you wont be forgotten and your impact endures.
Remembering Dr Harry and the huge impact he had on my life. His contributions to the medical field and great insight will not be forgotten. It is an extreme loss. Thinking of his family at this time. “Glass half full”!
Dr Harry Michael Nespolon will always be remembered for his genuine character and proactivity as a Medical Educator, an Examiner and as President of the RACGP. May his memory be eternal!
Charmaine Ludlow I still have to pinch myself to believe Harry , who was a larger than life character , is no longer with us . His deep resonating voice and laugh are entrenched in my memory . We shared so many life experiences . Harry was a constant figure in my life . He is sadly missed by my whole family and especially by Mike who has lost his great mate . I see glimpses of Harry in Ella and Hannah .. and so his legacy continues . Much love to Lindy , Hannah and Ella .. for they are feeling so much pain .Sending hugs and kisses .. Charmaine Ludlow xx
Miss you would have added so much confidence, strength and wisdom to the times we are living through. Much love to Lindy and the