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Join MemoriesPlease feel free to share messages, photos, and videos to celebrate the life of our beloved Daniel Schafler.
Family and friends
Gila Brand
Ruth Schafler Daniel & his grandfather
Ruth Schafler Baby Daniel and Zaide Pesach
Eliza Schafler Daniel and Seth
Seth Schafler Seth, Daniel and baby Rena
Eliza Schafler Back row from left to right: Sol Edell, Joseph Edell, David Edell, Perry Schafler Middle row: Samuel Schafler, Nate Reisner, Sara Schafler, Daniel Schafler, Vivian Edell, Yale (Yechiel) Reisner, Malka Edell, Connie Reisner, Malka Reisner. Bottom row: Seth Schafler, Ethel Edell, Gila Schafler, Simcha Edell, Eliel Schafler, Avram Reisner, Ethelea Reisner, Joseph Edell.
Eliza Schafler Approximate date. Temple Gates of Prayer period.
Seth Schafler Schafler family with Paternal Grandma Ethel
Eliza Schafler
Eliza Schafler Seth, Rena, and Daniel
Seth Schafler Schafler family including Paternal Grandma Ethel and Mrs. Abutbul at Kotel at Seth’s Bar Mitzvah Daniel in middle
Eliza Schafler Schafler children and Avram Reisner.
Seth Schafler Daniel, Seth and Perry at Kotel for Seth’s Bar Mitzvah
Eliza Schafler USY Encampment 1970's
There are so many memories and pictures in my head, unfortunately I have only found 2 physical photos. One from North Adams and one from the surprise party we threw Daniel in 1972. I will keep looking for photos from our ski trips with Danny, Seth and Eliel. I have the signatures on my sweet 16 table cloth and if I figure out how to share with you...
Eliza Schafler Approximate date
Perry Schafler Gila and Daniel
Seth Schafler Standing in front of our house. Rena, Seth, Daniel and Perry
Eliza Schafler Closeup of Daniel and Seth on the front lawn.
Eliza Schafler Camp Ramah in the Berkshires
Eliza Schafler Daniel and Seth. Standing on the front lawn of their parents house. Photo taken by Sara. They were just coming home from camp.
Gila Brand Daniel and Ima Sara graduating together
Eliza Schafler Date approximate
Eliza Schafler Date approximate
Perry Schafler Daniel & Herbie at Seth & Robin's wedding. Daniel & Herbie at Seth & Robin's wedding
One memory in particular always makes me smile. It was the weekend of Elisheva’s Bat Mitzvah, at the end of January, 1994. All of the travelers had arrived long ago & everyone was settled in. It was time for Shabbat. Aunt Sara & I lit candles. Just then Daniel came bounding through the front door yelling “We made it! We made it!” Perry was ri...
Eliza Schafler Bris of nephew Samuel Schafler
Ruth Schafler Daniel and Ruth at Perry's wedding
Ruth Schafler Daniel & Ruth at Sara's Beacon Street home....
Ruth Schafler Daniel singing, "My Yiddishe Mama" at Ema's 70th Birthday Party... She cried....
Ruth Schafler Sara/Ema's wedding to Joe Kelman
Eliza Schafler Taken by Eliel. Date approximate.
Eliza Schafler Wedding of Daniel and Ruth
Ruth Schafler Sara, Daniel & Ruth after wedding
Ruth Schafler Daniel & Ruth wedding
Ruth Schafler Daniel & Ruth when Joey & Chava Elbaum visited - taken by Joey the photographer
Eliza Schafler Photo from Gila
I met Daniel after I met Ruth through a mutual friend, when I lived in Rhode Island. Daniel is the person who shared so many different books with me, one in particular changed my life. "A Path with Heart" by Jack Kornfield. I was interested in Buddhism (Zen at the time) and he handed me the book and suggested I read it, even though it was not on...
Perry Schafler Daniel reading to Yosef. Daniel and Ruth's house, Tiverton RI.
Eliza Schafler
Eliza Schafler Barbados trip with Ruth
Eliza Schafler 35th Annual Save the Bay Swim
Perry Schafler Daniel and Rena
Perry Schafler Daniel photo by Eliel
Eliza Schafler Tiverton Polar Plunge
Ruth Schafler Polar Plunge, Tiverton, RI - 50 degree water, 50 degree air temp.... not as cold as many years.....
Eliza Schafler Westchester Jewish Center Dinner Dance in honor of Robin and Seth
Eliza Schafler Noam Visit with Daniel
Eliza Schafler "Thanksgivaccah" with the Schaflers
Eliza Schafler Daniel and his mother Sara
Eliza Schafler Daniel's Visit to Israel
Eliza Schafler Wedding of Hanan and Maya
Eliza Schafler Last visit of Connie Reisner (below left) with younger sister Sara at the facility where Sara lived in her last years. Left to right -Daniel, Eli Pollack, Netanella Brand, Avram Reisner & Rena (Schafler) Hyman.
Netanella Brand Best times with dear uncle Daniel in RI
Eliza Schafler “Coolest Uncle.” -Rena
Eliza Schafler Ruth, Josh, and Daniel
Eliza Schafler
Eliza Schafler Bar Mitzvah of Yosef Schafler
Eliza Schafler
Ruth Schafler Hanan Brand visit to US
Ruth Schafler Gathering in NYC with family.... fun!
Eliza Schafler Wedding of Eliza and Adar
Shoshana Brown Daniel and Ruth came along on a Temple Beth El nature walk trip in Little Compton, RI in May of 2018.
Chava Elbaum Daniel and Ruth with Chava Elbaum. Taken in the backyard when Chava and Joey visited Tiverton in May 2018. It was a beautiful day and a lovely visit.
Eliza Schafler Daniel and Mark Elber
Daniel, I love you forever, before, during, and after the 26 years with you on this Earth, your true love and soul mate, brought together by God..... and I see now you are still with me... so glad.....
Perry Schafler
Daniel was asked several times to be the President of his temple, but he declined. It was just not appealing to him and he was the Vice President, which suited him .
Ruth Schafler UPDATED (with VP of temple and Book Store owner): I thought this would give people an idea of what my true love, Daniel, was up to in the career parts of his life....
Eliza Schafler This is a voicemail message from Daniel to Robin to congratulate her and Seth on the birth of their grandson, Gideon.
Words from Daniel’s first cousin Ethelea Katzenell: "My first-cousin Danny was a sensitive man with a beautiful face who loved Nature and lived in its midst. He also loved Ruth, whom I’ve never met, but she must be great, having won his heart and loved his soul. He left us too soon through no fault of his own. Only God knows why…Yet, we’ll never fo...
Words from Temple Beth El in Fall River: “It is with profound sadness that we relate the passing this past Tuesday, December 8th, of our dear Temple Beth El member, friend, and vice president of the board of directors, Daniel Schafler. Daniel met and befriended Rabbi Mark and myself in the fall of 2013, just after we arrived in Fall River, and we w...
Perry Schafler Eulogy for Daniel Schafler Z'l by his brother Perry Schafler 12 10 2020
(Transcription of eulogy for my dear brother Daniel Schafler a'h, by Perry Schafler) Daniel, How could you be torn from us so soon? It's not just that you were only 66, and nowadays people are living into their 80's and 90's, or that your truly beloved companion, Ruth, cries for her love and her soulmate; that all the plans for post-covid travel...
Andrea Werechson Some of the special memories I have in my heart of Danny Schafler. Andrea (Kramer) Werechson
Andrea Werechson Warm memories of Danny Schafler Danny was a special part of my teenage years and part of the Temple Gates Youth program that was so central in the lives of so many of us (not by chance on the Zoom of his funeral at least a dozen from our youth group tears participated- a testimony as to who Danny was in our lives- not to mention the place of the youth group which his father Rabbi Sam Schafler played in our lives). Through the years we corresponded but unlike many, Danny was looking to build a bond which was not just a virtual relationship or a relationship based on bringing up only "the good old days". He was looking to continue the bond as adults. In February 2005 I had told him that I was coming to see my Mom who had fallen and had broken her hip and was in a rehab establishment in Monsey N.Y. One day while there I heard a voice calling out to me: Andrea- Hi! I looked but to be honest didn't really recognize him as the last time I had seen him we were teenagers. When Danny told me that it was him, I looked at him and said: But you live in Rhode Island- what are you doing here? His response," I wanted to be able to get to see you and I was always fond of your Mom". I have to admit that I was floored by his simple way of putting things- as if it was just the natural thing to do to travel hours to see an old friend and to comfort her mother. During that visit he also saw Ruth Weinstein who was also from Temple Gates of Prayer who also happened to be a patient there (her son Mark lives near Monsey as well so she was also there). He took this photo of me with my Mom and with Ruth Weinstein as well as of Debbie (Silverman) Laufer and Debbie's son who live nearby who had also come to see me and my Mom. After the visit we went out to eat with Danny and Debbie and her family. After that we continued corresponding but also getting together when we were able to- both at sad times- Eliel's funeral and Shiva but also at happy times- Hannan's wedding. In recent years we videoed and communicated on WhatsApp was well. (He got a kick out of the fact that one of my grandson's names is Daniel and took a lot of interest in him). My last correspondence with him was on Friday December 4th, 2020 where I had shared a story about my grandson. His last message to me was: Thanks for sharing and caring. He had a very special soul and will always be remembered fondly by so many. May his memory be forever maintained in the hearts of so many as his place in our hearts was so special for all the years that he was alive. יהיה זכרו ברוך Andrea (Kramer) Werechson
Will be adding this to his resume: "2013-12/2020 Member of Touro Fraternal Association - Member - Since it’s founding in 1918, Touro Fraternal Association has offered Jewish men a sense of fraternalism, community and belonging. They have regular events, gala fundraising dinners (for spouses also) in order to provide resources to those in...
Daniel’s personal interests, things he loved doing (have photos of a lot of these): - loved mornings, making great coffee, sipping it with a bagel on the front porch or back deck (have photos), chatting/sharing thoughts on anything…. Had a thing where, because our kitchen had some narrow areas he would rub past me trying to be funny… in a very cu...