Marcus Cheong From the year Chris was born he added so much to the family. Now we had a cousin we could play games, party, travel and of course eat together.
Heather Wright Ok, I know these are all just photos of food, but this is how I best remember Chris. When Steph and I were roommates in Beijing we were constantly spoiled by Chris with really fantastic, high quality meals. Sometimes the boyfriend of a roommate can be an annoyance, but that was never the case then. Chris was a friend, a rock. At one of the most difficult periods of my life, Steph and Chris were there with friendship and, always, great food.
Heather Wright Chris and I were flying from Beijing to Hong Kong to meet up with Steph and friends for a fun, summer weekend. I hate flying and Chris would quickly realize that was no exaggeration. When we encountered turbulence (in my mind equivalent to imminent doom), Chris reached over and held my hand. For me, this memory is so indicative of who Chris was - a guy who without even thinking would hold his girlfriend's roommate's hand as she lost it during light turbulence. Chris was the best.
David Lewis Always with a smile and always a kind word to say about people. Put on the best food at your house parties. Missed & loved by all, sleep tight mate. Will see you for a whiskey on the rocks someday ❤️💕❤️💕
Sammie Milne Whenever Chris and Steph came back to Hong Kong on holiday, we would see each other; but there was always that ‘one night’ – the annual get-together usually in December around Christmas. So much fun – food and wine always top of the agenda. Suited me. I loved our conversations and especially our bond over different types of (mainly Asian) cuisine. I will never forget what a genuinely nice guy Chris is and what a wonderful husband and father he was to Steph and Rhys. Never forgotten.
Michele Heggli Chris lived life to the fullest extent. Wherever I met him and Steph in the world it was always a good time: from eating oysters and drinking wine at Bondi Beach, to skiing in Whistler, to champagne brunch in Singapore. I will always remember Chris's loyalty, his generosity, and what a great husband he was to my friend. He will be missed.
Derek Lo Chris and I only became close after having kids. Rhys & Maddie were only 2 weeks apart. When we started on our journey of fatherhood together, we would meet nearly every week at a new restaurant or at each other's place so we could exchange our parenting stories together, allow the kids to play (which means nothing when all they could do was sleep), or to simply just get out of the house. I remember this picture well. We were at Boomarang, Roberston Quay. Maddie needed several diaper changes and I didn't manage to have much of my meal. Chris graciously offered to look after Maddie whilst simultaneously feeding Rhys, just so I could have my lunch. This moment was typical Chris - generous, thoughtful, and an effortless Dad. Maddie, Jamie and I miss you dearly.
Rob Saville Chris and I trained BJJ at lot together at FAMA in Singapore. His strength was off the charts but he would always use restraint in using it. This was the day I received my blue belt and Chris had already received his earlier that month. We were so pleased for each other as we spent many hours together rolling around and practicing to get this “small piece of blue cloth” in his words. His love of BJJ and martial arts was clear. He truly loved porrada (sparring/fighting) at the end of classes and would have a big smile on his face at all times during those session. During one “roll” Chris managed to wrist lock me using his chin and I can still remember him giggling whilst doing it. I really owe a lot to Chris as a fantastic friend and training partner. He was kind enough to invite me into his training group at the start of the pandemic, when we were training in groups of 8. All those people are good friends of mine now and I thank Chris for that.
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