🕯 Colleen lit a candle When we look to the night skies you will be the brightest star, and when those who love you look up, they will know that your love will always be in their hearts. Rest in Peace beautiful lady.
Mr Jason Menezes
Memories forever My Bubba, I miss your laughter, smiles, love and affection every day. Life is going to be very hard without you sharing it with me. I will love you forever, "to infinity and beyond". We had such fun and happy times and so many adventures that I will never forget. When my time comes to leave this earth, I know you will be waiting fo...
Mr Jason Menezes
Mr Jason Menezes
Mr Jason Menezes
Mr Jason Menezes
🕯 Diana Churchill lit a candle To my Beautiful sister i miss you everyday my heart aches. Just to hug you and kiss you is my wish every day. I love you with all my heart. Cannot ever forget you Love your sister for always Diana.
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