🕯 Stef & Dan lit a candle To the Gifford family, We are so sorry to hear your lose, losing a loved one is neaver an easy time. But remember a person that departs from this earth, never truly leaves. For they are live on in your hearts and minds. Through his family, Barry lives on. With love on this sad occasion, Stef & Dan and your ext...
Mrs Colleen Gifford
🕯 Stef & Dan lit a candle
🕯 Tammy Gifford lit a candle
Mrs Colleen Gifford
🕯 Raelene Baldwin lit a candle
🌷 Stef & Dan gave a flower
🕯 Tammy Gifford lit a candle
Mrs Colleen Gifford
Mrs Colleen Gifford
Mrs Colleen Gifford
🕯 Philip Bradley lit a candle Thinking of you all at this sad time. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Jill Philip and family
🕯 Jennifer Blake lit a candle Our deepest sympathy and thoughts are with you all at such a sad time. Jen and family xx
🕯 Amanda Strid (Gifford) lit a candle
🕯 Karen lit a candle
🕯 Grant Bourne lit a candle Our thoughts are with you and the family in this very sad time.
Grant Bourne
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Family and friends