Annette Renee Bailey 04-25-1960 12-12-2020 This timeline was created for memories of my sister Annette Renee Bailey of Roscommon Michigan who Passed away December 12, 2020 . If you have a memory no matter what it may be . Please leave it here . Photos you may have of Annette . My niece Renee would like to make a memory book and pitcher book of her mama to have at her celebration of life this summer @ Knif LK . It would be great for everybody to read the memories at the celebration. At that time while everyone is looking through the memory book or pitcher books . You will be welcome to add your memory to them Renee will have a lot of pics there with friends and family to leave memories . Let’s flood it for them🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻. God bless . please share share share. Pitchers too don’t forget . Hope to see ya there . When Renee has a date for the celebration of life . It will be posted here and on Facebook .Doing her best to give plenty advance . God bless, Hope to see you there . YOUR LIFE GAVE US MEMORIES TO BEAUTIFUL TO FORGET . ❤️❤️❤️
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