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Join MemoriesThis memorial has been built for Ann (aka Ani) Sharon's family and friends to connect online and share their personal memories and stories.
Family and friends
Scott Martin
Married to Tom Martin for 54 years from 1962 to 2016
Started studying Counseling Psychology at San Jose State University and John F. Kennedy University from 1973 to 1998
Started studying M.A. Counseling Psychology at John F. Kennedy University from 1995 to 1998
Michele Lei Love you, Ani (and Tom)! Like · Reply · 1 · February 25 at 7:35pm Melanie Cauble Melanie Cauble Aw...peace to you all. Thank you for all your wonderful, caring support. You made a difference to me. heart emoticon Like · Reply · 1 · February 26 at 12:30am Melanie Cauble Melanie Cauble Thank you Tom for letting us know. I've thought of An...
Ani was a wonderlul co-leader for the Licensed Therapist support group. Her gentle nature and sincere interest in people made it easy for everyone to share. Her presence made the group a success. Mary Jo Trusso