Ehsan Hamza My whole writing will be images. Make sure you read it. This is the history of the making of me. MWAH
DEAR IMRAN OF THE FUTURE THIS IS U OF THE PAST I HOPE U ARE enjoying the college life.Also my dream as of this moment is to be a robotics engineer.I hope u are in the school that can achieve that.Lastly, i hope mom isn't sick or passed on or in ethiopia like how she says occasionally and that my nephew and niece are great young children and that ev...
NURUDDIN Ahamed Dear Future me, The world will become more worse, Dear Future me, Hold onto your religion and don't let anyone shake it, Dear Future me, Hold steadfast onto your Faith, Dear Future me, Always fear Allah and remember he is watching you, Dear Future me, Always remember to keep your gaze low, Dear Future me, Don't associate partners with Allah, Dear Future me, Don't disrespect your parents, Dear Future me, Keep good relations with your kith and kin, Dear Future me, Don't earn through Haraam means, Dear Future me, Know that real success is in the Aakhirah, Dear Future me, Please don't chase the dunya, Dear Future me, Allah plans the best for you, So don't be worried, Dear Future me, Check you relationship with Allah, Dear Future me, Then don't worry, It is good either you die or live, The mumin has both this world and the hereafter, Dear Future me, Be consistent on you dhikr, Dear Future me, Don't let the disbelievers weaken you, Dear Future me,
Alhuda Hub Dear future Eleeyas... I'm about to finish my first year of Highschool in 2 weeks. Exams are soon, and Im planning to spend my summer mostly doing Aviation Studies and start my journey to get my Private Pilot License, maybe I got it, maybe I didn't. These 2 years, school has been different because of the Corona Virus. School was online for the whole world, for me it was nothing new, I've been doing school online for 3-4 years now, maybe more. I got to meet very wonderful classmates, Suhaib, Ehsan, Udeen, Hamid, Nabiel and many more were my friends I hope by now I did, I hope by now at least I got a job/business. I hope by now I have completed the memorization of the Quran. I hope by now I got a family, a home, a car, and a successful life. If not, maybe something tragic happened, or I chose a different lifestyle. I want to thank my parents and family for helping me and taking care of my whole life. I want thank my friends and colleagues for helping me in my journey to "The School". Videos above are one of my favorite times of my life.
12:10pm 06/11/2021 WE MADE IT THIS IS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL I AM SO HAPPY This school year was fun ngl. It was online so it had its pros and cons, but over all alhamudlilah It was fun. :)
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